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Impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: First results from the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment

The Global Land-Atmosphere Climate Experiment-Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (GLACE-CMIP5) is a multimodel experiment investigating the impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 projections. We present here first GLACE-CMIP5 results based on five Earth System Models, focusing on impacts of projected changes in regional soil moisture dryness (mostly increases) on late 21st c

Strategy-proof allocation of multiple public goods

This paper characterizes strategy-proof social choice functions (SCFs), the outcome of which are multiple public goods. Feasible alternatives belong to subsets of a product set $${A_{1} imes cdots imes A_{m}}$$ . The SCFs are not necessarily “onto”, but the weaker requirement, that every element in each category of public goods A k is attained at some preference profile, is imposed instead. Admiss

Description of new specimens of Halisaurus arambourgi BARDET & PEREDA SUBERBIOLA, 2005 and the relationships of Halisaurinae

Halisaurine mosasaurs are poorly known, represented by a small number of specimens from the Santonian-Maastrichtian (similar to 86 Ma - similar to 66 Ma), but enjoyed broad palaeobiogeographic distribution during that time. They are important for understanding mosasaur evolution because certain aspects of their morphology retain the relatively plesiomorphic or minimally modified squamate condition

Quantitative hydrogen analysis in minerals based on a semi-empirical approach

Hydrogen normally occurs as hydroxyl ions related to defects at specific crystallographic sites in the structures, and is normally characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For quantification purposes the FTIR technique has proven to be less precise since calibrations against independent methods are needed. Hydrogen analysis by the NMP technique can solve many of the problems, due to the low

Method development for the determination of Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb in PM2.5 particles sampled in industrial and urban areas of Greater Cairo, Egypt, using high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry is not adequate for the determination of some potentially hazardous trace elements, such as Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb at low concentration in PM2.5 atmospheric aerosol particles. Therefore, a method has been developed for the determination of these elements in atmospheric aerosol particles using high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace ato

B regulatory cells are increased in hypercholesterolaemic mice and protect from lesion development via IL-10

Whilst innate B1-B cells are atheroprotective, adaptive B2-B cells are considered pro-atherogenic. Different subsets of B regulatory cells (B-reg) have been described. In experimental arthritis and lupus-like disease, B-reg are contained within the CD21(hi)CD23(hi)CD24(hi) B cell pool The existence and role of B-reg in vascular disease is not known. We sought to investigate the existence, identity

Light vector meson production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV ALICE Collaboration

The ALICE experiment has measured low-mass dimuon production in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV in the dimuon rapidity region 2.5 < y < 4. The observed dimuon mass spectrum is described as a superposition of resonance decays (eta, rho, omega, eta', phi) into muons and semi-leptonic decays of charmed mesons. The measured production cross sections for omega and phi are sigma(omega)(1 < p(t) < 5 GeV/

African farm dynamics and the sub-continental food crisis – the case of maize

This is a longitudinal study of smallholder farm dynamics in eight African countries, drawing on a sample of more than 3000 farm households. It deals with influences on smallholder maize production at three different levels: micro, meso and macro. Although the study points to inadequately exploited production potentials and a production system based primarily on self-provisioning the drivers behin

Platelet activation and anti-phospholipid antibodies collaborate in the activation of the complement system on platelets in systemic lupus erythematosus.

Anti-phospholipid (aPL) antibodies are important contributors to development of thrombosis in patients with the autoimmune rheumatic disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The underlying mechanism of aPL antibody-mediated thrombosis is not fully understood but existing data suggest that platelets and the complement system are key components. Complement activation on platelets is seen in SLE p

Belt-Shaped pi-Systems: Relating Geometry to Electronic Structure in a Six-Porphyrin Nanoring

Linear pi-conjugated oligomers have been widely investigated, but the behavior of the corresponding cyclic oligomers is poorly understood, despite the recent synthesis of pi-conjugated macrocycles such as [n]cycloparaphenylenes and cyclo[n]thiophenes. Here we present an efficient template-directed synthesis of a pi-conjugated butadiyne-linked cyclic porphyrin hexamer directly from the monomer. Sma

Narkissos bortom klyvnaderna

Myten analyseras som gestaltningar av klyvnaderna mellan ord och mening (språk och värld), kunskap och illusion, man och kvinna, jag och icke-jag. Det är klyvnader som kan hänföras till Platon.

The effect of temperature on the adiabatic burning velocities of diluted hydrogen flames: A kinetic study using an updated mechanism

The effect of temperature on the adiabatic burning velocities of diluted hydrogen flames has been analyzed using an updated version of the Konnov detailed reaction mechanism for hydrogen. The contemporary choice of the reaction rate constants is provided with the emphasis on their uncertainties, and the analysis of the performance of the updated mechanism is presented and compared to the previous

Uppföljnings- och dokumentationsprojektet Limnologen : Översikt och delprojektrapporter i sammanfattning

Rapporten ger inledningsvis en kort bakgrund och sammanfattning av de uppföljnings- och dokumentationsprojekt som genomförts vid byggandendet av sveriges högsta moderna bostadshus i trä - kv. Limnologen. De delprojekt som genomförts behandlar plan- och projekteringsprocessen, träbyggandets klimatpåverkan, montage- och logistik, stomresning, akustik, svikt, vibrationer, deformationsmätningar, sluta

A facile method for expression and purification of the Alzheimer's disease-associated amyloid beta-peptide

We report the development of a high-level bacterial expression system for the Alzheimer's disease-associated amyloid beta-peptide (A beta), together with a scaleable and inexpensive purification procedure. A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42) coding sequences together with added ATG codons were cloned directly into a Pet vector to facilitate production of Met-A beta(1-40) and Met-A beta(1-42), referred t

It´s all about keeping quiet – using focus group interviews to understand the everyday life of researchers in order to support their research

This paper describes how focus group interviews were used in a project on developing research support services. The object of the interviews was to understand the everyday lives of researchers and the obstacles they experience in their research process. Advantages and challenges of the method are discussed, e.g. the benefits of the interaction and the free form that the method allows for and the c

Oxygen interaction with the Pd(112) surface: From chemisorption to bulk oxide formation

We investigated the interaction of oxygen with the Pd(112) surface from ultrahigh vacuum up to 5 mbars oxygen partial pressure in a temperature range from 523 to 673 K. We combined in situ surface x-ray diffraction with scanning tunneling microscopy, high-resolution core-level spectroscopy, and low-energy electron diffraction. A structural model of the clean Pd(112) is proposed based on the x-ray-

On Rapid Releases and Software Testing

Large open and closed source organizations like Google, Facebook and Mozilla are migrating their products towards rapid releases. While this allows faster time-to-market and user feedback, it also implies less time for testing and bug fixing. Since initial research results indeed show that rapid releases fix proportionally less reported bugs than traditional releases, this paper investigates the c