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Formation of amylose-lipid complexes and effects of temperature treatment. Part 2. Fatty acids.

This article is the second part of research on amylose-lipid complexes, where the first article dealt with monoglycerides. Here, a variety of fatty acids with chain lengths between 3 and 22 carbons and with varying degree of unsaturation were studied regarding their ability to form amylose-lipid complexes. In the present paper it is intended to investigate the formation of different fatty acid- am

How do Hawkmoths Learn Multi-Modal Stimuli? A Comparison of Three Models

The moth Macroglossum stellatarum can learn the color and sometimes the odor of a rewarding food source. We present data from 20 different experiments with different combinations of blue and yellow artificial flowers and the two odors, honeysuckle and lavender. The experiments show that learning about the odors depends on the color used. By training on different color—odor combinations and testing

Photography and temperature measurements from a remotely piloted vehicle

Radio-controlled model planes are useful when carrying out photography, especially from low altitudes, and meteorological soundings (air temperatures in boundary layers). Soundings were carried out with a system which stored the measured data on board the plane pending evaluation after the flight. The payload of the plane was a camera and equipment for measuring temperature and air pressure (altit

Modelling ''clean rain'' treatments in acidified soils - EXMAN project results

The SAFE dynamic model was applied to a ''clean rain'' roof experiment performed within the EXMAN project. In the experiment ambient throughfall was removed and replaced with artificial ''clean throughfall''. Input of S, N and H to the forest ecosystem was reduced by 75-100%. The results of the modelling show, that the time scales of model predictions and experiments are the same. The change in ba

Outcomes in couple therapy: Reduced psychiatric symptoms and improved sense of coherence

In Sweden, only a few empirical studies of couple therapy have been performed. This is the hitherto most comprehensive assessment of clinical treatment. Effectiveness of treatment is reported and compared with non-clinical ratings. Initially the couples displayed marital distress, many psychiatric symptoms, dyadic interactions characterized by high criticism and a low sense of coherence. In Sweden

Bayes' theorem and its applications in animal behaviour

Bayesian decision theory can be used to model animal behaviour. In this paper we give an overview of the theoretical concepts in such models. We also review the biological contexts in which Bayesian models have been applied, and outline some directions where future studies would be useful. Bayesian decision theory, when applied to animal behaviour, is based on the assumption that the individual ha

Development of polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers for polyploid and diploid members of the orchid genus Dactylorhiza

Dactylorhiza traunsteineri is an allotetraploid species that belongs to the large Dactylorhiza incarnata/maculata polyploid complex of the Eurasian genus Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae). Here, eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated using selective hybridization according to the FIASCO protocol (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats) with slight modifications. The number of

Calbindin D28k exhibits properties characteristic of a Ca2+ sensor.

Calbindin D28k is a member of the calmodulin super-family of Ca2+ -binding proteins and contains six EF-hands. The protein is generally believed to function as a Ca2+ buffer, but the studies presented in this work indicate that it may also act as a Ca2+ sensor. The results show that Mg2+ binds to the same sites as Ca2+ with an association constant of approximately 1.4 x 10(3) M-1 in 0.15 M KCl. Th

Means of transportation to work and overweight and obesity: A population-based study in southern Sweden.

Objectives. To investigate the association between means of transportation to work and overweight+obesity and obesity. Methods. The 2004 public health survey in Sk (a) over circle ne is a cross-sectional postal questionnaire study of the population aged 18-80 with a 59% response rate including 16,705 employed participants. Results. Forty-six percent of men and 26.6% of women were overweight (BMI

Simulation of stroke-related damage in cultured human nerve cells

We describe a novel cell culture protocol for the generation of neurons from a human teratocarcinoma cell line. These neurons were used to investigate hypoxic-ischaemic cell damage and for developing neuroprotective strategies. Cultures of human model neurons should eventually serve to reduce the number of experimental animals in cerebral stroke research.

Arterial oxygen saturation and diving response during dynamic apneas in breath-hold divers

Competitive breath-hold divers try to achieve maximum times, depths, or distances underwater, thereby risking hypoxic syncope. In the present study, the cardiorespiratory responses to dynamic apnea (simultaneously initiated apneas and dynamic leg exercise) were investigated in 10 breath-hold divers. The divers performed 60 s dynamic apneas with the face in air (A) or face immersed in cold water (A

Conformation and dynamics of ribosomal stalk protein L12 in solution and on the ribosome

During translation, the ribosome and several of its constituent proteins undergo structural transitions between different functional states. Protein L12, present in four copies in prokaryotic ribosomes, forms a flexible "stalk" with key functions in factor-dependent GTP hydrolysis during translocation. Here we have used heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy to characterize L12 conformation and dynamics i

Model cellulose films exposed to H-insolens glucoside hydrolase family 45 endo-cellulase - the effect of the carbohydrate-binding module

The effects of enzyme structure and activity on the degradation of model cellulose substrates were investigated by ellipsometry for the cellulase Humicola insolens GH45. The inactive variant D10N was found to adsorb at the cellulose surface but also to be incorporated into the cellulose films to an extent that depended on pH. For the native protein, the initial adsorption monitored for the inactiv

Human short-term repopulating cells have enhanced telomerase reverse transcriptase expression.

Telomerase activity has been suggested to be critically involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal. However, it has been unclear whether human HSCs have telomerase activity and how telomerase activity is regulated within the HSC and progenitor pool. Here, we isolated living cord-blood (CB) CD34+ cells with up-regulated human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression by using

Safe lung preservation for twenty-four hours with Perfadex

The function of six porcine left lung allografts was studied after pulmonary (140 mL/kg) and bronchial (50 mL/kg) artery perfusion with Perfadex (Kabi Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) at room temperature, followed by 24-hour storage of the lungs in an atelectatic state in 6 degrees to 8 degrees C Perfadex, which is a low-potassium-dextran solution. Left lung transplantation was done followed by right p

Time-Resolved Studies of Light Propagation in Crassula and Phaseolus Leaves

Time-resolved transmittance was used to extract in vivo optical properties of leaves of green plants experimentally. In time-resolved transmittance measurements an ultrashort light pulse is directed onto the surface of the object and the transmitted light is measured with a time resolution in the range of picoseconds. A table-top terawatt laser was used to generate 200 fs light pulses at 790 nm wi

Successful transplantation of lungs topically cooled in the non-heart-beating donor for 6 hours

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to transplant lungs that had been topically cooled in the non-heart-beating donor for 6 hours, using the most challenging evaluation method possible, namely single-lung transplantation followed by immediate contralateral pneumonectomy. METHODS: Domestic pigs were used (6 donors and 6 recipients) with a mean body weight of 59 +/- 3 kg. Ventricular fibrillation