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Tema: Barnavårdsmodeller i Europa. Vilket System är bäst?
Att ha språket i sin hand: Vad gester avslöjar om vuxen andraspråksinlärning
Angle-resolved electron spectroscopy of the resonant Auger decay in xenon with meV energy resolution
The angle-resolved resonant Auger spectrum of Xe is investigated with a record high meV energy resolution in the kinetic energy region of 34.45-39.20 eV at hv = 65.110 eV, corresponding to the resonant excitation of the Auger Xe* 4d(5/2)(-1)6p state. New lines have been observed and assigned in the spectra. The results of previous measurements concerning energies, intensities and angular distribut
Possibilities of Using Fetal Hemoglobin as a Platform for Producing Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers (HBOCs).
The expression levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in bacterial recombinant systems are higher compared with normal adult hemoglobin (HbA). However, heme disorientation in globins are often observed in recombinant production processes, both for HbA and HbF, although the degree of heme oriental disorder is much lower for HbF. In addition, the heme disorientation can be converted to a normal conformati
Poster: Usage of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist - Analysis of Compliance with a Safety Intervention and Posssible Improvements
Conditions for and development of an information technology-support tool for manufacturing cost calculations and analyses
Molecular Classification of Bladder Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i urinblåsan är ett stort hälsoproblem i Sverige och världen. Det är den femte vanligaste cancerformen i Sverige och är den som belastar sjukvården med högst kostnader per patient. Ungefär tre fjärdedelar av de drabbade är män och patienterna är oftast kring 60-80 år gamla. Den behandling vi idag kan erbjuda en person som drabbas av blåscancer har inte förändratsDecisions in the treatment of bladder cancer today are based on clinical and pathological risk variables such as tumor stage and tumor grade. The importance of these conventional risk variables is well documented since more than 10 years, and they are used routinely in the clinics. Over the last ten years, cancer research has seen a gradual transition towards personalized medicine, i.e. the exploi
Inconsistent condom use among Ugandan university students from a gender perspective: a cross-sectional study.
Background : Feminization of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has been a prominent phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa. Inconsistent condom use among young people is one of the major risk factors in the continued propagation of the epidemic. Therefore, it is of importance to increase knowledge of gender aspects of condom use among young people. Objective : To investigate whether gender differences regarding ind
Overcoming Drug Resistance and Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer.
Most of the prostate cancers (PCa) in advanced stage will progress to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Within CRPC group, 50-70% of the patients will develop bone metastasis in axial and other regions of the skeleton. Once PCa cells spread to the bone, currently, no treatment regimens are available to eradicate the metastasis, and cancer- related death becomes inevitable. In 2012, it i
E-handelns virtuella geografi. Om förtroende och tillit på Tradera.
Proteome-wide selected reaction monitoring assays for the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes.
Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (SRM-MS) is a targeted proteomics technology used to identify and quantify proteins with high sensitivity, specificity and high reproducibility. Execution of SRM-MS relies on protein-specific SRM assays, a set of experimental parameters that requires considerable effort to develop. Here we present a proteome-wide SRM assay repository for the gram-posi
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Monitoring Arthritis - Biochemical, Metodological and Clinical Aspects
Arthritides are musculoskeletal diseases, which predominantly affect the joints e.g. osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Modern treatment strategies include early detection and careful monitoring of the disease course. Close monitoring is also the basis for individualized treatment. Monitoring should be done using methods reflecting different aspects of the disease to get a broad pe
Serine/arginine-rich protein 30c activates human papillomavirus type 16 L1 mRNA expression via a bimodal mechanism
Two splice sites on the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) genome are used exclusively by the late capsid protein L1 mRNAs: SD3632 and SA5639. These splice sites are suppressed in mitotic cells. This study showed that serine/arginine-rich protein 30c (SRp30c), also named SFRS9, activated both SD3632 and SA5639 and induced production of L1 mRNA. Activation of HPV-16 L1 mRNA splicing by SRp30c re
Epidemiology of MRSA in southern Sweden: strong relation to foreign country of origin, health care abroad and foreign travel
All notified MRSA cases in SkAyenne County have been followed since 2000. We have investigated the MRSA epidemiology over time, method of acquisition, whether some spa types are more prone to spread, and/or cause more infections, and the connection between spa type and country of acquisition/origin. All cases between 2000 and 2010 were included. Infection or colonization and the presence of PVL ge
Gradient-Based Model Predictive Control in a Pendulum System
Model predictive control (MPC) is applied to a physical pendulum system consisting of a pendulum and a cart. The objective of the MPC controller is to steer the system towards precomputed, time-optimal feedforward trajectories that move the system from one stationary point to another. The sample time of the controller sets hard limitations on the execution time of the optimization algorithm in the
Effect of geometrical contraction on vortex breakdown of swirling turbulent flow in a model combustor
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) studies of isothermal and incompressible turbulent swirling flows in a model gas turbine combustion chamber geometry have been carried out. The focus is on the effect of outlet geometry contraction on the vortex breakdown structure and the precessing vortex core in the chamber. Nine different outlet geometries with different contraction ratio C-r are considered. The res
Multidisciplinary programme for stress-related disease in primary health care.
Objective: To describe a multidisciplinary program, given by an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist, for patients with stress-related disease in primary health care and to measure the effect of this program in terms of self-perceived health, degree of burnout, physical activity, symptoms, recreational activities, and psychological and physical well-being. Method: Retrospective study. Re
Protein receptor-independent plasma membrane remodeling by HAMLET: a tumoricidal protein-lipid complex.
A central tenet of signal transduction in eukaryotic cells is that extra-cellular ligands activate specific cell surface receptors, which orchestrate downstream responses. This ''protein-centric" view is increasingly challenged by evidence for the involvement of specialized membrane domains in signal transduction. Here, we propose that membrane perturbation may serve as an alternative mechanism to