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MEN1 gene mutations in 12 MEN1 families and their associated tumors
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant inherited tumor syndrome characterized by the development of multiple endocrine tumors. The gene responsible for the disease, termed MEN1 gene. has recently been isolated and germline mutations have been described in affected MEN1 individuals. Twelve unrelated (German MEN1 families and their associated tumors (5 parathyroid tumors
Metabolic abnormalities related to cardiovascular risk in primary hyperparathyroidism : effects of surgical treatment
OBJECTIVES: Untreated primary hyperarathyroidism (pHPT) is accompanied by an excessive morbidity in circulatory disorders, associated with blood pressure and diabetes. The aim of the present study was to further penetrate the impact of pHPT on glucose, urate, lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, known to be interrelated metabolic cardiovascular risk factors.DESIGN: Longitudinal study of patients
Measurement of parathyroid hormone in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism undergoing first and reoperative surgery
BACKGROUND: The distinction between solitary parathyroid adenoma and hyperplasia can sometimes be difficult during surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT), especially in patients who have undergone previous thyroid or parathyroid surgery. The use of intraoperative parathyroid hormone (PTH) monitoring as a possible diagnostic tool was therefore investigated.METHODS: Intraoperative levels of
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Moving from some Italian case law the article analyses several aspect linked to the transfers of undertaking such as its legal notion (and its differences between the transfers of a plurality of goods), the right to raise a legal claim following the Italian civil procedure and the consequences of the violation of the information duty of the trade unions.
Ekonomisk-politiska institutioner och fördelningspolitiska konflikter
Taking Children's Perspectives in Qualitative Research
Knowledge externalities and firm heterogeneity: Effects on high and low growth firms
Knowledge externalities affect high and low growth firms differently. The paper develops two theoretical arguments. The knowledge equilibrium argument postulates that knowledge externalities weaken high growth firms for the benefit of low growth firms until performance differences vanish. The knowledge competition argument claims that high growth firms are in a better position to identify, attract
Porträttlik freakshow
Krönika om HBO-serien "Feud"
The elder law individual versus societal dichotomy - a European perspective
Assembly: A Survey of Recent Artists’ Film and Video in Britain
Assembly: A Survey of Recent Artists’ Film and Video in Britain 2008–2013. Tate Modern. London (2013)
Exploring store format development and its influence on store image and store clientele–the case of IKEA’s development of an inner-city store format
A changed technological landscape and radically changed consumer behavior are forcing retailers to rethink their business models, retail formats, and retail offerings. The global retailer IKEA is no exception in this development. Recently, the traditional IKEA format, which has been so successfully duplicated across the world over the years, has been complemented with other formats that are new an
Air pollution and dementia
Alumnen som gav sitt universitet en "stuga" : Till 140-årsminnet av ett viktigt riksdagsbeslut
Biografisk artikel om Eskilander Thomasson (1829-1891), docent, borgmästare och riksdagsman, med fokus på dennes insats vid riksdagen 1877 till förmån för ett nytt universitetshus i Lund.
Måste vi ta det onda med det goda eller måste vi välja? Om övervakning som samhällsproblem
What are the Benefits and Harms of Ureteroscopy Compared with Shock-wave Lithotripsy in the Treatment of Upper Ureteral Stones? A Systematic Review
Context: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) and ureteroscopy (URS), with or without intracorporeal lithotripsy, are the most common treatments for upper ureteric stones. With advances in technology, it is unclear which treatment is most effective and/or safest. Objective: To systematically review literature reporting benefits and harms of SWL and URS in the management of upper ureteric st
"The Spirit of 1914": A Redefinition and a Defense
The received wisdom has long been that people in Europe reacted with great enthusiasm as war was approaching in August, 1914. However, scholars who have investigated the matter have found little evidence of enthusiasm. There was no unique “spirit of 1914,” and people in general were not happy about the prospect of war. This revisionist thesis is now the new orthodoxy and should as such be subject The received wisdom has long been that people in Europe reacted with great enthusiasm as war was approaching in August, 1914. However, scholars who have investigated the matter have found little evidence of enthusiasm. There was no unique “spirit of 1914,” and people in general were not happy about the prospect of war. This revisionist thesis is now the new orthodoxy and should as such be subject
Processing negation in a miniature artificial language
Vocational situation and experiences from the work environment among individuals with neuromuscular diseases
BACKGROUND: Neuromuscular diseases (NMD) can affect the ability to be employed and to work, but there is limited knowledge of individuals' own perspectives of factors that are important for their vocational situation. OBJECTIVE: To explore the vocational situation among people with NMD that are employed, and to describe their experiences of how their disability, personal and environmental factors
Extremely different behaviours in high and low body weight lines of chicken are associated with differential expression of genes involved in neuronal plasticity
Long-term selection (>45 generations) for low or high body weight from the same founder population has generated two extremely divergent lines of chickens, the low (LWS) and high weight (HWS) lines, which at the age of selection (56days) differs by more than nine-fold in body weight. The HWS line chickens are compulsive feeders, whereas, in the LWS line, some individuals are anorexic and others ha