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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

Antifungal activity of local anesthetics against Candida species

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the activity of benzydamine, lidocaine, and bupivacaine, three drugs with local anesthetic activity, against Candida albicans and non-albicans strains and to clarify their mechanism of activity. METHODS: The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for 20 Candida strains (18 clinical isolates and two American Type Culture Collection strains). The fungistatic act

Amphiregulin acts as an autocrine survival factor for adult sensory neurons

We studied the effect of amphiregulin on axonal outgrowth and survival in sensory neurons in organ cultured and dissociated mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Amphiregulin at 20 ng/ml stimulated axonal outgrowth in both preparations. The EGF receptor inhibitor AG1478 inhibited outgrowth at 10 mu M but not at 1 mu M, where it abolished the stimulatory effects of amphiregulin. Fluoro-Jade staining and

Long-term outcome of meniscectomy: symptoms, function, and performance tests in patients with or without radiographic osteoarthritis compared to matched controls

OBJECTIVE: To describe the long-term influence of meniscectomy on pain, functional limitations, and muscular performance. To assess the effects of radiographic osteoarthritis (OA), gender and age on these outcomes in patients with meniscectomy. DESIGN: 159 subjects (35 women), mean age 53 years, were examined 19 (17-22) years after open meniscectomy. Self-reported symptoms and function were assess

Severe hypophosphatasia: Characterization of fifteen novel mutations in the ALPL gene

Hypophosphatasia is an inherited disorder characterized by defective bone mineralization and deficiency of serum and tissue liver/bone/kidney alkaline phosphatase (L/B/K ALP) activity. We report the characterization of ALPL gene mutations in a series of 11 families from various origins affected by perinatal and infantile hypophosphatasia. Sixteen distinct mutations were found, fifteen of them not

Clinical rating of dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease: use and reliability of a new rating scale

Drug-induced dyskinesias (DID) manifested as hyperkinetic and/or dystonic movements or postures are common problems in Parkinson's disease (PD). Novel therapeutic interventions may offer possibilities to counteract these common adverse effects of an otherwise necessary treatment. To be able to evaluate the effects of such interventions on DID, reliable and relevant clinical assessment tools are ne

The effect of shaking regime on the rate and extent of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose

In an attempt to elucidate the effect of mixing on the rate and extent of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic substrates, alpha -cellulose was hydrolysed using a commercial cellulase preparation at varying levels of substrate concentration (2.5,5 and 7.5% (w/v)) and by using three shaking regimes: continuous at low-speed (25 rpm), continuous at high-speed (150 rpm) and an intermittent regime compri

The declining spadefoot toad Pelobates fuscus: calling site choice and conservation

We investigated whether local biotic and abiotic conditions could explain the occurrence of calling males of the declining spadefoot toad Pelobates fuscus in 72 ponds in southern Sweden. The ponds covered the entire distribution range of P. fuscus and were monitored during the breeding season in 2000. Calling males were found in 33 ponds. representing ca 50% of all known ponds for the species ill

Effects of soil moisture on soil solution chemistry, biomass production, and shoot nutrients in two native grasses on a calcareous soil

Two native grasses, Festuca ovina of dry and Agrostis stolonifera mainly of moist habitats of calcareous grasslands, were studied in an experiment with the objective of elucidating the effect of soil moisture level on soil solution chemistry, biomass production and shoot mineral nutrients. Eight levels of moisture, corresponding to 30-100% of the water-holding capacity (WHC) of the soil, were test

Enhanced acetylcholine and P2Y-receptor stimulated vascular EDHF-dilatation in congestive heart failure

OBJECTIVE: Congestive heart failure (CHF) is accompanied by impaired peripheral blood flow and endothelial dysfunction with decreased release of nitric oxide (NO). Strong evidence supports the existence of another vasodilatory substance, endothelium derived hyperpolarising factor (EDHF), which has not previously been studied in CHF. METHOD: CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation resultin

Maternal androgens in the pied flycatcher; timing of breeding and within-female consistency

Maternal hormones can have substantial phenotypic effects in the progeny of many vertebrates. It has been proposed that mothers adaptively adjust hormone levels experienced by particular young to optimize their reproductive output. In birds, systematic variation in egg hormone levels has been related to different female reproductive strategies. Because in many bird species prospects of the offspri

Large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed flames using level-set G-equation

Level-set G-equation and stationary flamelet chemistry are used in large eddy simulation of a propane/air premixed turbulent flame stabilized by a bluff body. The aim was to study the interaction between the flame front and turbulent eddies, and in particular to examine the effect of sub-grid scale (SGS) eddies on the wrinkling of the flame surface. The results indicated that the two types of turb

Quasi-Lie structure of σ-derivations of C[t^+-1]

Hartwig, Larsson and Silvestrov in [J.T. Hartwig, D. Larsson, S.D. Silvestrov, Deformations of Lie algebras using σ-derivations, J. Algebra 295 (2) (2006) 314–361] defined a bracket on σ-derivations of a commutative algebra. We show that this bracket preserves inner derivations, and based on this obtain structural results providing new insights into σ-derivations on Laurent polynomials in one vari

Ethanol potentiates serotonin stimulated inositol lipid metabolism in primary astroglial cell cultures

Serotonin-stimulated activation of phospholipase C in primary astroglial cell cultures was studied as a mean of evaluating the effect of acute ethanol exposition on this signal transduction system. The addition of 50-150 mM ethanol prior to stimulation with 10(-5) M serotonin led to a potentiation of the serotonin-induced [3H]-inositol phosphate formation and an increased incorporation of [3H]-ino

Enzymatic degradation of carboxymethyl cellulose hydrolyzed by the endoglucanases Cel5A, Cel7B, and Cel45A from Humicola insolens and Cel7B, Cel12A and Cel45Acore from Trichoderma reesei.

Enzymatic hydrolysis of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) has been studied with purified endoglucanases Hi Cel5A (EG II), Hi Cel7B (EG I), and Hi Cel45A (EG V) from Humicola insolens, and Tr Cel7B (EG I), Tr Cel12A (EG III), and Tr Cel45Acore (EG V) from Trichoderma reesei. The CMC, with a degree of substitution (DS) of 0.7, was hydrolyzed with a single enzyme until no further hydrolysis was observed.

Rapid test, throat culture and clinical assessment in the diagnosis of tonsillitis.

Objectives. Our aim was to identify a group of patients with clinical signs of tonsillitis to whom antibiotics could be prescribed without further diagnostic actions, and to compare the outcome of clinical assessment with the result of an antigen detection test using culture as the gold standard. Methods. During two winter months, patients aged >=4 years attending for sore throat at three primary

Effect of beta-glucuronidase on urinary benzodiazepine concentrations determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay

In samples from patients treated with oxazepam, beta-glucuronidase increased the immunoreactivity of urinary benzodiazepines analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA). Increasing concentrations of beta-glucuronidase added to samples from drug-free controls did not influence the results. In the absence of beta-glucuronidase, 22 of 35 samples from patients undergoing detoxification ga

The evolutionary history of the common chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and A. suecica.

The evolutionary history of the common chloroplast (cp) genome of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent A. thaliana was investigated by sequencing 50 fragments of cpDNA, resulting in 98 polymorphic sites. The variation in the A. suecica sample was small, in contrast to that of the A. thaliana sample. The time to the most recent common ancestor (T-MRCA) of the A. suecica cp

Induced hypothermia in critical respiratory failure after lung transplantation

Primary graft failure after lung transplantation is a serious complication with high mortality. We present 2 cases of critical respiratory failure after lung transplantation treated with surface cooling to 32 degrees and 35 degrees C, respectively, as an adjunct to conventional intensive care. Both patients were discharged from the hospital in good clinical condition. Surface cooling may be an eff