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Your search for "*" yielded 530893 hits

Levels of Retinal Amyloid-β Correlate with Levels of Retinal IAPP and Hippocampal Amyloid-β in Neuropathologically Evaluated Individuals

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have used immunohistology to demonstrate Alzheimer's disease (AD) characteristic accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) in the retina of AD patients, a finding indicating retina examination as a potential diagnostic tool for AD pathology. OBJECTIVE: To further explore this idea by investigating whether levels of Aβ42 and Aβ40 in retina are associated with corresponding levels

International Trade and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants

We examine if international trade improves labor market integration of immigrants in Sweden. Immigrants participate substantially less than natives in the labor market. However, trading with a foreign country is expected to increase the demand for immigrants from that country. By hiring immigrants, a firm may access foreign knowledge and networks needed to overcome information frictions in trade.

Peer Gender and Mental Health

Adolescent mental health is key for later well-being. Yet, causal evidence on environmental drivers of adolescent mental health is scant. We study how an important classroom feature---the gender composition in compulsory-school---affects mental health. We use Swedish administrative data ($N=576,285$) to link variation in gender composition across classrooms within cohorts to mental health. We find

Straffansvar vid atypiska sinnestillstånd

This doctoral thesis examines the attribution of criminal responsibility in Swedish law in cases where the defendant committed an act during an atypical mental state, e.g. psychosis. In nearly all criminal justice systems, a severe mental disorder can activate special rules that excuse or exempt the defendant. Accountability, or the capacity to be responsible, is a fundamental requirement for crim

The Design Science Paradigm as a Frame for Empirical Software Engineering

Software engineering research aims to help improve real-world practice. With the adoption of empirical software engineering research methods, the understanding of real-world needs and validation of solution proposals have evolved. However, the philosophical perspective on what constitutes theoretical knowledge and research contributions in software engineering is less discussed in the community. I

Assessing Capacity to Decide on Medical Treatment: On Human Rights and the Use of Medical Knowledge in the Laws of England, Russia and Sweden

To provide a valid consent to – or refusal of – medical intervention, a patient must be legally capable to decide. This dissertation evaluates and compares when the assessment of mental abilities to refuse – or consent to – somatic medical intervention is required in England, Russia and Sweden, and what criteria must be applied to assess the ability to decide about somatic medical interventions in

Association of Maternal Regulatory Single Nucleotide Polymorphic CD99 Genotype with Preeclampsia in Pregnancies Carrying Male Fetuses in Ethiopian Women

Preeclampsia (PE) is a human specific syndrome with unknown etiology causing maternal and fetal morbidities and mortalities. In PE, maternal inflammatory responses are more exaggerated if the fetus is male than female. Other pregnancy complications such as spontaneous abortions are also more common if the fetus is male. Recent transcriptome findings showed an increased expression of CD99 in erythr

Creative activities as intervention in mental health. Exploring the concept and the occupational value of creative activities as intervention

This thesis focuses on describing the concept of creative activities as intervention (CaI) and the occupational values experienced in doing CaI. Creative activities are frequently used as interventions in occupational therapy and are associated with subjective health and wellbeing. There is a lack of clarity in the definitions of the concept and there is no research presented regarding the experie

Stadskärnan utan butiker - normaltillståndets återkomst?

När fotografier från två epoker i en stadskärna jämförs kan det konstateras att perioden med mycket detaljhandel (1960-2000) kanske var en parantes. På bilder från perioden 1900-1930 visar det sig närmligen att stadskärnans skyltar domineras av caféer, verkstäder, livsmedel, skrädderier, skomakare mm. Så om vi nu är på väg in i ett stadskärna som präglas av närproducerat, reparationer, möten, co-c

Reactions with radioactive beams and development of scintillator-based detector systems

An experiment on elastic scattering of 15 C on 208 Pb at an energy of 65 MeVwas performed at ISOLDE (CERN) exploiting the advantages of the ISOL te-chinique. The measurement showed in increase of the reaction cross section to3035 mb with respect to 12 C, confirming the results obtained at 80 MeV/u. Mea-surements to characterise and develop detector modules for the CALIFA setupwas performed for the

Vid världens ände : Sultanens sändebud och hans berättelser om 1700-talets Sverige

När sultanens sändebud Mehmed Said Efendi äntligen stiger i land i Stockholm sommaren 1733 hälsas han av – enligt egen utsago – ”druvklasar” av åskådare, kanonsalvor och en ståtlig kortege. Resan hade tagit mer än ett halvår och hemma i Istanbul rådde politisk oro efter att den reformvänlige och tulpanälskande sultanen Ahmed III störtats.Historikern Joachim Östlund återskapar atmosfären och miljön

Spinal cord injury in zebrafish induced by near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses

BACKGROUND: The spinal cord is composed of a large number of cells that interact to allow the organism to function. To perform detail studies of cellular processes involved in spinal cord injury (SCI), one must use repeatable and specific methods to target and injure restricted areas of the spinal cord.NEW METHOD: We propose a robust method to induce SCI in zebrafish by laser light. With a 2-photo