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Your search for "*" yielded 532180 hits

Approximation Algorithms for the Geometric Firefighter and Budget Fence Problems

Let R denote a connected region inside a simple polygon, P. By building barriers (typically straight-line segments) in P∖R, we want to separate from R part(s) of P of maximum area. All edges of the boundary of P are assumed to be already constructed or natural barriers. In this paper we introduce two versions of this problem. In the budget fence version the region R is static, and there is an uppe

Congenital malformation in offspring of female cancer survivors : A national cohort study

Current evidence on congenital malformations in the offspring of cancer survivors is largely inconsistent. Therefore, through this study we aimed to explore the prevalence of congenital malformations in the offspring of cancer survivors. To this end, female cancer survivors were identified from the Swedish Cancer Register and were further linked to the Swedish Medical Birth Register and Hospital D

Real fire data : Fires in non-residential premises in London 1994-1997

A detailed fire investigation of most fires occurring in the greater London area has been underway since 1994. The present study concerns 307 fires in non-residential buildings there between 1994 and 1997. The cause of the fire, the means of discovery, the times to detection, to arrival of the fire brigade and to extinguishing the fire, the size of fire and the process of extinguishing it are inve

Language and the brain – Exploring fast-tracks for learning new languages

the research investigates how students perceive new approaches within language teaching. The background to the project is that students enrolled in the MA program in Middle Eastern Studies had to learn Arabic quickly, to be able to do field work and operate within Arabic speaking contexts. But beyond exploring new ways for students to pick up Arabic at a fast pace, Barhoum and Avery believe that t

Disruptive Network Innovation in Free Guided Tours

This article provides an analysis on how disruptive innovation is spurred by the dynamics of digital and analogue networks in the sharing economy. The analysis builds on a free guided tour company in Copenhagen. Data is collected in a bottom-up reiterative process, drawing on theories on disruptive innovation and network theory. Between 2013 and 2016, one of the free tour companies in Copenhagen w

Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric states in scenarios with compressed mass spectra at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in scenarios with compressed mass spectra in final states with two low-momentum leptons and missing transverse momentum is presented. This search uses proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015-2016, corresponding to 36.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at s=13 TeV. Events with same-

An analytical solution to study substrate-microbial dynamics in soils

We provide an approximate analytical solution for the substrate-microbial dynamics of the organic carbon cycle in natural soils under hydro-climatic variable forcing conditions. The model involves mass balance in two carbon pools: substrate and biomass. The analytical solution is based on a perturbative solution of concentrations, and can properly reproduce the numerical solutions for the full non

The positive net radiative greenhouse gas forcing of increasing methane emissions from a thawing boreal forest‐wetland landscape

At the southern margin of permafrost in North America, climate change causes widespread permafrost thaw. In boreal lowlands, thawing forested permafrost peat plateaus (‘forest’) lead to expansion of permafrost‐free wetlands (‘wetland’). Expanding wetland area with saturated and warmer organic soils is expected to increase landscape methane (CH4) emissions. Here, we quantify the thaw‐induced increa

Dickkopf-related protein 1 and gremlin 1 show different response than frizzled-related protein in human synovial fluid following knee injury and in patients with osteoarthritis

Objective: To explore the involvement of the wingless-type MMTV integration site (WNT) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1), frizzled-related protein (FRZB) and gremlin 1 (GREM1) in knee injury and osteoarthritis (OA). Design: The antagonists were immunoassayed in synovial fluid from a cross-sectional cohort of nine knee healthy reference subjects, pat

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of 36 blood group alleles among 396 Thai samples reveals region-specific variants

BACKGROUND: Blood group phenotype variation has been attributed to potential resistance to pathogen invasion. Variation was mapped in blood donors from Lampang (northern region) and Saraburi (central region), Thailand, where malaria is endemic. The previously unknown blood group allele profiles were characterized and the data were correlated with phenotypes. The high incidence of the Vel-negative

Public talk on personal troubles : A study on interaction in radio counselling

Denna doktorsavhandling undersöker samtal om personliga problem i mötet med en specialist i radio. I synnerhet handlar studien om den dynamiska process då förståelse skapas – när upplevelser av personliga bekymmer förklaras och definieras som problem av särskilda slag. Denna meningsskapande process undersöks i detalj så som den utspelar sig i dialoger i radio och mellan programdeltagare och radiolThe dissertation examines how personal troubles are talked about in an encounter with a professional on the public arena of radio broadcasting, where the professional has to meet the challenge of making professional advice not only useful for the person seeking help, but also relevant or interesting for the radio audience. The study explores the dynamic process of shaping an understanding of probl

Maternal immunization increases nestling energy expenditure, immune function, and fledging success in a passerine bird

Female birds transfer maternally derived antibodies (matAb) to their nestlings, via the egg yolk. These antibodies are thought to provide passive protection, and allow nestlings to avoid the costs associated with mounting an innate immune response. To test whether there is an energetic benefit to nestlings from receiving matAb, we challenged adult female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) prior t

Refugee Status Determination in the Context of 'Natural' Disasters and Climate Change : A Human Rights-Based Approach

This thesis is concerned with refugee status determination (RSD) in the context of ‘natural’ disasters and climate change. Considering evidence that the legal predicament of people who seek recognition of refugee status in this connection has been inconsistently addressed by judicial bodies in leading refugee law jurisdictions, and identifying theoretical as well as doctrinal impediments to a cleaThis thesis is concerned with refugee status determination (RSD) in the context of ‘natural’ disasters and climate change. Considering evidence that the legal predicament of people who seek recognition of refugee status in this connection has been inconsistently addressed by judicial bodies in leading refugee law jurisdictions, and identifying theoretical as well as doctrinal impediments to a clea

A process for estimating minimum feature size in selective laser sintering

Purpose: Manufacturer specifications for the resolution of an additive manufacturing (AM) machine can be ten times smaller (more optimistic) than the actual size of manufacturable features. Existing methods used to establish a manufacturable design rule-set are conservative piecewise-constant approximations. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a first-order model for producing improve