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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Heparin-binding protein (HBP/CAP37): A missing link in neutrophil-evoked alteration of vascular permeability

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration into tissues in host defense and inflammatory diseasecauses increased vascular permeability and edema formation through unknown mechanisms.Here, we report the involvement of a paracrine mechanism in neutrophil-evoked alteration inendothelial barrier function. We show that upon neutrophil adhesion to the endothelial lining,leukocytic 2 integrin signaling tri

Ultrasonic-trap-enhanced selectivity in capillary electrophoresis.

We combine ultrasonic trapping and capillary electrophoresis (CE) with the goal to detect ultra-low concentrations of proteins via size-selective separation and enrichment of antibody-coated latex spheres. An 8.5 MHz standing ultrasonic wave is longitudinally coupled into the sub-100-small mu, Greekm diam capillary of the CE system. Competition between acoustic and viscous forces result in in-flow

Studies of vector tomography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrunden till den här avhandlingen är att man vill utveckla en ny mammografimetod, som utnyttjar ultraljud. När en tunn stråle av kontinuerligt ultraljud träffar en partikel, till exempel en blodkropp, som rör sig, så uppstår en reflektion. Frekvensen av den reflekterade signalen är inte densamma som för den utsända. Signalen har fått ett så kallat Dopplerskift, där fThe motivation to study the kind of problems appearing in this thesis has been ultrasound measurements of flows, from which velocity spectra along lines can be determined. These velocity spectra can mathematically be described by a new non-linear transform, here called the Doppler Spectral Transform (DST). The Doppler spectral transform has a very rich theory, into which some steps are taken here

Endocardial expression and functional characterization of endothelin-1

Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a 21 amino acid peptide exerts a wide range of biological activities including vasoconstriction, mitogenesis and inotropic effects on the heart. In this study, we examined whether endocardial endothelial cells express ET-1 and evaluated its functional properties. Using immunofluorescence localization method, we demonstrated cytoplasmic staining of ET-1 in the human endocardial

Intrauterine infection may be a major cause of stillbirth in Sweden

Aim of the study. To investigate intrauterine infection as a cause for unexplained stillbirth. Methods. Chorioamnionitis was studied in a material of stillbirths (117 subjects from the years 1985-1994) from a region in the south Sweden. Control material (126 alive and healthy newborns and with healthy mothers) was gathered from the same region. Results. Chorioamnionitis was a common diagnosis bo

Biases in the recovery and interpretation of micropalaeontological data

Bias caused by collecting and processing bulk samples is largely independent of what fossil clade or mineral is searched for. Instead, different methods bias the data to a different, frequently very large, degree. Furthermore, biases accumulate with each recovery step, and the sum may be extreme unless appropriate methods to minimize it are employed. The effects depend on what the data are used fo

An improved numerical method of calculating the striation thinning in static mixers

An improved method of calculating the rate of striation thinning for laminar flow in a static mixer has been developed. The shapes of the objects studied are reconstructed using elliptic Fourier descriptors, allowing discrimination between true changes in shape and noise due to discretization errors. The method also allows one to choose the level of complexity in the objects to be reconstructed wh

Influence of the compression ratio on the performance and emissions of a mini HCCI engine fuelled with diethyl ether

Power supply systems play a very important role in applications of everyday life. Mainly, for low power generation, there are two ways of producing energy: electrochemical batteries and small engines. In the last few years many improvements have been carried out in order to obtain lighter batteries with longer duration but unfortunately the energy density of 1 MJ/kg seems to be an asymptotic value

Wavelet-based noise reduction for improved deconvolution of time-series data in dynamic susceptibility-contrast MRI.

Dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI requires deconvolution to retrieve the tissue residue function R(t) and the cerebral blood flow (CBF). In this study, deconvolution of time-series data was performed by wavelet-transform-based denoising combined with the Fourier transform (FT). Traditional FT-based deconvolution of noisy data requires frequency-domain filtering, often leading to excessive

Navigating towards sustainable development: A system dynamics approach

Traditional fragmented and mechanistic science is unable to cope with issues about sustainability, as these are often related to complex, self-organizing systems. In the paper, sustainable development is seen as an unending process defined neither by fixed goals nor by specific means of achieving them. It is argued that, in order to understand the sources of and the solutions to modern problems, l