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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

A simple correlation-corrected theory of systems described by screened Coulomb interactions

We present a simple correlation-corrected density functional treatment of dispersions containing macroions, where these are assumed to interact via screened Coulomb potentials, as given by Debye-Hückel theory. A straightforward mean-field description even fails to qualitatively capture important correlation effects displayed by such systems. However, if an effective, correlation-corrected potentia

Relaxed circadian rhythm in zooplankton along a latitudinal gradient

To test whether aquatic invertebrates are able to adjust their diel migratory cycle to different day length and presence of predators, we performed standardized enclosure experiments in shallow lakes at four different latitudes from southern Spain, with strong night-day cycles, to Finland where daylight is almost continuous during summer. We show here that nearly continuous daylight at high latitu

Multidose pharmacokinetics of factor IX: implications for dosing in prophylaxis

The aim of this study was to investigate the use of single-dose pharmacokinetic data for factor IX (FIX) to predict multidose pharmacokinetics and explore their use for pharmacokinetic dosing in prophylactic treatment of haemophilia B. Eight patients with severe haemophilia B were enrolled. Using single-dose pharmacokinetic data for each patient, plasma factor IX procoagulant activity (FIX:C) curv

Increased rates of psychosis among immigrants to Sweden: is migration a risk factor for psychosis?

Background. Previous studies have shown high rates of psychosis among Afro-Caribbean immigrants to the UK and immigrants to the Netherlands. Rates of schizophrenia-like psychoses (SLP), i.e. schizophrenia or other non-affective psychosis, among the native-born and immigrant populations were assessed in Malm, the city in Sweden with the highest proportion of immigrants.Methods. All adult patients a

A comparison of the rheological properties of wheat flour dough and its gluten prepared by ultracentrifugation

Ultracentrifugation has been used as a tool for separating dough into different phases and as dough can be described as a bicontinuous system, gluten forms one phase, and starch another. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using ultracentrifugation to extract gluten from dough. By using this method disadvantages such as excess washing, drying and reconstitution of dried glut

Effects of nutrient level on maternal choice and siring success in Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae)

Plants have evolved many mechanisms to increase the chance of gene dispersal mainly through pollen and environmental factors play an important role. Understanding the mechanism behind gene dispersal is therefore crucial in the correct evaluation of the use of genetically modified crops for cultivation. In this paper we address the question of weather nutrient availability for the female affects th

Early amniocentesis and congenital foot deformities

Objective: Several studies have shown an increased risk of congenital foot derformities after early amniocentesis. These studies have comprised amniocenteses performed before 13 completed gestational weeks. In this study, the risk of foot deformities after amniocentesis performed at 12-14 completed gestational weeks was determined. Methods: 3,469 genetic amniocenteses in singleton pregnancies perf

Evidence-based medicine in HBP surgery: Is there any?

Background. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has become widely accepted as a basis for clinical decision in many fields of medicine. This review examines the specific role of EBM in hepato-biliary and pancreatic (HBP) surgery. EBM relies on four main sources, including clinical guidelines, meta-analyses, primary information and clinical experience. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) constitute the c

The predictive value of prostate cancer biomarkers depends on age and time to diagnosis: Towards a biologically-based screening strategy

Both benign and malignant prostate diseases elevate total prostate-specific antigen (tPSA), and the incidence of benign disease increases markedly with age. There is evidence, however, that free-to-total PSA ratio (%fPSA) and human kallikrein 2 (hK2) more closely reflect the malignant process. We tested the hypothesis that tPSA levels are more strongly predictive of cancer in younger when compared

Proposed core set of outcome measures in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: 5 year follow up.

Objective. To clarify the spontaneous course of important disease manifestations (a core set of outcome measures) over a period of 5 years in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS), and to analyze predictors of unfavorable outcome. To test the usefulness of the recently proposed core set of outcome measures. Methods. A cohort of patients with primary SS according to the American-European c

Personality and the perception of health in the general population

Background. Several population-based studies have shown that self-perceived health is a powerful predictor of health outcomes. The extent to which self-perceived health is associated with personality characteristics is, however, largely unknown. We aimed to study the relationship between self-perceived health and personality among adults in the community. Method. Data were drawn from the Midlife D

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a function of state anxiety in healthy individuals

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was examined in relation to state and trait anxiety in healthy individuals. Time-frequency analyses of HR-power spectrum in the high frequency region (0.12-0.40 Hz), related to RSA, were examined in 43 women and 39 men. Based on median split, the participants were divided into high and low state and trait anxiety groups. The main result showed that high state anx

Speciation in a ring

The evolutionary divergence of a single species into two has never been directly observed in nature, primarily because speciation can take a long time to occur. A ring species, in which a chain of intergrading populations encircles a barrier and the terminal forms coexist without interbreeding, provides a situation in which variation in space can be used to infer variation in time(1-3). Here we re

Norm negotiations. The construction of new norms regarding gender and development in EU foreign aid policy

The aim of this article is to explain norm change regarding gender and development in the EU. I trace the policy process from initiation to implementation to clarify how new norms were introduced and spread. The article combines a constructivist approach to norm diffusion with a negotiation perspective. Constructivist accounts underline the role of norm entrepreneurs and how they persuade others t

Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder With Amphetamine: Short-Term Effects on Family Interaction.

Objective: This research seeks to study the impact on family function after 3 months of treatment with amphetamine. Method: A total of 43 children, 6 to 11 years of age, with ADHD were treated with amphetamine for 3 months. Family function was studied before and after treatment by parent self-rating and independent observer ratings of videotaped parent—child interactions. Results: The families wit

Mucosal changes in the gastric remnant: long-term effects of bile reflux diversion and Helicobacter pylori infection.

Objective Bile reflux is thought to be responsible for reflux gastritis and stump carcinoma occurring after partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer. Gastritis and gastric carcinoma are also correlated with Helicobacter pylori. The aim of this study was to investigate whether diversion of enteric reflux and the presence of H. pylori infection alter long-term histological developments in the gastric re

Arylsulfatase B is present in crystalloid-containing granules of human eosinophil granulocytes

Eosinophil granulocytes are characterized by large crystalloid-containing granules whose major contents of highly cationic proteins may play a role in allergic reactions and parasitic infections. Human eosinophils are also rich in arylsulfatase B whose enzymatic activity is localized to a population of small type cytoplasmic granules and used as a marker for such organelles. We utilized immunoelec