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Norms and Interests in the EU's 'Strategic Partnership' with Russia

This thesis examines the tension between norms and interests in the European policy on Russia, looking specifically at how this tension manifests itself in the EU's relation to Russia. This is being analysed with the help of two theoretical approaches; the norm-driven and the interest-driven approach. The empirical examination indicates that while the interest-driven approach is explaining the

Välfärdsstad i förändring-Idéburna organisationers roll i dagens socialpolitik

The Swedish society and welfare model are under constant changes and development. One of the core areas in this welfare model is the social policy. By analysing the changing role of the organizations in the civil society on a local level with a theoretical typology changes in the roles can be noted. These changes can with a model for ideal types raice questions about bigger changes concerning iss

Their fates matter - A study on the role of democracy for growth and welfare in India and China

In this thesis, I compare the economic development between one democracy, India, and one autocracy, China. The idea is to see whether democracy has anything to do with economic development in terms of growth and welfare. To my disappointment, I have found that democracy does not have a big impact on economic development. Instead, it seems that the economical development depends on the economical p

Politiskt deltagande i förändring. En studie av det politiska deltagandets former och orsaker i Älvkarleby kommun.

The means to political participation at the local level in Sweden are changing and this change is analyzed through a case study. The first aim is to explore the forms of public political participation in Swedish municipal Älvkarleby, namely public question time in local government, citizen motions and open meetings. A part of this is also to analyze he every day contact between citizens and repres

Regional frihandel med miljöhänsyn? En studie av regionala frihandelsavtals förhållningssätt till konflikten med miljön

The relationship between free trade and the environment is often considered conflicting and the debates surrounding it are infected. My thesis deal with this conflict and how environmental concerns are integrated in three regional free trade agreements, North American Free Trade Agreement, The common market of the southern cone (MERCOSUR) and Southern African Development Community (SADC). I point

Immigrants and Healthcare A rights-based utilitarian approach

Thousands of immigrants are currently residing in Sweden on illegal grounds. These people, along with asylum seekers, have very restricted access to state subsidized healthcare. The Swedish government has presented no clear motivation for this policy. The purpose of our study is to argue that all immigrants should get access to complete state subsidized healthcare. We will, as a basis for our argu

SECURITIZATION OF IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM: A Critical Look at Security Structure in Europe

Recent events suggest that cultural and economic differences between ?natives? and ?foreigners? in Europe tend to produce violence. This is because of the presentation of immigrants and refugees as a security problem in Europe. This thesis looks at the subject of immigration and asylum as securitized by recourse to xenophobic and stereotype-based political discourses and social practices of actors

Dop i helig Ande : Om hur initiationen in i tron sker och på vilket sätt människan mottar den helige Ande

Uppsatsens frågeställning: Jag vill ta reda på hur initiationen in i den kristna tron sker och hur människan tar emot den helige Ande. Bakgrunden till detta är den pingstteologisk inställningen, att man först blir kristen och sedan döpt i helig Ande. Beskriver Bibeln, och framför allt Apostlagärningarna den kristna initiationen på detta sätt? Vad innebär det för dem som lever i det nya förbundet a

Exploring policy space: Interactions between policy instruments on household energy efficiency. The case of domestic cold appliances in Germany

Household energy efficiency policy in Germany gets more and more differentiated since an increasing number of policy instruments targeting various fields of application are imple-mented and proposed by policymakers. Therefore, overlaps between such policy instruments become more likely. On the one hand, positive overlaps may allow realising synergies like an increased effectiveness or reduced cost

Germany, Italy and the Reform of the UN Security Council. A multi-level analysis approach

The point of departure of the present study is the recent debate about the reform of the UN Security Council. Two EU members, i.e. Italy and Germany, have actively taken part in such debate and have presented two contrasting reform proposals. Germany claims a permanent seat whereas Italy pushes for a system of regional representation with a view to make room for the EU after a true common foreign

Det romska återtagande av sin identitet - En undersökning av identitetspolitik hos romska organisationer i EU

This thesis is concerned with investigating the Roma, a group that is left out in most of the territory bound theories. The theoretical purposes are to develop theories that increase the understanding for the Roma as a diasporic nation without state and the advocacy networks they are organised in. The main empirical purpose has been to study two organisations as cases and how they position themsel

Fictional Sisters: An examination of sisters and sisterhood in I Capture the Castle and The Brontës Went to Woolworths

This essay tries to explore the dynamics of sisterhood as an important narrative aspect in Dodie Smith´s I Capture the Castle (1949) and Rachel Ferguson´s The Brontës Went to Woolworths (1931). Sisters mirror each other both within and outside the family. They can serve as convenient character types with distinct capabilities, strengths or weaknesses, while the family setting makes for excellent p

FN och legosoldaten : En undersökning av förhållandet mellan globaliseringen, FN och den moderna legosoldatmarknaden

[utdrag] Det är mycket svårt att vid en första anblick försöka fånga begreppet legosoldat. Hur vi än väljer att se på legosoldaten och hans verksamhet är det föga troligt att han kommer att försvinna inom den närmsta framtiden och det internationella samfundet blir således tvunget att på något sätt ta ställning till denna verksamhet. Före nationalstatens bildande tävlade andra identiteter än den

Effektivt eller modernt utvecklingssamarbete? En organisationsteoretisk analys av 1990-talets svenska biståndsorganisation

The focus of this essay is Swedish bilateral development aid. With the help of organization theory I analyse the development aid strategies and policies of the 1990s, in order to examine how and why they were introduced. I investigate three different types of aid organization, namely structural adjustment programmes, political conditionality tied to aid co-operation, and equality policy as part of

Ainu-urbefolkning eller endast kultur?

The aim of this thesis has been to analyze and interpret several different discourses in Japan and from the findings see how the Ainu people and their existence in Japan have been defined in today's Japan and in who's interest it is to keep it this way. My findings was that the Japanese nation in all channels of society are reinforcing and perpetuating the belief that it constitutes an eth

Japan's soft power:an unsustainable policy?

This thesis deals with Japans role in the international system. An argument is presented in this thesis, namely that Japan is free riding on other countries when it comes to its national security, The Japanese miracle is also dependent on a liberal world order upon which it contributes nothing to maintain. However Japan definitely has some influence in the international system through its soft po

Kosovo: A Success or Failure? A Study of State-Building

Abstract In this thesis I have discussed the ongoing international state-building mission in Kosovo in the context of the final status issue and examining the future prospects. The main question of this study has been in which direction the state-building process is moving Kosovo and whether it can be regarded as a success or a failure. This qualitative case study has employed the ?institutional

Autonomi och gemensamma strävanden

The liberal state, it has been argued, must be neutral between different conceptions of the good. Embodying ideals such as fairness and impartiality, state neutrality is intuitively appealing, but working as a restraint for state actions it is somewhat unsatisfactory. People make mistakes about their lives and people live less valuable lives than they could do. To then restrain the state from doin

Möte med barnsjukvården: Intervjuer med utlandsfödda föräldrar till barn med diabetes

En intervjustudie om hur utlandsfödda föräldrar vars barn drabbats av diabetes erfarit svensk barnsjukvård i relation till att vara förälder. Ändamålet är att öka förståelsen för dessa föräldrars reaktioner med siktet att förbättra bemötandet. Tre föräldrapar deltog; tre mammor och två pappor har intervjuats var och en för sig. Föräldrarna är födda och uppvuxna i östeuropeiska länder, har varit i

Effektiva miljörevisioner - erfarenheter av och synpunkter på miljörevisioner vid miljöcertifierade organisationer

Miljörevisioner har en betydelsefull roll för att arbetet med miljölednings-system vid verksamheter ska utvecklas och leda till ständiga förbättringar av miljöprestandan. Syftet med arbetet är att granska effektiviteten av interna och externa miljörevisioner med utgångspunkt i Pfizer Site Helsingborgs miljörevisionsarbete. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka möjligheterna till utveckling av