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Measurements of Si ion stopping in amorphous silicon

The stopping of Si-28 ions in polycrystalline Si foils has been measured over the energy range 0.1-3.3 MeV per nucleon. For the low energy interval (0.1-0.5 MeV per nucleon), time of flight-energy elastic recoil detection analysis method was used, whilst for the high energy region (1.2-3.3 MeV per nucleon) the energy loss in the same foil was measured using a Si p-i-n diode with the Si-28 ions dir

Differential usage of IκBα and IκBβ in regulation of apoptosis versus gene expression

n this study we use the N-substituted benzamides declopramide (3-CPA) and N-acetyl declopramide (Na-3-CPA) to investigate the involvement of the transcription factor NF-κB in the induction of apoptosis and surface immunoglobulin κ (Igκ) expression in the mouse pre-B cell line 70Z/3. We first showed that 3-CPA-induced apoptosis at doses around 500 μM and that the 3-CPA-induced apoptosis could be su

Who's the expert? On knowledge as praxis - a methodological approach

To establish a knowledge seeking that sheds light upon manifoldness without simplifying plurality or further exposing implicit power hegemonies, feminist scholars need to distinguish between forms of rationalist knowledge and knowledge as praxis. This article calls attention to the fact that scholars need to address how issues of habits, norms, customs and ideas are related to the production of kn

The Trelleborg project: a process evaluation of a multi-sector community intervention to reduce alcohol consumption and related harm.

The Trelleborg project ran between 1999 and 2002. This article describes and analyzes the processes relating to institutionalization and social change, and their consequences, within the project. The research, funded by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health, was based on qualitative data collected during the project, including focused interviews with 12 key individuals, five focus group

Fysisk aktivitet kan påverka tidig artros. Både styrke- och konditionsträning ger smärtlindring och bättre funktion

There is no causal treatment for osteoarthritis. Instead treatment is aimed at decreasing pain and improving function. The base of osteoarthritis treatment is education and exercise. Exercise, both aerobic exercise and muscular strength training, have positive effects on pain and function. The minimum recommendations of exercise are equivalent to the recommendations of physical activity to obtain

A standard format for Les Houches Event Files

A standard file format is proposed to store process and event information, primarily output from partoti-level event generators for further use by general-purpose ones. The information content is identical with what was already defined by the Les Houches Accord five years ago, but then in terms of Fortran commonblocks. This information is embedded in a minimal XML-style structure, for clarity and

Effect of phase composition on X-ray absorption spectra of ZrO2 thin films

The X-ray photoabsorption spectra of ZrO2 films with different phase compositions were measured. The analysis of the results obtained shows that due to the site-sensitivity the X-ray photoabsorption spectroscopy is an attractive method for characterization of the ZrO2 structure. This allows application of the X-ray spectroscopy in investigation of the crystal structure in the various stages of the

Checklists for Software Engineering Case Study Research

Case study is an important research methodology for software engineering. We have identified the need for checklists supporting researchers and reviewers in conducting and reviewing case studies. We derived checklists for researchers and reviewers respectively, using systematic qualitative procedures. Based on nine sources on case studies, checklists are derived and validated, and hereby presented

MYB oncogene amplification in hereditary BRCA1 breast cancer

Comparative genomic hybridization analysis has demonstrated that breast tumors from BRCA1 and BRCA2 germ-line mutation carriers contain a large number of chromosomal copy number gains and losses. A high regional copy number gain at 6q22-q24 was observed in one BRCA1 tumor, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis indicated a strong amplification of the MYB oncogene (15 copies of MYB compare

Design of Wireless Communication Systems -- Issues on Synchronization, Channel Estimation and Multi-Carrier Systems

This thesis deals with certain aspects in the design of wireless communications systems. It is focused on problems related to the mobile or wireless channel: synchronization, channel estimation and design of wireless orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) systems. There is a short introduction to the field of wireless systems and a deeper review of pervious work and the state of the art in

Wedding Ceremonies in Punjab

While the specificities of different religious communities are underscored, the paper focuses on the shared cultural values and symbols that frame marriage ceremonies in the Punjab. The study concludes with how ritual theories help us analyse these ceremonies and assess the impact of modernity on their nature and function.

Two labdane diterpenoids and a seco-tetranortriterpenoid from Turreanthus africanus

Examination of the methylene chloride soluble portion of the acetone extract of the seeds of Turreanthus africanus yielded two labdane diterpenoids 12,15-epoxylabda-8(17),12,14-trien-16-al (1) and 16-acetoxy-12(R),15-epoxy-15β-hydroxylabda-8(17),13(16)-diene (2) and a limonoid, 17-epi 12-dehydroxyheudebolin (3). Structures elucidation was based on the analysis of spectroscopic data.

Transmembrane topology of the NuoL, M and N subunits of NADH:quinone oxidoreductase and their homologues among membrane-bound hydrogenases and bona fide antiporters

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-reduced form (NADH):quinone oxidoreductase (respiratory Complex I), F420H2 oxidoreductase and complex, membrane-bound NiFe-hydrogenase contain protein subunits homologous to a certain type of bona fide antiporters. In Complex I, these polypeptides (NuoL/ND5, NuoM/ND4, NuoN/ND2) are most likely core components of the proton pumping mechanism, and it is thus importa

Modeling diffractive final states

I will discuss some aspects of modeling diffractive final states with event generators. In the first part of the talk I will discuss multiple scatterings in hard diffraction in hadron collisions and its effects on gap survival and hadronization corrections. In the second part I will argue that the study of the 'pomeron remnant' in hard diffraction at HERA may be the best way of distinguishing reso

Translation and validation of the Oxford-12 item knee score for use in Sweden

The Oxford-12 Item Knee Score is a recently developed and validated patient-completed outcome measure designed specifically for use with knee arthroplasty in the United Kingdom. We have translated this questionnaire into Swedish and tested the validity and reliability of the translated version in a cross-sectional study by a postal survey to 1,200 randomly selected patients from the Swedish Knee A