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Brandfrekvenser och typbränder i industrianläggningar

The aim of this report has been to find a model suitable for the Swedish industry when assessing fire frequencies in industrial facilities. The report also contains a guide to the selection of initial fires, and the evaluation of the fire scenarios resulting from those fires, when fire risk assessments in industrial facilities is being done. A summary of data concerning the reliability of sprinkle

Effects of methyl bromide fumigation on anhydrobiotic micrometazoans

Anhydrobiotic organisms are well known for their resistance to extreme environmental conditions while in the inactive, ametabolic, state. This study confirms that this resistance also transfers to treatments with the fumigant methyl bromide. Live specimens of nematodes, rotifers, and tardigrades were found after 70 h of treatment with methyl bromide. Quantitative estimates of survival in the eutar

Refactoring-aware versioning in Eclipse

To fully support refactorings in a team development environment we have implemented a refactoring-aware repository provider as an extension plug-in to the Java Development Tools in Eclipse. The versioning system treats refactorings as first-class changes described as semantic ac- tions rather than the set of resulting changes scattered over the source tree. We also introduce refactoring-aware merg

Medical and surgical strategies for treating urogynecological disorders

Symptoms and signs of the urogenital estrogen deficiency syndrome occur relatively late in a women's life when endogenous estrogen levels are well below those required to stimulate endometrial growth. At age 60 and above symptoms are common and progress with advancing age. The first and most common complaint is vaginal dryness, but symptoms of lost control of micturition as well as urge incontinen

The Second Mistake in Moral Mathematics is Not About the Worth of Mere Participation

"The Second Mistake" (TSM) is to think that if an act is right or wrong because of its effects, the only relevant effects are the effects of this particular act. This is not (as some think) a truism, since "the effects of this particular act" and "its effects" need not co-refer. Derek Parfit's rejection of TSM is based mainly on intuitions concerning sets of acts that over-determine certain harms.

Klassrummets moraliska ordning : iscensättningen av lärare och elever som subjekt för ansvarsdiskursen i klassrummet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att belysa hur det går till när lärare och elever görs till moraliska och etiska individer i klassrummet. Vi vill visa detta utifrån begreppet ansvar. Vi har observe-rat lektioner och intervjuat lärare och elever för att få reda på hur man talar om ansvar och hur man går tillväga för att skapa ansvariga individer. Vi har också studerat offentlThe perspective of this dissertation is grounded in the ideas and concepts of Michel Foucault. In analy-sing our empirical material we used his notions of discourse and discoursive practice, power, govern-mentality and subjectification. We were also inspired by Thomas Popkewitz, Jennifer Gore and Nicolas Rose. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate how teachers and students are constructed a

Biostatistik inom Vårdvetenskap - möjligheter och problem

"You can prove anything with statistics" is a well-known expression, and this might be true if the methods are not properly used and/or the results are not reviewed critically. This demands knowledge about statistical methodology and practice in critically analysis. However, it is not only the researcher that needs this kind of knowledge but also professionals in clinical practice who will be info

The pressure profile in the Lund Pelletron accelerator with the newly installed terminal pumping in use

Terminal pumping has recently been installed in the Lund tandem Pelletron electrostatic accelerator. The equipment allows a higher gas density in the stripper and an improved vacuum in the accelerator tubes compared to the former system. This improvement has led to an increased beam transmission and to superior measurements for our accelerator mass spectrometry programme. The pressure profile of t

Comparison of glutathione peroxidase activity, and of total and soluble selenium content in two muscles from chicken, turkey, duck, ostrich and lamb

Glutathione peroxidase activity (GSHPx), total and soluble selenium in two muscles from five species were compared (chicken, duck, turkey, ostrich and lamb). The highest GSHPx activity, found in duck muscles (4.8 U/g; 3.0 U/g), was significantly higher than that in lamb (1.8 U/g; 1.4 U/g), turkey (1.2 U/g; 0.6 U/g), chicken (1.0 U/g; 0.7 U/g), and ostrich muscles (0.9 U/g; 0.8 U/g). GSHPx activiti

Gluon distribution functions in the kappa(perpendicular to)-factorization approach

At small x, the effects of finite transverse momenta of partons inside a hadron become increasingly important, especially in analyses of jets and heavy-quark production. These effects can be systematically accounted for in a formalism based on k(perpendicular to)-factorization and unintegrated distribution functions. We present results for the integrated and unintegrated distribution functions obt