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Monitoring the setting of calcium-based bone cements using pulse-echo ultrasound.

We present a new technique, based on pulse-echo ultrasound, for monitoring the entire setting process of injectable bone cement. This research has been motivated by the lack of satisfying standards. The main problem with existing standards is the subjectivity, which leads to poor reproducibility. Because of this the results are not comparable between different research groups. A strong advantage w

Creation of electronic excitations and defects by VUV radiation (6-40 eV) in wide-gap solids

The processes of multiplication of electronic excitations (MEE), connected with the creation of secondary excitons or electron-hole (e-h) pairs by hot conduction electrons, are realized in wide-gap metal halides and oxides. In oxides, secondary e-h pairs can be also formed by 27-40 eV photons due to L 1 VV Auger transitions (with the participation of 2s oxygen holes). The excitation spectra of lum

Om bokbindarnas bruk av träspån

In Sweden the use of wooden boards and sca’boards as binding material was custom until the middle of the 19th century. Sca’boards are found in all kinds of more or less expensive bindings with different covering materials; silk, parchment, leather and paper. During the 19th century they were mainly used in simple and cheap retail bindings destined for the peasantry. In this article the reasons for

Pulse-stretcher upgrade

A new 250 MeV energy electron pulse-stretcher mode is designed where the MAX I ring is injected from a new linac system (Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 490 (2002) 592). For the new slow extraction, we will try to achieve a lower emittance in the extraction plane by using a different extraction method. Injection and slow extraction are simulated.

Frequency chirped copropagating multiple bit stimulated echo storage and retrieval in pr3+-yal03

Using a frequency-chirped ring dye laser, we have stored and recalled as much as 48 bits of information with the copropagating stimulated-echo geometry on the H-3(4)-D1(2) transition in Pr3+:YAlO3. Since the copropagating excitation scheme has all the excitation pulses spatially overlapping, this technique will be useful to the practical implementation of stimulated-echo memory because there is no

A flow immunoassay for alkylphenol ethoxylate surfactants and their metabolites - questions associated with cross-reactivity, matrix effects, and validation by chromatographic techniques

This paper describes the application and evaluation of a competitive enzyme flow injection immunoassay (EFIIA) for screening of alkylphenol ethoxylate (APEO) surfactants in different water samples based on a generic immunoassay system previously developed ( see E. Burestedt, C Nistor, U. Schagerlof and J. Emneus, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72, 4171 - 4177). The detection limits for octylphenol ethoxylates

Rhesus monkey gastric mucins: oligomeric structure, glycoforms and Helicobacter pylori binding

Mucins isolated from the stomach of Rhesus monkey are oligomeric glycoproteins with a similar mass, density, glycoform profile and tissue localization as human MUC5AC and MUC6. Antibodies raised against the human mucins recognize those from monkey, which thus appear to be orthologous to those from human beings. Rhesus monkey muc5ac and muc6 are produced by the gastric-surface epithelium and glands

Organic acid mediated P mobilization in the rhizosphere and uptake by maize roots

The exudation of organic acids into the rhizosphere by plant roots has been hypothesized to be one potential mechanism by which plants can enhance the mobilization of poorly soluble nutrients in the soil. The experiments undertaken in this study were aimed at determining whether the organic acids, citrate and oxalate, could enhance the uptake of P-33 from a calcareous soil with a high P fixation c

Cartilage and bone macromolecules in knee joint synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis: relation to development of knee or hip joint destruction

OBJECTIVE: To examine the hypothesis that aggrecan, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), and bone sialoprotein (BSP) concentrations in synovial fluid could provide information on variations of progression of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: Aggrecan, COMP, and BSP were quantified by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays in longitudinally collected knee joint synovial fluid s

Reduction of the barrier height and enhancement of tunneling current of titanium contacts using embedded Au nano-particles on 4H and 6H silicon carbide

We have investigated the electrical characteristics of Ti Schottky contacts with embedded Au nano-particles on various types of epilayers of SiC (4H- and 6H-SiC). From our current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements, we observed that Ti Schottky contacts with embedded Au nano-particles had 0.19 eV (n-4H-SiC) and 0.15 eV (n-6H-SiC) lower barrier height than those of particle fr

2006. Nilsson Stutz, L. Setting it Straight. A re-analysis of the Mesolithic Barum burial according to the principles of Anthropologie ‘de terrain.’

The Mesolithic burial from Barum in Northeastern Scania has long been a subject of academic controversy regarding both the age of the burial and the sex assessment of the remains. A less public discussion has taken place regarding the initial position of the body in the burial. In this article, the documentation of the burial is analyzed in detail according to the taphonomic principles of anthropo

Hadronic matrix elements for kaons

We review some work done by us calculating matrix elements for Kaons. Emphasis is put on the matrix elements which are relevant to predict non-leptonic Kaon CP violating observables. In particular, we recall our results for the (B) over cap (K) parameter which governs the (K-0) over bar - K-0 mixing and update our results for epsilon(K)' including estimated all-higher-order CHPT corrections and th

Notes on the cetrarioid lichens.

The new species Cetraria peruviana is described and its systematic position is discussed. Cetraria nivalrs is reported as new from New Guinea, and its ascomata are described.

Importance of ERK1/2 in upregulation of endothelin type B receptors in cerebral arteries

1 This study examines the importance of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in upregulation of endothelin type B (ETB) receptors. 2 Rat middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) were incubated for 24 h with or without kinase inhibitors. Vessel segments were mounted in myographs and the contractile responses to endothelin-1 (ET-1; ETA and ETB receptor agonist) and sarafotoxin 6c (S6c; ETB receptor agon