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Vectorization of the Jacobi method with single- and multiple right-hand sides

Att effektivisera program som löser komplexa problem har länge varit ett av målen inom beräkningsvetenskapen. I denna kandidatuppsats så undersöker vi ett sätt att göra program mer effektiva, och det är med hjälp av vektorisering. Detta är en metod som tidigt i beräkningsvetenskapen var central för att göra program mer effektiva. Senare blev andra former av parallelisering mer central, men det finVectorization has been an important consideration for scientific com- puting performance for a long time. Early super computers were designed around vectorization, the so called ”vector computers”, but recent trends point toward favouring other computer architectures, and vector comput- ers are much more rare than they used to be. Nonetheless, vectorization still lives on to a smaller extent in mo

Mapping of Process Hazard Analyses in Swedish Process Industries and How the Work Can Be Improved

This study aims to map how Swedish process industries use qualitative risk analyses, such as process hazard analyses (PHA), to assess risks. Beyond the Seveso legislation, which requires all facilities classified as upper tier to perform a safety report each fifth years, there are no Swedish legislation or regulations regarding how and when PHAs should be executed. Hence, Swedish process industrie

The Unification of Germany and Regional Economic Convergence: Evidence from Real Wage Data, 1850-1889

This thesis studies the regional development of Germany in the 19th century, examining whether there was an increased tendency toward economic convergence between the German states following the country’s unification. Through a quantitative analysis using real wage data on various German cities and regions covering the period 1850-1889, the study looks for evidence of beta-convergence both before

Chefers föreställningar - en självuppfyllande profetia

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Chefers föreställningar - en självuppfyllande profetia, En kvalitativ analys av bilden chefer har av privatrådgivares förväntningar och dess inflytande på det psykologiska kontraktet Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i organisation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hanshoff, Ellen; Hultström Palerius, Jakob; Molander, Per Handled

Att förstå andras emotioner i givna kontexter: en studie om människors förmåga att predicera emotioner utifrån Appraisalteorin

Vår studie genomfördes för att undersöka hur väl människor kan identifiera andra människors emotioner utifrån scenarier, där inga visuella signaler eller för mycket bakgrundsinformation gavs. Detta var för att simulera det konceptuella sammanhanget vi får i vardagen där mycket information inte är tillgänglig, men där vi ändå drar slutsatser om vad andra människors emotioner kan vara. Vi konstrueraOur study was conducted to investigate how well people can identify other people's emotions from scenarios where no visual cues, nor too much background information was given. This was to simulate the conceptual context we are given in everyday life where much information is not present yet we make inferences about what other people's emotions might be. We constructed a survey with 24 fict

Synthesis and Investigation of Nitrile-Containing Polymers Inspired by Lignin

The lignin-inspired derivatives coniferyl aldehyde and sinapyl aldehyde were used to prepare nitrile-containing methacrylate monomers with the aim to synthesize bio-based polymers exhibiting high glass transition temperatures (Tgs). The aldehydes were initially transformed to the corresponding nitriles and then underwent methacrylation before being polymerised by free-radical polymerisation. The h

Protection of Data in the Context of Big Data

Inom ramen av Big Data och användning av AI-teknik så har vi nu möjlighet att automatisera komplexa uppgifter genom att samla in, dela och behandla inhämtade data. Dataanalys öppnar upp möjligheten att låsa upp enorm potential inom de flesta branscher. Samtidigt råder osäkerhet kring juridiska rättigheter kopplat till ägande av data vilket föranleder att företag väljer att inte delta fullt ut i maWithin the framework of Big Data and the use of AI technologies we now possess the ability to automate complex tasks through collecting, sharing, and processing the collected data. Analysis of data can unlock enormous potential within most fields. Meanwhile, legal uncertainty in data ownership rights causes businesses to not fully participate in the data sharing market. In this context this thesis

Longshore Sediment Transport Along the Coast of Ystad Municipality

Sandstränder utgör en stor del av Ystads kust och används flitigt för bad och hundpromenader och är en stor del av kommunens turism. Förutom att glädja besökare fungerar de även som skydd mot översvämningar och hindrar havet från att nå vägar och byggnader vid högvatten eller stormar. I takt med klimatförändringarna finns det ett ökat hot för att stränderna ska erodera bort, genom att sand transpoThe coast of Ystad municipality has historically been subject to erosion, leading to the loss of recreational areas and near-beach structures, consequently resulting in the implementation of mitigating measures. With the ongoing climate change, erosion is expected to continue. This generates a need for a better understanding of sediment dynamics and sediment transport patterns, in order to further

Structural investigation of ductile deformations across the Frontal Wedge south of Lake Vättern, southern Sweden

Deformationszonen kallad ”Frontal wedge” är ett system av N-S branta och vertikala deformationszoner i gränsen mellan Svekonorvegiska och Sekorareliska provincen, i södra Sverige. Ursprung av dessa strukturer är inte fullt förstått och under de senaste årtiondena har endast ett fåtal undersökningar gjorts på dessa deformationszoner. Det finns flera olika tolkningar och modeller för bildandet av stThe Frontal wedge is a system of N-S trending steep to vertical deformation zones at the border between the Sveconorwegian and Svecokarelian provinces in south-central Sweden. The origin of these structures is not fully understood and few investigations have been done on these deformation zones during the past decades. There are various interpretations of and models for the formation of the struct

Den unika positionen: En dokumentstudie om peer supporterns roll och identitet inom svensk psykiatri

The aim of this study was to explore peer support and their role in Swedish mental health care as described by the user organization and the health care management. A document analysis of official documents produced by the previously mentioned stakeholders was performed applying organizational theory, role theory as well as professional identity theory. The present study found that the peer suppor

Ursprungsmärkning av el: en kartläggning av svenska elhandelsföretag

En informativ ursprungsmärkning av el? Vet du vad cirkeldiagrammet som de flesta svenska elkunder får på sin elhandelsfaktura betyder? Har du tagit del av informationen som redovisas i den? Har du förstått informationens innebörd? Om svaret är nej på dessa frågor är du förmodligen inte ensam. Denna studie har kartlagt denna information som finns på elhandelsfakturor, så-kallad ursprungsmärkning aArticle 3(6) of the European Union Directive 2003/54/EC, enshrined in Swedish law through the electricity law (Ellag, SFS 1997:857), lays down the requirement of electricity disclosure. Electricity suppliers are to provide consumers with information about the origin of their electricity and its environmental impacts. The law as well as additional recommendations by the responsible authority, Energ

Modeling and simulation of chromatographic separation in Modelon Impact

Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att implementera en tidigare modellerad kromatografisk adsorptionsprocess från MatLab till Modelon Impact, en simuleringsmjukvara. Modelon Im-pact använder sig av Modelica som syntax som i sin tur är användbart för skapandet av stora system av sammankopplade modeller som kan fungera i olika konfigurationer. Implemente-ringen är lyckad och gjord stegvis under projeThe aim of this master thesis is to implement a previously modeled chromatographic adsorp-tion process from MatLab into the Modelon Impact, a simulation software. Modelon Impact is using Modelica as language syntax that is useful for creating a large system of interconnected models that has the potential to work in different configurations. The model is successfully implemented and done in a step-

Innovation for Climate Change Adaptation in Costa Rican Coffee Production: A comparative analysis of cooperatives in the coffee regions Guanacaste & Tarrazú

Latin America is predicted to experience losses of almost 90% of land suitable for coffee production due to climate change by 2050. Simultaneously, worldwide coffee demand is increasing steadily and is expected to grow continuously due to new emerging niche markets. This highlights the urgency of and the need for innovations for climate adaptation in coffee production. This thesis examines the rol

Fighting Food Waste with Food Sharing Platforms? A quantitative analysis of consumers’ repurchase intention on profit food sharing platforms

Food waste could cause problems in society, the economy, and the environment, which is regarded as a global problem. In advanced countries, the majority of food waste happens in the retailer-consumer interface. Commercial digital food sharing platforms (CDFSPs) as a part of sharing economy could help save food from ending up in the bins in the business-to-consumer (B2C) context. This thesis focuse

Exploring the STEM Gender Ratio

Abstract: The gender-equality paradox is the phenomenon of finding more developed, egalitarian countries generally experience higher gender equality while, for example, having a relatively low share of female graduates from STEM fields in tertiary education. The presence of the paradox in several developed egalitarian countries indicates that the female share of STEM graduates must be influenced b

Hurtful Augenblick: Affect’s Doing in a Series of Instagram Stories of Resistance

This thesis explores the affective qualities in a set of Instagram stories juxtaposing photos of the pre- and after 1979 Iranian revolution protests. It poses the central question: ‘How can the power of photographic images in an era of social media be elucidated based on theories of affect?’ By asking this, another subsequent question arises: ‘How is an affective reading of a type of material of m

Akademisk frihet, men...

This thesis looks at strategies for political control of state funded research by analysing the government’s research and innovation propositions from 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020. The focus of the thesis is on the tension between academic freedom, political control and use of research and democracy and whether the state in any way controls the content of research. The thesis also answers the questio

The bare life in the al-Hol camp in Syria: The case of the Swedish children

This paper aims to understand the constitution of the al-Hol camp in Syria, where thousands of women and children from 57 different countries are detained in subhuman conditions. I did that by studying the case of the Swedish children, motivated by the contradiction that those children did not get help even though they belong to one of the most liberal welfare states in the world. As a result, par