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Enlargement of the European Union: An examination of the criteria for accession in light of the Union’s objectives

Den process där nya länder går med Europeiska unionen (EU) kallas utvidgning. Det har haft en central roll i unionens utveckling. Sedan grundandet har EU vuxit från sex till tjugosju medlemsländer, under totalt sju utvidgningsomgångar. För närvarande är fem länder kandidater för medlemskap: Montenegro, Serbien, Albanien, Nordmakedonien och Turkiet. Kosovo och Bosnien och Hercegovina är potentiellaEnlargement, the process whereby countries join the European Union (EU), has had a key role in the Union’s development. Since its founding, the EU has grown from six to twenty-seven Member States, in a total of seven enlargement rounds. Currently, five countries are candidates for membership: Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia and Turkey. Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina are recognised

The financial development of a double-edged sword?

Since the mid-2000s, the financial sector in Kenya has experienced an unprecedented surge in financial inclusion amongst the population. Often attributed to financial technologies, commonly known as FinTech, the financial sector in Kenya has seen a boom-like expansion of providers seeking to establish themselves on the market. Leading to further services being provided, a rift between scholars has

Psykisk ohälsa och kvalitet i parrelationen- finns det ett samband?

I denna tvärsnittsstudie har vi undersökt förekomst av symptom på depression och ångest samt om detta har ett samband med hur man upplevt parrelationens kvalitet hos 91 stycken nya besökare på familjerådgivningen. Data samlades in med hjälp av självskattningsformulären HADS och Valentinskalan. Vi undersökte också om det fanns en skillnad mellan könen, de som hade hemmavarande barn eller ej, responIn this cross-sectional study, we have investigated the presence of symptoms of depression and anxiety and whether this was related to perceived quality of the couple relationship in 91 new visitors in a family counselling setting. Data was collected using the HADS and Valentine scale self-report questionnaires. We also investigated whether there was a difference between the sexes, those who had c

Utvärdering av MBT-behandling på psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning

Studien är en del i det ordinarie kvalitetsarbetet på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsenhet. Syftet var att undersöka huruvida den behandling som erbjuds individer med emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom (EIPS), Mentaliseringsbaserad terapi (MBT), har någon inverkan på patienternas psykiska hälsa/ohälsa. För att göra detta användes Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measures (CORE-O

Past the freezing point?

The political climate in the Arctic is changing in tandem with the world’s climate. As the ice thaws and leaves a previously frozen sea open, it likewise opens up for new opportunities as estimated abundances of resources become reachable for the first time. The diminishing ice also opens up new water ways for shipping routes and tourism, providing new economic opportunities. This has piqued the i

Economic sanctions for peace: The non-violent option for whom?

There is a consensus in previous research that economic sanctions have a low level of effectiveness in reaching objectives. Despite this, economic sanctions are consistently used to reach different international goals. In later years, economic sanctions have become one of the most common actions in response to foreign conflict and terrorism. As prior research has stated that economic sanctions wer

What is the 'Problem' with Gender in Afghanistan? A discourse analysis of the Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan in Afghanistan (2015-2022)

The aim of this thesis is to critically investigate the discourses of gender present in the National Action Plan of Afghanistan (2015-2022), asking how the ‘problem of gender’ is conceptualised and problematised in the policy. This is done through Carol Bacchi’s theoretical and methodological ’What’s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) – approach which aims to analyse policy through identifying

Identifying key objectives when going through a Digital Transformation - An Extensive Study within the mining industry

Digital technologies and their significance to society have caused their existence and impact to be referred to as entailing a digital revolution. For businesses, digitalization is the use of digital technologies to create new business models and value-adding activities. The use of digital technologies can in turn result in possible improvements in several areas e.g., productivity. The possible ou

Parentes eller paradigmskifte? En intervjustudie om par- och familjeterapeuters upplevelser av psykoterapi online under pågående covid-19-pandemi

Syftet med studien var att nå en ökad förståelse för hur par- och familjeterapin påverkas av att bedrivas online samt att undersöka par- och familjeterapeuters upplevelser av onlineterapi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta legitimerade par- och familjeterapeuter som i sin verksamhet har erfarenhet av par- och/eller familjeterapi online. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys oThis study aims to increase understanding of how couple and family therapy are affected by being carried out online, and to explore couple and family therapists’ experiences of online therapy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight accredited couple and family therapists with experience of practicing therapy online. The data was subjected to thematic analysis, and nine themes were id


Frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie var att studera om depression, ångest och livskvalitet skiljer sig åt mellan patienter från en öppenvårdspsykiatrisk mottagning (ÖPM) och en privat psykoterapimottagning inkluderad i vårdvalet inom Region Skåne (PMV) samt om depression och ångest korrelerar till livskvalitet hos dessa patienter. Ett vidare syfte var att undersöka om livskvalitet skiljer sig Question: The purpose of this study was to study if depression, anxiety and quality of life differ between patients from an outpatient psychiatric clinic (ÖPM) and a private psychotherapy clinic in “Vårdvalet Region Skåne” (PMV) as well as to study if depression and anxiety correlate to quality of life in these patients. A further purpose of the study was to study if quality of life amongst patien

The Role of Institutional Distance in Nordic-Baltic Strategic Alliances

As it appears that the Nordic and Baltic countries share both similarities and differences in institutional environments, the potential role of it on cross-border cooperation is ambiguous. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the distance in Nordic-Baltic strategic alliances. This study has revealed that formal national and supranational institutions affect the national business en

Mapping the carbon emissions for the supply chains of IKEA’s two sofa products, and providing recommendations regarding the highest potential for improvement.

The purpose of this study is to conduct the Life Cycle Assessment of IKEA’s two Sofa products and provide recommendations for reducing the overall carbon footprints. Different phases of supply chains are included in the scope of this study, i.e., selection of raw materials, their acquisition, production phase, and transportation of final product to market regions. The benefit of the study is that

"Att gå in som en katt i mörker, med morrhåren rakt fram" - Personalerfarenheter inom barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen om att fråga om sexuella övergrepp

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjligheter och hinder som personal på barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen upplever gällande att ställa frågor om sexuella övergrepp. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta deltagare från sex olika enheter inom barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen i Region Skåne. Data analyserades med tematisk analys och resulterade i fyra olika teman: “UppdrThe aim of the study was to explore the possibilities and obstacles that staff at the Child and Youth Habilitation Services experience in asking their patients about sexual abuse. This was done by conducting semi-structured interviews with eight participants from different units within the Child and Youth Habilitation Services at Region Skåne. The data was analysed using thematic analysis and resu

Attityder på Twitter: En longitudinell undersökning av attitydförändringar på Twitter i samband med spridning av felaktig information och konspirationsteorier om covid-19

Information, varav en stor del är felaktig, sprids i en stor utsträckning på Twitter, speciellt när en pandemi samtidigt breder ut sig över världen. Konspirationsteorier frodas på sociala medier om covid-19 vilket blir ett allt större problem för samhället då detta kan ha många negativa konsekvenser som att delar av befolkningen inte följer rekommendationer och restriktioner. Syftet med den här st

Pandemic resilience and stock returns: asset pricing during the Covid-19 using the Fama French models

The year of 2020 was marked with an unprecedented outbreak of Covid-19 virus and a global pandemic. Not all businesses across various industries have been equally affected. This thesis investigated the difference in return of industries with dissimilar exposure to the Covid-19 pandemic under the lockdown and social distance intervention, and how this difference has evolved during 2020. We found ev

Product Development of Adaptable Mobile Holder

This report describes a product development process of a carrier for mobile phones. The product development process is based on the description in Ulrich and Eppinger [1]. Including what steps should be followed to achieve a final product that meet decided requirements. The work is performed in cooperation with the company Medotemic AB. Through an application, the mobile phone can measure the user

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Cost Stickiness

Purpose: This paper studies the impact of corporate social responsibility on cost stickiness, as well as showing additional evidence of stickiness among European firms. Methodology: OLS regression and fixed effects model. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical part of the study describe cost behavior, cost stickiness and corporate social responsibility from a stakeholder perspective. Empiri

NPF - från ett annat perspektiv. Föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras upplevelse av bemötande och stöd

Denna uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka interaktionen mellan professionella och föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning. Frågeställningarna i uppsatsen handlar om hur professionellas bemötande från bland annat socialtjänst, habilitering och skola har sett ut och hur det har påverkat föräldrarnas och barnens vardagsliv och även en frågeställning kring hur föräldrarna upplever pThis study aims to investigate how the given help and treatment from professionals and authorities affects parents of children with neuropsychiatric disabilities and their everyday life. The study is qualitative and it is based on six parents' stories and experiences, which they shared in individual interviews. All of the respondents were women, but with mixed ages. Three had one or two sons w