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Your search for "*" yielded 535698 hits

Green banana protection of gastric mucosa against experimentally induced injuries in rats

The protective capacities of fresh green (unripe) sweet bananas and of phosphatidylcholine and pectin (banana ingredients) against acute (ethanol- or indomethacin-induced) and chronic (indomethacin-induced) gastric mucosal lesions were evaluated in rats. Banana pulp was mixed with saline and given by gavage, as a pretreatment in a single dose. The identical protocol was used for pectin and phospha

Comparison of in situ devices for the assessment of pavement subgrade stiffness

The subgrade is the top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement structure is constructed. The purpose is to provide a platform for construction of the pavement and to support the pavement without unwanted deflection that would reduce its performance. For those reasons subgrade bearing capacity have to be investigate during the construction process as a quality control, based on the design res

Assessing the stochastic variability of the Benefit-Cost ratio in roadway safety management

Road Agencies set quantitative targets and adopt related road safety strategies within the priorities and the available resources at the time of an economic crisis. In this framework, benefit-cost analyses (BCA) are carried out to support the decision making process and alternative measures are ranked according to their expected benefit and benefit-cost ratio calculated using a Safety Performance

Unbroken Digital Data Flow In The Built Environment Process : A Case Study In Sweden

An unbroken digital data flow would save substantial resources in the built environment process. In this study, which is part of a larger Swedish project, data delivery specifications and methods to integrate BIM and geodata are developed and tested with the aim to facilitate such an unbroken data flow. The main focus areas of the study are: (1) specifications that enables building permission appl

Dietary patterns in high and low consumers of meat in a Swedish cohort study

The objective was to examine relationships between meat and other food items which have been associated with higher risk of cancer in the colon and prostate in some epidemiological studies. The study was conducted as a population-based cohort study comprising 11648 subjects (4816 male and 6742 female) born between 1926 and 1945 and living in the city of Malmo, Sweden. Data on mean daily intake of

Use of molecularly imprinted polymers in a biotransformation process

Molecularly imprinted polymers are highly stable and can be sterilised, making them ideal for use in biotransformation process. In this communication, we describe a novel application of molecularly imprinted polymers in an enzymatic reaction. The enzymatic condensation of Z-L-aspartic acid with L-phenylalanine methyl ester to give Z-L-Asp-L-Phe-OMe (Z- aspartame) was chosen as a model system to ev

Översättning och testning av ett livskvalitetinstrument: : The PedsQL™ Family Impact Module

The whole family is affected when a child is ill. Families facing the same illness stressors respond in different ways and have different needs forhealthcare. However, assessing a family’s needs is difficult. Few instruments for assessment of families’ health related quality of life, when achild in the family has a chronic illness, exist. The purpose of this study was to translate The PedsQL™ Fami

Ted's rymdäventyr

Följ med nallebjörnen Ted, och hans blomma, på ett äventyr i solsystemet. Tillsammans utforskar vi förhållanden på olika planeter, och upptäcker var bästa förhållandena finns för Ted att plantera sin blomma. Vi besöker Solen, Merkurius, Venus, dvärgplaneten Pluto, Mars Jorden och Månen. Vi flyger även förbi gasjättarna i vårt solsystem: Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus och Neptunus.Detta är en interaktivJoin the teddy bear Ted, and his companion Plant, on an adventure around the Solar System investing different places and how they affect us. Together we can learn about Mercury, Venus, the Earth and its Moon, Mars, the dwarf planet Pluto and the giant planets in the outer Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.This is an interactive show. The children are encouraged to sing along with t

Reaction kinetics of immobilized αchymotrypsin in organic media 1. Influence at solvent polarity

Esterification of N-acetyl phenylalanine with ethanol catalyzed by immobilized αchymotrypsin (EC was studied in various reaction media. The effect of reaction medium polarity on enzymatic activity as well as equilibrium yield was measured. The reaction rate increased with increasing amounts of added water, reaching an optimum corresponding to water saturation of the reaction medium. Furt

Formation of C—C bonds by mandelonitrile lyase in organic solvents

Mandelonitrile lyase (EC catalyzes the formation of D‐mandelonitrile from HCN and benzaldehyde. Mandelonitrile lyase was immobilized by adsorption to support materials, for example, Celite. The enzyme preparations were used in diisopropyl ether for production of D‐mandelonitrile. In order to obtain optically pure D‐mandelonitrile it was necessary to use reaction conditions which favor th

The influence of water on protease‐catalyzed peptide synthesis in acetonitrile/water mixtures

Protease‐catalyzed peptide synthesis in acetonitrile water mixtures, containing 0–90% water, was investigated. α‐Chymotrypsin, as well as thermolysin, were deposited on solid supports, prior to exposure to the reaction media. Peptide syntheses were performed using both a kinetically controlled process (chymotrypsin) and an equilibrium‐controlled synthesis (thermolysin). The activity of chymotrypsi

Linda Kurba Leskinaine (e103), for choir

#103, Linda Kurba Leskinaine is the second part of a planned trilogy (the first part being Kalevi Matus from 2000). Both pieces are based on an episode of the Estonian national epic, the Kalevipoeg, written by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1862, Kuopio (Finland)).

Long-term Outcome of Antiretroviral Treatment in Patients With and Without Concomitant Tuberculosis Receiving Health Center-Based Care-Results From a Prospective Cohort Study

Background: In order to increase treatment coverage, antiretroviral treatment (ART) is provided through primary health care in low-income high-burden countries, where tuberculosis (TB) co-infection is common. We investigated the long-term outcome of health center-based ART, with regard to concomitant TB.Methods: ART-naïve adults were included in a prospective cohort at Ethiopian health centers and

Investigating the influence on safety of retrofitting Italian motorways with barriers meeting a new EU standard

Objective: A new European Union (EU) regulation for safety barriers, which is based on performance, has encouraged road agencies to perform an upgrade of old barriers, with the expectation that there will be safety benefits at the retrofitted sites. The new class of barriers was designed and installed in compliance with the 1998 (European Norm) EN 1317 standards for road restraint systems, which l

Assessing the effects of intra-granule precipitation in a full-scale industrial anaerobic digester

In this paper, a multi-scale model is used to assess the multiple mineral precipitation potential in a full-scale anaerobic granular sludge system. Reactor behaviour is analysed under different operational conditions (addition/no addition of reject water from dewatering of lime-stabilized biomass) and periods of time (short/long term). Model predictions suggest that a higher contribution of reject