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RPM - Resale Policy Maintenance?

Detta arbete är inspirerat av två flitigt debatterade skeenden inom den transatlantiska konkurrensrättsliga arenan och mera specifikt inom ramen för en prisrelaterad vertikal begränsning känd som prisbindning. Denna begränsning, enkelt definierad, går ut på förbestämmandet av minimipriser eller fasta priser av en tillverkare i ett vertikalt distributionsavtal. Det första skeendet ägde rum i FörenThis thesis is inspired by two thoroughly debated developments in the competition/antitrust law transatlantic arena and more specifically in the field of a price-related vertical restraint known as resale price maintenance (RPM). This restraint, loosely defined, encompasses the predetermination of minimum or fixed retail prices by a manufacturer in a vertical distribution agreement. The first de

An Atom Probe Investigation of Addition of Nitrogen in Hot Work Tool Steel

Two different hot work tool steels, QRO 90 and QRO 80N were investigated using atom probe tomography. QRO 90 is a commercial alloy while the other QRO 80N is an experimental test alloy. The main composition of QRO 90 is 0.38C-2.6Cr-2.3Mo-0.9V-0.75Mn (wt%) whereas QRO 80N has the composition 0.38C-1.7Cr-2.7Mo-1.2V-1.1Mn-0.044N (wt%). Hence the main difference between both materials is the nitrogen

Petrology and depositional history of the Campanian strata at Maltesholm, Scania, southern Sweden

Campanian sediments of the Maltesholm quarry consist of mostly coarse grained, poorly consolidated, ruditic grainstones, almost free of micrite and lime mud, with interbedded clay horizons. The main constituents of the grainstones are coralline algae and quartz. The lack of micrite and the abundance of coralline algae indicates a nearshore, shallow, high energy environment. Two different facies ma

Stenåldersmänniskans vegetationspåverkan på Kullaberg, nordvästra Skåne : en paleoekologisk studie

Summary: The aim of this palaeoecological study is to demonstrate and date human impact during the Mesolithic and the Neolithic time in an area considered to be relatively unsuitable for farming and livestock-breeding. The study area is located on the Kullaberg peninsula in northwestern Skåne, South Sweden. The peninsula constitutes a hilly bedrock terrain with Quaternary deposits in the topograph

Written language development in adolescents : pause patterns and syntax in the writing process

In this study pause patterns during writing were investigated and compared in a developmental perspective. The material consisted of keystroke logging recordings of the writing process of 30 expository texts written by 30 persons from the age groups 13-year-olds, 15-year-olds and 17-year-olds. A total number of 3080, all pauses longer than two seconds, were identified and categorized, according to

Neobeyrichia from the Silurian of Bjärsjölagård, Scania, Sweden

In Bjärsjölagård layer 1b the genus Neobeyrichia is represented by Neobeyrichia spinulosa (Boll) and Neobeyrichia regnans Martinsson. N. spinulosa dominates strongly. It is here redescribed and the appearence of the last moulting stage is described. N. spinulosa was a marine, benthic species. Previous reports of N. spinulosa from Gotland (Sweden) and Denny's Formation (eastern USA) are wrong.

Jag berusar mig på kärlek - en kvalitativ studie om vuxna barn till missbrukare

ABSTRACT Author: Kristina Gräns, Maria Taylor. Title: Jag berusar mig på kärlek - en kvalitativ studie om vuxna barn till missbrukare Supervisor: Arne Kristiansen Assessor: Staffan Blomberg The aim of this study was to from a salutogenic perspective bring forward and present possible reasons why certain children survive against the odds, even though they have grown up in a riskfilled enviroment,

Stress eller kontroll? - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarens syn på sin yrkesroll

Authors: Elin Copcutt and Jessica Holst Title: Stress eller kontroll? – En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarens syn på sin yrkesroll. Supervisor: Carina Tigervall This paper examines how six social workers from four local authority social services departments in the south of Sweden find their work situation. The idea for the subject matter came from the media where social workers often are

Polisbrutalitet i Frankrike : med fokus på upploppen i Parisförorten Clichy-sous-Bois

The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the violent riots in the Parisian suburb Clichy-sous-Bois in 2005 and the ability of the French society to assimilate ethnic minorities. The problem in Clichy-sous-Bois was the ignorance displayed by police officers whose discriminatory attitudes where deeply rooted. This ignorance is all too often expressed through violence against

Får man vara snäll som professionell? - En studie om språkligt gränsarbete i socialt arbete utifrån begreppet snäll

Is it Allowed to be Kind as a Professional? – A Study about Linguistic Boundary Work in Social Work Based on the Concept Kind Author: Tilde Olsson Title: Is it Allowed to be Kind as a Professional? – A Study about Linguistic Boundary Work in Social Work Based on the Concept Kind.[Translated title] Supervisor: Stig Linde Assessor: Staffan Blomberg The aim of this study was to examine variations of

Illegal kombattant vs. Legosoldat : en komparativstudie av begreppen

Current concepts of illegal combatant and mercenary are linked to the U.S. and their military activities, which that they hire security companies with “mercenaries” to fight against “illegal combatants”. These two concepts exist in a gray area of international law and they receive neither combatant status nor civilian status. Due there exist a discussion of the need to obtain civil status. By deve

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Most Faroese children attend day nurseries, kindergartens, day care centres or leisure schools. More than 65 % of children 0 – 10 years old attend such institutions, and when looking at 4 – 5 year olds it is more than 95% of the children. This is according to statistics from the Faroese Ministry of Culture and Education from 2009. Therefore one can conclude that the institutions have an important

En studie av EU:s maktuveckling

EU är en stark institution som har ett enormt inflytande över sina medlemsländer och därigenom de människor som är bosatta inom EU. Sedan unionens grundande har dess makt successivt ökat och i detta arbetar tar jag sikte på de tre första viktiga förhandsavgöranden kring tolkning av fördragstexten som EU-domstolen fattade beslut i. Dessa avgöranden är alla signifikativa för den utveckling hela unio

On some Bergman shift operators

An operator identity satisfied by the shift operator in a class of standard weighted Bergman spaces is studied. We show that subject to a pureness condition this operator identity characterizes the associated Bergman shift operator up to unitary equivalence allowing for a general multiplicity. The analysis of the general case makes contact with the class of $n$-isometries studied by Agler and Stan

Tensor Product Decomposition in Lie Algebra Representation Theory

The basic theory of semisimple Lie algebras and their representations is studied in detail. In particular it is shown that every irreducible module V (λ) is uniquely determined up to isomorphism by its highest weight λ. Then the problem of decomposing a tensor product of two finite dimensional modules into a direct sum of irreducible modules is considered. It is shown that for λ fixed, the decompo

An operator identity for standard weighted Bergman shift operators

We consider the scale of standard weighted Bergman spaces in the unit disc. We show that in this scale of spaces the shift operator satisfies a certain operator identity. By duality arguments this operator identity leads to an operator inequality for the Bergman shift operator in the parameter range $-1

A Poisson integral formula for a weighted Laplacian in the unit disc

A Poisson integral formula for a weighted Laplacian in the unit disc Beskrivning: In this paper a counterpart of the classical Poisson integral formula is found for a weighted Laplace differential operator in the unit disc. In the process the corresponding Dirichlet boundary value problem is solved for arbitrary continuous boundary data. The associated power series expansions are calculated and in

Classification of stony meteorites from north-west Africa and the Dhofar desert region in Oman

Meteoriter är indelade i tre huvudsakliga klasser, järn, sten-järn och stenmeteoriter. Stenmeteoriterna är vidare indelade i primitiva akondriter och kondriter. Kondriterna är vidare indelade i fyra grupper, enstatitkondriter, vanliga kondriter, kolrika kondriter och rumurutikondriter. Dessa grupper är i sin tur indelade i undergrupper, enstatitkondriterna är indelade i EH (hög FeO-halt) och EL (lMeteorites are divided into three basic groups, iron, stony-iron and stony meteorites. The stony meteorites are further divided into primitive achondrites and chondrites. The chondrite class is divided into different groups, enstatite chondrites, ordinary chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites and rumuruti chondrites. The enstatite chondrites are divided into EH and EL, which stands for enstatite hig

Risk Measures - from theory to an empirical study over time

This thesis concerns risk measures in theory and an empirical study of their accuracy in predicting future risks, back-testing them using an out-of-sample study with a rolling window scheme. The theoretical part includes a general presentation of risk, covers various risk measures – dispersion measures and safety measures – and attempts to sort out their advantages and disadvantages. The coherent