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Chemorefractory rhabdomyosarcoma treated with radiotherapy, bevacizumab, statins and surgery and maintenance with bevacizumab and chemotherapy.

BACKGROUND: Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare disease in children and young adults, usually responsive to chemotherapy. Here we report on a patient with chemorefractory disease, treated in an unconventional approach. CASE REPORT: A young woman presented with an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the retromaxillary space. She exhibited progressive disease to two chemotherapy regimens. The patient started hyper

Runsten på resa : Lundagårdsstenen från vikingatid till nutid

The article traces the Lundagård rune-stone on its road in Lund – from its origin as a part of a Viking Age monument probably at Helgonabacken, its reuse at the All Saints monastery, where it was rediscovered in 1682, to the Lundagård park in the 1740s, its reuse in a memorial in the old Botanical Garden in 1868 to its location in the university library since 1957. The movements are perceived as aThe article traces the Lundagård rune-stone on its road in Lund – from its origin as a part of a Viking Age monument probably at Helgonabacken, its reuse at the All Saints monastery, where it was rediscovered in 1682, to the park Lundagård in the 1740s, its reuse in a memorial in the old Botanical Garden in 1868 to its location in the university library since 1957. The movements are perceived as a

Labour Productivity in the Building Industry – Studies of Uganda

Research has been pointing out that productivity in the building industry is stagnant and in some cases declining. Poor productivity of craftsmen is one of the causes of cost and time overruns on building projects. Productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries where most of the building work is still carried out on manual basis. The objective of this research

Mot koldioxidsnåla godstransporter-tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050 : Tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050

Det är både tekniskt möjligt och ekonomiskt genomförbart att ställa om till ett CO 2-snålt samhälle2050. Men för att nå en sådan målsättning måste ett antal utmaningar och hinder övervinnas, vilketkan kräva både politisk styrning och institutionell förändring.Denna rapport fokuserar specifikt på samspelet mellan utvecklingen av godstransporter, logistik ochCO 2-utsläpp. Godstransporterna, som styr

Perspectives of food supply chain traceability

Purpose of this paper Several different perspectives exist on the importance of food supply chain traceability and why it is scientifically investigated. These include the assessment of food security and quality preservation, economic, logistic, supply chain management, and information technical. Because of this, the concept of food supply chain traceability is defined in many different ways, depe

When binding matters: An ERP analysis of the development of recollection and familiarity in childhood

Dual process models of recognition memory assume that memory retrieval can be based on two distinct processes: an assessment of a context-free feeling of familiarity or on the reinstatement of specific context attributes that have been bound together to form a representation of the study episode during encoding (recollection). Recent neurophysiological evidence suggests that familiarity and recoll

Evaluation and comparison of surface defects on a simplified model for the area around the fuel filler lid by simulation and experiments

There is a serious need in the automotive industry to predict surface defects in outer panels. Measures to prevent these defects can not be taken until a test part has been manufactured. This costs a lot in time and money. Within the present project stamping tools for a model part resembling the area around the fuel filler lid was developed. This is an area of the outer surface of a car, which is