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Physical bounds and sum rules in scattering and antenna theory

The objective of this paper is to review some recently developed sum rules and physical bounds in scattering and antenna theory. The sum rules are based on identities for Herglotz functions that relate the quantity of interest integrated over all wavelengths with its static polarizability dyadics. They are transformed to physical bounds by applying variational principles for the polarizability dya

Tre års frihandelssamarbete med EEC

I SvJT 1974 s. 18 behandlades rättsfrågor, som frihandelsavtalet mellan Sverige och EEC kunde förmodas aktualisera. Denna artikel uppdaterar bedömningen och sammanfattar erfarenheterna från den första treårsperioden efter att 2/3 av den förutsedda övergångsperioden för tullavveckling förflutit. Artikeln redogör för de svenska överskottet i bytesbalansen som förbytts i ett underskott; skyddsåtgärde

Sex differences in regional cerebral blood flow

Regional cerebral blood flow was measured by the 133-xenon inhalation method during resting in 38 healthy men and 38 healthy women matched pairwise for age in the range 18-72 years. The results showed 11% higher global flow level in the women in all ages. A similar and significant regression of flow by age was seen for both sexes. The regional flow distribution also showed some sex-related differe

Differences in the prospective association between individual plasma phospholipid saturated fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes: the EPIC-InterAct case-cohort study.

Conflicting evidence exists regarding the association between saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and type 2 diabetes. In this longitudinal case-cohort study, we aimed to investigate the prospective associations between objectively measured individual plasma phospholipid SFAs and incident type 2 diabetes in EPIC-InterAct participants.

Samarbete ger lyckat resultat

Ta några ingenjörsstudenter, släng in ett par kognitionsvetarstudenter och ge dem ett problem att lösa. Ut kommer interaktiva dataspel för skolan och robotar som kan imitera människors rörelser. – Vi kombinerar doing och thinking, säger Agneta Gulz, professor i kognitionsvetenskap.

Wave splitting of the Timoshenko beam equation in the time domain

In recent years, wave splitting in conjunction with invariant imbedding and Green’s function techniques has been applied with great success to a number of interesting inverse and direct scattering problems. The aim of the present paper is to derive a wave splitting for the Timoshenko equation, a fourth order PDE of importance in beam theory. An analysis of the hyperbolicity of the Timoshenko equat

Comparison of LTI and Event-Based Control for a Moving Cart with Quantized Position Measurements

Traditional linear time-invariant (LTI) control design assumes that measurements are taken at regular time intervals and have independent additive noise. A common practical case that violates this assumption is the use of encoders that give quantized position measurements; when the quantization is appreciable the measurement noise is far from LTI. This paper develops a simple event-based controlle

Gene structure of semenogelin I and II. The predominant proteins in human semen are encoded by two homologous genes on chromosome 20

The genes for semenogelin I and II, the major protein constituents of the human seminal fluid, have been characterized by three overlapping clones in bacteriophage lambda, encompassing 31.5 kilobases (kb) of genomic DNA. The two genes are located 11.5 kb apart in the region q12-q13.1 on chromosome 20. Both genes are relatively compact, spanning only 2.7 and 3.1 kb, respectively. The transcription