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Geographical variation in incidence of prostate cancer in Sweden - Survey from the National Prostate Cancer Register

Objective. To investigate the geographical variation in prostate cancer incidence in Sweden, in particular the incidences of screening-detected tumours and curative treatment of prostate cancer. Material and methods. Data were retrieved from the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden for all cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the year 2000-01. There were a total of 14 376 cases of prostate

Nurses’ satisfaction with nursing care and work at three care units for severely demented people.

The aim of this study is to investigate the degree of job satisfaction, burnout and strain among nurses (n=134) working in three care units for demented people in southern Sweden. Three questionnaires were used: the Maslach burnout inventory (MBI), the work-related strain inventory (WRSI), and a recently developed measure for assessing job satisfaction. Based on principal component analysis, an ei

Local galactic evolution

The evolution of the Solar neighbourhood is followed using a unique,magnitude complete and kinematically unbiased sample of 14,000 F, G, andK dwarfs. Metallicity, age, space motion and galactic orbits have beendetermined for all stars. The result is a detailed view of the complexevolution of the local Milky Way, which must be matched by any model forthe chemical and dynamical evolution of the Gala

Disponent i brytningstid : En problematisering av AB Robertsfors Bruks lednings ambitioner och möjligheter vad avser utvecklingen av lönevillkor och sociala anordningar i Robertsfors 1925-35

A study of the ambitions of the managers at AB Robertsfors Bruk and their impact on courses of action in the development of wage policy and social arrangements in the community of Robertsfors during the period 1925-35.This study deals with employer actions during a period of both internal and external change to the organization. The main focus is in the areas of wage policy and social arrangements

Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Structures Due to Imposed Deformations

This thesis is concerned with modeling of the cracking process in reinforced concrete due to imposed deformations. Cracking is investigated both at early ages, during hydration, and at mature age when the final properties of the concrete are reached. One of the most important material characteristics of the concrete at early ages, the Young’s modulus is determined by means of a dynamic method call

Upconversion dynamics in Er3+-doped YAG

Green, blue, violet and ultraviolet upconversion luminescence is reported at room temperature in a YAG: 10.5% Er3+ crystal pumped by one-colour (647 nm) and two-colour (647 + 618 nm) laser excitation. The upconversion mechanism was studied by means of time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy and the energy flow pathways are described. Based on the results it appears that energy transfer upconversio

Bygga - Bruka - Riva : Energianvändning i småhus ur ett kretsloppsperspektiv

Detta arbete avgränsas till att behandla energianvändning i småhus. Studien omfattar tre småhus som byggts för utställningen Bo92 i Örebro. Syftet med studien är att beräkna och ta fram kunskaper om den totala energiåtgången under en byggnads hela livscykel. Användningstiden för husen är antagen till 50 år.This report deals with single-unit dwellings built in 1991 and 1992 in a city called Orebro, Sweden.The houses are prefabricated and the frameworks are made of wood. The aim of the essay is to present the total use of energy during the life-cycle of single-unit dwellings, taking their mode of construction into account. The life-cycle of a house is divided into the following periods: production (m

Lärares förtroendearbetstid

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande området för min studie är lärararbetet. Initialt riktar jag blickarna mot lärare som verkar i den svenska grundskolan. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan lyder: Hur är lärararbetet? Även om det i grundad teori framstår som önskvärt att forskaren ska ge sig ut på fältet utan förutfattade idéer och perspektiv som tvingar data in i förutbestämda analyser, gThe aim of this study is to generate a grounded theory about the work done by teachers. The initial area of data collection was the work done by teachers in their non-regulated hours, in which the teachers are expected to carry out professional activities like planning, preparation, correcting and spontaneous contacts with students, parents and colleagues. Data was collected and analysed according

Replication and construct validation of the Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Function with a Swedish population.

A Swedish translation of the Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions was administered to 52 normal control subjects and 36 patients with well-documented brain dysfunction. Findings replicated those reported in American samples. Level of performance was strikingly similar between Swedish controls and American controls, especially in individuals between 15 and 39 years. Sw

Effect of systemic administration of nicotine on healing in osseous defects. An experimental study in rabbits. Part II

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of systemic administration of nicotine on bone healing in osseous defects in the tibia of rabbits. Materials and methods: Sixteen female rabbits received nicotine (n=8; test group) or saline (n=8; control group) via subcutaneously placed mini-osmotic pumps for 8 weeks. The animals underwent three surgical operations during the expe

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The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and prognostic value of TP53 gene somatic mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. The study group included 240 NSCLC patients who underwent pulmonary resection at the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Medical University of Gdansk. Tumour samples were evaluated for the presence of TP53 gene mutations in exons 5-8. In 157 cases SSCP method was used as

Självmordsförsök bland narkotikamissbrukare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om en grupp narkotikamissbrukare som gjort självmordsförsök. Såväl självmord som självmordsförsök är betydligt vanligare bland narkotikamissbrukare jämfört med totalbefolkningen. Bland vårdade narkotikamissbrukare är det mellan 19 till 47 procent som gjort självmordsförsök. Det höga självmordsförsökstalet bland narkotikamissbrukare förklaras oftThe aim of this thesis is to describe suicide attempts in a group of drug abusers who previously had received treatment of their addiction. Another aim is to interpret and analyse the life situations that the individual associates with the suicide attempt. The dissertation is based on interviews conducted on two occasions with 92 drug abusers, 62 men and 30 women. The majority of the drug abusers

Psychosocial work conditions, social capital, and daily smoking: a population based study.

Objective: To investigate the associations between psychosocial conditions at work, social capital/social participation, and daily smoking. Design/setting/participants/measurements: The 2000 public health survey in Scania is a cross sectional postal questionnaire study with a 59% participation rate. A total of 5180 persons aged 18–64 years that belonged to the work force and the unemployed were i