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I krig och PR är allt tillåtet

För att nå fram med budskap i dagens allt mer stegrande informationsbrus, krävs metoder som får mottagarna att reagera och lägga märke till det som sänds ut. En av dessa metoder är så kallad “dold PR”, där det verkliga budskapet är dolt bakom en annan nyhet, eller helt enkelt utger sig för att vara något annat än vad det är. Denna studie undersöker fenomenet ”dold PR” ur ett mottagarperspektiv, däTo get across messages in todays ever more increasing information noise requires methods that get recipients to react and take notice of the message. One of these methods is the so-called "hidden PR", where the real message is hidden behind another piece of news, or simply pretending to be something other than what it is. This study examines the phenomenon of hidden PR from a receiver pe

Skolbibliotekets relation till skolorganisationen – sett utifrån ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

The aim of the thesis is to investigate, from a new institutional theoretical perspective, within which organizational field school libraries are situated through teachers, principals and school librarians’ view of the school library. In year 2010 there was a new Education Act in which, for the first time in Sweden, students’ right to have access to a school library is mandatory. Earlier this was

Construction and Characterization of an Interferometer for the Stabilization of Attosecond Experiments

Alla har vi väl någon gång cyklat till jobbet, eller till skolan för den delen. I glatt humör trampar man upp för stadens brantaste backe tills det plötsligt kommer en rejäl vindstöt - då står man på tramporna, flåsande. Man gör sitt bästa. Men man har vädrets makter emot sig. Så när man väl står där innanför personalkökets trygga väggar (eller föreläsningssalens) är kaffet sedan länge uppdrucket,A new optical interferometer for delay stabilization in attosecond pump/probe experiments is constructed, featuring a custom-made hole-drilled recombination mirror and using a co-propagating HeNe laser for the interference. The interferometer is shown to generate an interference pattern of high enough contrast for delay stabilization. The stability of the measured delay is tested with the interfer

Development of a DuraPulp packaging demonstrator

Plastic and paper are well known materials, each and everyone can find it in their homes. Paper made from cellulose has been produced for over hundred years and also plastic is a very well-known material, but still there is not too much to find about a combination of these two materials. The objective of this thesis is to develop a packaging, which highlights the unique properties of the new mater

Slovo - ord, ett ord eller ordet? En studie av teoretisk och praktisk översättning av svenska bestämda och obestämda nominalfraser till ryska

This essay examines translation of Swedish definite and indefinite noun phrases to Russian. Since the Russian language does not have the same way of expressing definiteness as languages like Swedish and English, this essay explores how definiteness is in fact expressed in Russian. This is done by examining literature and papers on this subject as well as studying and comparing two fictional books

"It was like i wasn't even part of society anymore", Normers inverkan på sexuell hälsa ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

Sexual health is an important aspect of quality of life. Norms regarding sexuality affect indi-viduals in several aspects. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of norms on sexual health, for nine (9) individuals based on their own written stories. The material consists of nine (9) written posts from the Internet forum Reddit. The theoretical frame of references consists of script t

Arbetslöshet och Fas 3 - En kvalitativ studie av deltagare i Fas 3

The aim of this study was to investigate the third-phase process, exploring participant’s perceptions and experiences as part of the research. The third-phase process is a labor market policy for those who’ve been unemployed for four hundred and fifty (450) days or more. The selection process was based on five participants between the ages of thirty- two (32) and fifty- three (53) years old, two m

No title

Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att analysera och kategorisera tio utvalda läroböcker – fem spanska och fem svenska – för spanska som främmande språk med utgångspunkt i dessas förklaringar av bruket och användningsområdena av det verbala moduset, konjunktiv. Vår hypotes är således att läroböckerna oftare förklarar bruket av konjunktiv utifrån ett syntaktiskt perspektiv än utifrån en semantiskt.

Röntgensjuksköterskans profession på olika sidor av Öresundsbron En enkätstudie om likheter och skillnader i kompetens

Bakgrund: Röntgensjuksköterskans kompetens är av stor betydelse för omvårdnad och patientsäkerheten inom diagnostisk radiologisk verksamet. Kompetensutbytet över sundet har blivit allt vanligare sedan Öresundsbron öppnades första juli 2000 vilket ställer krav på likvärdig kunskap och kompetens. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva och jämföra den svenska och danska röntgensjuksköterskans/rad

Climate Smart Fortaleza

With the urban population growing exponentially the challenges associated with urban development are numerous. The urban heat island effect, rising energy demands and floods are only a few of the problems that large cities face today. With climate change it is becoming urgent to build climate smart cities. The objective of this research project is to identify how the design of a city, based on the

JC - Just Confusing

We are living in a changing society where businesses need to keep themselves updated and adapt to changing circumstances. Hence, some brands need to repo- sition themselves to survive. The purpose with repositioning is that a brand wants to convey a different identity and therefore create a new image and position in the consumer’s mind. However, one can only control the change of the identity sinc

Paleoekologisk undersökning av Triberga mosse, sydöstra Öland

10 000kalenderyears ago the first people wandered over the ice and onto Öland. Since then the vegeta-tion of Öland have been exposed to anthropogenic change and impact. During the Iron Age the population of Öland increases greatly due to strong connections to Rome. This time is commonly referred to as ”Ölands guldålder”. An increased population brought about an increase in land use which in turn b

How to respond to low cost competition – A case study

Background Today many large corporations worldwide are facing new competitors that develop good enough products to a low price. This is a well-known problem for large companies and is not an industry specific problem. We have seen new entrants especially from Asia entering, ranging from the airline industry, grocery, retailing, wind energy market, banking to IT services. These are just examples an

Farming on the Fringe : Enhancing China’s Food Security through Community Supported Agriculture

Amid the many food safety scandals and rapid urbanization, China’s peri-urban areas have recently witnessed the emergence of alternative food systems (AFSs). Situated in a context different from that of the West, their impact has remained poorly understood and under researched. This paper explores how Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) can enhance food security in China’s cities. Based on Polan

Governing for Sustainability: Between Post-political Participation and Apathy in an Argentinian Neighbourhood

Despite the increased focus on sustainable urban development both within academia and in urban planning practices, authors seem to agree that we are mostly continuing business as usual and are not embarking on different socio-environmental trajectories. On the contrary, such urban sustainability practices can often lead to processes of displacement and gentrification, thus worsening the conditions

Perception of perfection

In this project I discuss perfection and perfectionism. The ideals in our society are challenging and sometimes impossible to live by. This goes for everything from social life, to looks and career. I based the research both on readings, talks, experiments and a own observations. In a survey I found that most of the participants that was in design school felt a lot of performance anxiety, and tha

Are Smart Meters Really Smart?

Increased energy efficiency is a fundamental pillar to foster sustainable energy systems and a resource efficient economy. To that end, policies and measures to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency technologies are greatly needed in order to reduce or correct market and behavioural failures that prevent efficiency improvements, and resulting economic and environmental gains. To addres