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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

Structural monitoring and inspection modelling for structural system updating

Structural monitoring (e.g. structural measurement and damage detection) and inspections have been widely applied as part of structural maintenance. However, the potential of using the obtained information is not yet fully exploited to update the structural reliability and support the maintenance and operation strategy. This paper describes the foundations, limitations, and characteristics of meas

Early career training and development of academic independence: a case of life sciences in Japan

Academic training is the initial step for junior scientists to learn to develop into independent scientists. This study investigates how supervisors decide to employ different approaches of early-career research training, and how these approaches influence the degree of trainees’ independence in their later careers. Drawing on survey and bibliometric data of life scientists in Japanese universitie

A global meta-analysis of greenhouse gases emission and crop yield under no-tillage as compared to conventional tillage

No-tillage (NT) practice is extensively adopted with aims to improve soil physical conditions, carbon (C) sequestration and to alleviate greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions without compromising crop yield. However, the influences of NT on GHGs emissions and crop yields remains inconsistent. A global meta-analysis was performed by using fifty peer-reviewed publications to assess the effectiveness of

Toxin-Based Rodent Models of Parkinson’s Disease

A major pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a severe degeneration of dopamine (DA)-producing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) projecting to the motor part of the striatum. Therefore, there is a long-standing interest in using animal models with severe nigrostriatal degeneration for experimental research. Pathophysiological and behavioral features of PD are best

Methyl-3-hexenoate combustion chemistry : Experimental study and numerical kinetic simulation

This work represents a detailed investigation of combustion and oxidation of methyl-3-hexenoate (CAS Number 2396-78-3), including experimental studies of combustion and oxidation characteristics, quantum chemistry calculations and kinetic model refinement. Following experiments have been carried out: Speciation measurements during oxidation in a jet-stirred reactor at 1 atm; chemical speciation me

Guidance regarding COVID-19 for survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer : A statement from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group

Childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancer survivors may be at risk for a severe course of COVID-19. Little is known about the clinical course of COVID-19 in CAYA cancer survivors, or if additional preventive measures are warranted. We established a working group within the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group (IGHG) to summarize existing evidence

Next Generation HLA Sequence Analysis Uncovers Seven HLA-DQ Amino Acid Residues and Six Motifs Resistant to Childhood Type 1 Diabetes

HLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 genes have significant and potentially causal associations with autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D). To follow on the earlier analysis on high-risk HLA-DQ2.5 and DQ8.1, the current analysis uncovers seven residues (αa1, α157, α196, β9, β30, β57, β70) that are resistant to T1D among subjects with DQ4, 5, 6 and 7 resistant DQ haplotypes. These seven residues form 13 common motifs; si

Maize residue effects on PM2.5, PM10, and dust emission from agricultural land

Atmospheric particulate matter and dust from agricultural land significantly affect air quality and human health in nearby residential areas. To quantify these air pollutants, it is important to estimate the vertical atmospheric particulate matter PM2.5, PM10, and dust flux using observations and validated models. To the authors´ knowledge, this has previously not been performed for semi-humid agr

Sustainable solutions to mitigate occupational heat strain - an umbrella review of physiological effects and global health perspectives

BACKGROUND: Climate change is set to exacerbate occupational heat strain, the combined effect of environmental and internal heat stress on the body, threatening human health and wellbeing. Therefore, identifying effective, affordable, feasible and sustainable solutions to mitigate the negative effects on worker health and productivity, is an increasingly urgent need. OBJECTIVES: To systematically

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, hexyl hexanoate, CAS Registry Number 6378-65-0

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Hexyl hexanoate was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analog hexyl isobutyrate (CAS # 2349-07-7) show that hexyl hexanoate is not

Microphase Separated Cation Conducting Polymers : Design, Synthesis, and Properties

Avhandlingen beskriver syntes och egenskaper hos fem stycken olika katjonledande polymersystem. Dessa system designades så att polymererna skulle kunna mikrofasseparera i distinkta faser med en fas för mekanisk styrka och en för jonledningsförmåga. Tre stycken studier inriktade på litiumjonledande polymer för batterier och två på protonledande polymermembran till bränsleceller är inkluderade i avhThis thesis describes the synthesis and properties of five different cation conducting polymer systems. These systems were designed so that the polymers would be able to microphase separate into distinct phases with one phase for mechanical strength and one for ionic conductivity. Three studies focused on lithium ion conducting polymers for batteries and two on proton exchange membranes for fuel c

A Biosensing Strategy for Fast Profiling of Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance threatens global public health. Clinical methods that simplify and accelerate resistance diagnosis are urgently needed. Here we describe a function-based antibiotic resistance detection and classification strategy to improve diagnosis. The method identifies resistance enzymes by directly measuring the thermal signal generated when an antibiotic i enzymatically degraded. A sub

Sociodemographic factors and uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women aged 15-50 years : a nationwide Swedish cohort register study (1997-2018)

Objective: To study the relationship between sociodemographic factors and pyelonephritis. Methods: A nationwide open cohort study consisting of 2,052,873 women (76.2% Swedish-born) aged 15-50 years was conducted (1997-2018). The outcome was the first event of acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis diagnosed in primary healthcare settings in relation to the sociodemographic factors. Cox regression mode

Multimodal ex vivo methods reveal that Gd-rich corrosion byproducts remain at the implant site of biodegradable Mg-Gd screws

Extensive research is being conducted on magnesium (Mg) alloys for bone implant manufacturing, due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability and mechanical properties. Gadolinium (Gd) is among the most promising alloying elements for property control in Mg alloy implants; however, its toxicity is controversial. Investigating Gd behavior during implant corrosion is thus of utmost importance. In t

Flying through gaps : How does a bird deal with the problem and what costs are there?

Animals flying in the wild often show remarkable abilities to negotiate obstacles and narrow openings in complex environments. Impressive as these abilities are, this must result in costs in terms of impaired flight performance. In this study, I used a budgerigar as a model for studying these costs. The bird was filmed in stereo when flying through a wide range of gap widths from well above wingsp

Safety and tolerability of subcutaneous immunoglobulin 20% in primary immunodeficiency diseases from two continents

Aim: This pooled analysis evaluated the safety and tolerability of the subcutaneous immunoglobulin 20% product, Ig20Gly, in primary immunodeficiency diseases using data from two Phase II/III studies conducted in North America and Europe. Patients & materials/methods: Patients received Ig20Gly (volumes, ≤60 ml/site; rates, ≤60 ml/h/site). Adverse events (AEs), tolerability and infusion paramete

High body mass index is associated with increased risk for osteoarthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint during more than 30 years of follow-up

Introduction Osteoarthritis (OA) of the first carpometacarpal (CMC-1) joint is a common hand disorder with symptoms including pain and weakness of the thumb. Previous studies have associated high BMI with OA of weight-bearing joints, whereas studies regarding non-weight-bearing joints have shown conflicting results. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of overweight and obe

Facing obesity in pain rehabilitation clinics : Profiles of physical activity in patients with chronic pain and obesity—A study from the Swedish Quality Registry for Pain Rehabilitation (SQRP)

Background The obesity epidemic has influenced pain rehabilitation clinics. To date, little is known about baseline level of physical activity (PA) in patients referred to pain rehabilitation clinics. We aimed to investigate the PA levels of patients referred to pain rehabilitation clinics and to evaluate the effect of excess weight on PA level. Methods and findings Data were obtained from the Swe