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Your search for "*" yielded 529357 hits

Mobile application to encourage change in favor of the environment: A quantitative study of the persuasive effect of a gamified app on cognitive and psycho-social variables

Human-induced climate change continues to have a disproportionate negative impact on people and the planet. The human dimension must be included to make a change to reduce the environmental challenges we are facing. As mobile digital technologies have developed, the use of gamification has emerged as a way to promote pro-environmental behavior. As the field is relatively new, the research on the t

Glioblastoma CD105+ cells define a SOX2- cancer stem cell-like subpopulation in the pre-invasive niche

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Glioma stem like cells (GSC) represent the highest cellular hierarchy in GBM and have a determining role in tumor growth, recurrence and patient prognosis. However, a better definition of GSC subpopulations, especially at the surgical resection margin, is warranted for improved oncological treatment options. T

Remote work & good ergonomics

Based on the recent years of home working, this project is an examination of our home workplaces, to optimize the human posture and include good ergonomics in future static remote work. With an experimenting approach, I explore the possibilities of designing a dining chair with simple adjustments to transform the chair into a work chair. The purpose is to design a multifunctional chair that

Testing Platform for Memory IPs using PULPissimo

Memory IPs are important components in SoC designs. Hence, making sure that the memory IPs are functioning as expected is crucial for any organization. In order to do so, memory IPs must be tested. In addition, the testing capabilities can be enhanced by integrating a processor to the memory test chip. In this project, an open-source PULPissimo platform based on RISC-V ISA(Instruction set architec

Record of the end-Triassic mass extinction in shallow marine carbonates: the Lorüns section (Austria)

Det sen-Triassiska massutdöendet (STM) var ett av de fem stora massutdöenden i Fanerozoikum och inträffade för omkring 201 miljoner år sedan. Forskningen är enig om att utdöendet orsakades av vulkanutbrotten associerade med bildandet av den Centralatlantiska magmatiska provinsen (CAMP), som är kopplade till uppbrottet av superkontinenten Pangea. De omfattande vulkaniska utsläppen av CO2 och SO2 leThe end-Triassic mass extinction (ETE) was one of the five big mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic and occurred ~201 Ma ago. Research agrees that the main triggering factor for the ETE was the eruptions of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Volcanic Province (CAMP), linked to the break-up of the supercontinent Pangaea. The large amounts of CO2 and SO2 released from the volcanic eruptions had a series o

High-resolution inverse modelling of European CH4emissions using the novel FLEXPART-COSMO TM5 4DVAR inverse modelling system

We present a novel high-resolution inverse modelling system ("FLEXVAR") based on FLEXPARTCOSMO back trajectories driven by COSMO meteorological fields at 7 km×7 km resolution over the European COSMO-7 domain and the four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation technique. FLEXVAR is coupled offline with the global inverse modelling system TM5-4DVAR to provide background mole fractions ("b

Hydroxyapatite – A trojan horse in the delivery of apatite-binding cytostatics in bone cancer

Osteosarcoma is a malignant cancer of the bone mainly affecting adolescents. Despite progress, the clinical management of osteosarcoma is still challenging. With the current chemotherapy protocol being used for more than 30 years, the number of poor responders is increasing. Although new treatments have been explored since then, no improved tumor eradication effect have been found. In the present

Legitimizing user knowledge in mental health services : Epistemic (in)justice and barriers to knowledge integration

Including the voices and knowledge of service users is essential for developing recovery-oriented and evidence-based mental health services. Recent studies have however, suggested that challenges remain to the legitimization of user knowledge in practice. To further explore such challenges, a co-production study was conducted by a team of researchers and representatives from user organizations in

Investigation on 5G Techniques for a College Scenario

With the development of telecommunication technology, the mobile networks are being updated. 5G is the fifth generation mobile communication, which can provide a higher data rate, lower latency, more connections, higher security insurance, and more flexible business deployment capabilities than 4G. The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the advantages of using 5G networks under differ

CELLoGeNe - An energy landscape framework for logical networks controlling cell decisions

Experimental and computational efforts are constantly made to elucidate mechanisms controlling cell fate decisions during development and reprogramming. One powerful computational method is to consider cell commitment and reprogramming as movements in an energy landscape. Here, we develop Computation of Energy Landscapes of Logical Gene Networks (CELLoGeNe), which maps Boolean implementation of ge

Negotiating energy democracy in practice : governance processes in community energy projects

There is a growing ‘energy democracy’ (ED) movement which regards the transition to renewable energy as an opportunity for socio-economic transformation, as well as technological innovation. The literature on ED tends to associate greater democratic control of energy systems with increased community control over the means of energy generation and distribution. Nonetheless, this literature often as

Global drivers of avian haemosporidian infections vary across zoogeographical regions

Aim: Macroecological analyses provide valuable insights into factors that influence how parasites are distributed across space and among hosts. Amid large uncertainties that arise when generalizing from local and regional findings, hierarchical approaches applied to global datasets are required to determine whether drivers of parasite infection patterns vary across scales. We assessed global patte

Individual’s risk attitudes in sub-Saharan Africa : Determinants and reliability of self-reported risk in Burkina Faso

Understanding individual risk taking is an important topic in Africa, as access to financial institutions and social security is scarce, and where markets and government policies largely fail to understand investment decisions of poor households. Data on risk attitudes in Africa is limited and the available data collected might not be reliable. We investigate the determinants of risk attitudes in Understanding individual risk taking is an important topic in Africa, as access to financial institutions and social security is scarce, and where markets and government policies largely fail to understand investment decisions of poor households. Data on risk attitudes in Africa is limited and the available data collected might not be reliable. We investigate the determinants of risk attitudes in

Liminal Children, Liminal Rights? : Media Representations of Scandinavian Children Born of War after World War II and after the Fall of the Islamic State

This chapter argues for the importance of developing historical reference frames for Scandinavian children born to foreign fighters in the so-called Islamic State (IS)—that is, seeing them as children born of war (CBOW) rather than as “IS children”—to strengthen the case for their repatriation from Kurdish detention camps. Politicians across the region today stress they want to repatriate the chil

David vs. Coal-iath: Coalition-building in the anti-coal protests in Lützerath, Germany

For social movements to create social change they need to mobilize resources, seize political opportunities, and foster favourable discourses. To do so, they engage in coalition building processes to streamline their action and resources with related groups. This process can also be observed in the village of ‘Lützerath’, Germany, which shall be swallowed by the coal mine ‘Garzweiler 2’. To analys

Assessing change agency in urban experiments for sustainability transitions

Experimentation has become one of the prevailing modes of governing the transition toward sustainable practices in urban environments. The spatial variation of urban sustainability transition has been attributed to a variety of conditions erected at different spatial scales. What remains less well-understood is how spatial situatedness shapes agency in urban experiments and the shapes agency can t

Roadmap for network-based biocomputation

Network-based biocomputation (NBC) is an alternative, parallel computation approach that can potentially solve technologically important, combinatorial problems with much lower energy consumption than electronic processors. In NBC, a combinatorial problem is encoded into a physical, nanofabricated network. The problem is solved by biological agents (such as cytoskeletal filaments driven by molecul

Arcs on speedskating straightaways : forces, energy and angular momentum

The 10 000 m speedskating event during the 2022 winter Olympics brought a new world record at 12 min and 30.74 s. In a document released after the competitions, the gold medalist Nils van der Poel describes his technique, including a focus on horizontal forces and a rapid sideways motion in connection with stride changes on the straight sections of the track (the ‘straightaways’). Based on a video