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Your search for "*" yielded 529182 hits
English Premier League Clubs as Iconic Brands? A case study of three English Premier League football clubs from a cultural branding perspective
Arsenal F.C., Manchester City F.C. and Newcastle United F.C. are three leading football clubs in the English Premier League. These three clubs are consolidated in terms of having a rich history, culture and traditions as well as local embeddedness. Douglas B. Holt’s contributions to the field of branding added a new dimension to how to operate a brand and are recurrently being used in new research
The Astropy Project : Sustaining and Growing a Community-oriented Open-source Project and the Latest Major Release (v5.0) of the Core Package*
The Astropy Project supports and fosters the development of open-source and openly developed Python packages that provide commonly needed functionality to the astronomical community. A key element of the Astropy Project is the core package astropy, which serves as the foundation for more specialized projects and packages. In this article, we summarize key features in the core package as of the rec
På mitt, ditt eller vårt sätt: En etnologisk studie av det obetalda hem- och omsorgsarbetet
In my, your or our way: An ethnological study of the unpaid domestic labour. This study in ethnology explores and analyses experiences and perceptions of the unpaid domestic labour among people that are part of a cohabiting relationship for the first time, which simultaneously compose the overall aim. The study is based on empirical material collected through observations, interviews and self-ass
Bland kalsonger, gardiner och videomöten: En etnologisk studie om hur hemarbetsplatsen konstrueras i pandemins tid
The aim of this study is to understand how individuals construct their workplace at home, while they work from home digitally during the corona pandemic. The method through which the study has been conducted in order to achieve its aim is qualitative interviews. These were constructed to be held in the digital format of a digital communication software. The same format in which all e-workers have
Womenʼs perspectives on the quality of maternal and newborn care in childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia : Results from the IMAgiNE EURO study on 40 WHO standards-based quality measures
Objective: To investigate women's perspectives on the quality of maternal and newborn care (QMNC) around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia, comparing the years 2020 and 2021, among women who went into labor or had a prelabor cesarean. Methods: Women giving birth in healthcare facilities in Latvia from March 1, 2020, to October 28, 2021, answered an online questionnaire
Rapid Implementation of Telehealth Video Visits in Cancer Care – The Perspectives of Patients and Healthcare Professionals
Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical visits were replaced by video visits. The aim of this study was to evaluatethe rapid implementation of telehealth video visits in cancer care from the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals togain knowledge about when physical visits can be replaced by video visits and to identify the improvements needed to optimizecancer care.Mater
Colloid phase behavior
The phase behavior of some different colloid systems is reviewed. Starting off with polymer solutions, we recall that while the monomers are soluble in the solvent, the polymer may not. Two polymers are even less miscible. Block copolymer melts, formed by two immiscible blocks, undergo “microphase separation” and form ordered liquid crystalline phases. Colloidal spheres crystallize at higher conce
Chronology of Västra Vång based on the Jewellery and Comparisons with other Magnate Farms and Central Places
School Choice
School districts in the United States and around the world are increasingly moving away from traditional neighborhood school assignment, in which pupils attend closest schools to their homes. Instead, they allow families to choose from schools within district boundaries. This creates a market with parental demand over publicly-supplied school seats. More frequently than ever, this market for schoo
European [security] Union : bordering and governing a secure Europe in a better world?
The past 20 years, since the 1992 Treaty on European Union, have seen the gradual creation of both an “Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” and a “Common Foreign and Security Policy”. More recent is the development of a “European Neighbourhood Policy” over the past 10 years. All three of these policies involved the navigation and negotiation of security, borders and governance in and by the Euro
Connecting a French Dictionary from the Beginning of the 20th Century to Wikidata
The Petit Larousse illustré is a French dictionary first published in 1905. Its division in two main parts on language and on history and geography corresponds to a major milestone in French lexicography as well as a repository of general knowledge from this period. Although the value of many entries from 1905 remains intact, some descriptions now have a dimension that is more historical than cont
Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Topical Clindamycin in a Patient with Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Age-related tau-PET uptake and its downstream effects extend beyond the medial temporal lobe in cognitively normal older adults
Background: Amyloid-beta (Aβ) is hypothesized to facilitate the spread of tau pathology beyond the medial temporal lobe (MTL). However, there is evidence that age-related Aβ-independent tau pathology is present outside the MTL (Kaufman et al., Acta Neuropathol, 2018). We examine tau deposition determined by positron emission tomography (PET) in regions typically involved earlier/later in AD and do
The 'Difference Engine': : Constructing and Representing the International Identity of the European Union
The purpose of this article is to develop more fully the notion of the international identity of the European Union (EU) in world politics. We will attempt to balance our previous focus of work on the "active dimension' of the EU' s attempts to "assert its identity on the international scene'; by looking at the "reflexive dimension'; of the EU's international identity from a more sociological pers
Ett delat samhälle - makt, intersektionalitet och social skiktning, 3e uppl.
Boken ger en inblick i sociologins djup och bredd genom att inspirera till fortsatt tänkande om det delade samhället. I den tredje upplagan har flera kapitel reviderats och boken har utökats med ett nyskrivet kapitel om regionala och geografiska skillnader för att ge ökad förståelse av ojämlikhet och förändring mellan stad och land och inom storstadsregionerna.Sedan sociologin grundades har ämnet
Domedagsprofeten som inspirerade Hitler
Relative Pose From a Calibrated and an Uncalibrated Smartphone Image
In this paper, we propose a new minimal and a non-minimal solver for estimating the relative camera pose together with the unknown focal length of the second camera. This configuration has a number of practical benefits, e.g., when processing large-scale datasets. Moreover, it is resistant to the typical degenerate cases of the traditional six-point algorithm. The minimal solver requires four poin
Mixed bubbles in a one-dimensional Bose-Bose mixture
We investigate a Bose-Bose mixture across the miscible-immiscible phase transition governed by quantum fluctuations in one dimension. We find the recently predicted so-called mixed bubbles as ground states close to the mean-field miscible-immiscible threshold. These bubbles form a pocket of miscibility, separated by one of the components. The collective excitations reflect the symmetry breaking re
Ambulans och akutmottagning i samverkan - Faktorer som påverkar en säker överrapportering
Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas ca 100 000 patienter per år av vårdskada. Forskning har visat att överrapportering mellan professioner i vårdkedjan är en stor riskfaktor i att bedriva en patientsäker vård. Ambulanssjuksköterskan ska kunna samverka med andra vårdinstanser och främja en säker vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa aktuell forskning för att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevel