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Leder Lean till Green?

In this thesis, a qualitative comparative case study has been conducted in five production companies. This has been made to get an understanding of how companies work with Lean and environmental management. Four interviews were conducted and two survey responses were received and there were eight open-ended questions where respondents were relatively free to talk about their experiences. The quest

Drumliner vid moderna glaciärer : hur vanliga är de?

Projektet har genomförts med hjälp av litteraturstudier. Undersökningarna i litteraturen har byggt på geografisk informationssystem (GIS), digital terrängmodell (DTM), fältundersökning och seismisk reflektion. I projektet har det redogjorts skillnader och likheter mellan forntida och moderna drumliner och ett försök att bestämma hur vanliga drumliner är vid moderna glaciärer. Studien visade att liThe project has been implemented by means of literature studies. The studies in the literature have been based on geographical information systems (GIS), digital terrain model (DTM), field survey and seismic reflection. The project has been outlined the differences and similarities between ancient and modern drumlins and an attempt to determine how common drumlins are at modern glaciers. The study

Dioxiner i tamponger- En försumbar risk eller en fara för kvinnors hälsa?

The average woman uses 11,000 tampons during her lifetime. Both sanitary pads and tampons have been proven to contain low levels of dioxins, which are a group of highly toxic environmental pollutants known to cause cancer, reproductive damage and endocrine disruption. Some scientists have concluded that dioxin levels in tampons are insignificant to the overall dioxin exposure of menstruating women

Culture’s Consequences: Examining the Relevance of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to Youth Sexual Health

Cultural norms that promote gender inequality have shown to encourage power imbalances in heterosexual relationships, increasing both young men and young women’s risk of STDs, HIV, unplanned pregnancy and intimate partner violence (WHO, 2004). Understanding how exactly these cultural norms impact youth’s gendered sexual roles and overall sexual health has been increasingly highlighted as an import

Equal Respect for the Private and Family Life of Transgender People? Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights' Case Law on Recognising Gender Identity

This study examines whether the right to respect for private and family life, as enshrined in Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, is equally enjoyed by transgender people. The focus of the research is on the European Court of Human Rights’ case law on gender identity, and special emphasis is placed on the principles of equality and non-discrimination. For the analysis, the Europ

Information Technology in Internal Business Partnering: A Case Study at a Major Swedish Truck Manufacturer

In this study I explore the field of internal business partnering (IBP) and how IT is utilized in supporting these efforts and in supporting an increased awareness. I furthermore explore what the current limitations of today's technology are, and finally, in addition, study a specific collaborative tool, namely a word processing template, and how this should be developed to maximize communicat

Evaluation of possibilities for a predictive dynamic analysis model for musculoskeletal disorders

Modern ergonomics evaluation tools normally consider work postures as static and isolated positions. These tools have not taken into consideration the cumulative stress that builds up from repetitive tasks and work positions. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to do an initial research whether time can be used as a variable for a predictive dynamic analysis model for musculoskeletal disorders (M

Straffbudet mened - Föreligger det med hänsyn till dess skyddsintressen ett behov av att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde?

För det fall ett straffbuds tillämpningsområde inte omfattar gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, föreligger det p.g.a. avsaknaden av lagens straffhot, en förhöjd risk för att viktiga enskilda, allmänna och/eller statliga intressen utsätts för kränkningar. Det faktum att ett straffbud inte omfattar handlingar som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, är dock inte tillräckligt för att det skIn case the scope of a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods, there is due to the absence of the threat of punishment, an increased risk that important individual, general and/or state interests are subjected to violations. However, the fact that a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods is not sufficient to justify the expansion of i

Parabener i kosmetik - en studie med fokus på säkerhet och försiktighetsprincipen

Parabens are a group of commonly used conservatives in cosmetics, foods and pharmasuticals. Although they have been widely used since the 1920s the effects of these substances are still not thoroughly understood. This literature review aims to enlighten the prevailing discussion regarding chemical safety using the precautionary principle. During the last decade a vast amount of research has been d

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Young people, who previously have been placed away from home in foster care, are from the political perspective, a particularly vulnerable group. This is a very general manner that previously placed young people live or has lived more volatile and turbulent, with changing within education and very poor self-management, What these peoples experience when they enter the independent adulthood is an a

Global analysis of the soil and root fungal communities in the introduced pine species Pinus contorta

Popular science summary The Role of Fungal Communities in the Lodgepole pine´s invasion Summary Belowground microbial interactions have an important effect on the performance of plant populations and the success of plant invasions. The introduced Lodgepole pine, for instance, can be presented with novel fungal mutualists in the introduced areas in comparison with their native ranges. These nove

How is the Performance of a Neural Network Ensemble influenced by Over-fitting and Ensemble Size - A Numerical Investigation

The goal of this investigation is to study the performance of two different aspects of neural network ensembles: one ensemble contains over-trained networks and the other very many members. The over-training of the networks within the first ensemble is achieved with a larger number of hidden neurons than the approximation task in question would require. The result of the investigation is that over

Acceptans av vegetarisk mat hos barn - Hur kan Lunds kommun öka acceptansen av vegetarisk mat hos elever i de kommunala skolorna?

In recent years, decreased meat consumption has been emphasized as important for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The municipality of Lund is working to reduce its meat consumption by serving vegetarian food once a week in the municipal schools. The results differ between schools, where students in some schools have accepted the vegetarian food while students in other schools have not. The purpo

Arbetsrelaterad motivation: Sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment

Undersökningen studerar sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment, samt hur styrkan i detta samband kan bero på ålder. Studien innefattar en internetbaserad surveyundersökning där urvalet begränsas till tjänstemän inom den offentliga sektorn. Enkäten innehåller frågor rörande individens upplevda arbetssituation. Analysen visar en positiv korrelation mellan de två variablerna, r = .705, The research examines the relation between employee engagement and empowerment, and how the strength of this relationship is affected by age. The research includes an internet-based survey to a sample of civil servants in the public sector. The survey consists of questions related to the individual's perceived work-situation. The analysis shows a positive correlation between the two variables,

Lunds Domkyrkas takkonstruktion

Lund Cathedral was built in Romanesque style when Lund became an archbishopric in the early 1100s. The roof structure of the church then had a flat wooden roof on the inside with room for tension rods so that the roof structure only affected the masonry walls with vertical loads. After a major fire in the 1200s, where the church was almost completely destroyed, cross vaults were built. This meant

Ingen förstår varandra : Om poetiska framställningar av djur i Aase Bergs Liknöjd fauna

The problem of representing animals in literature and poetry is a topic that lately has started to receive more attention from theorists and literary scholars. In her poetry book Liknöjd fauna, the swedish poet Aase Berg creates a space for negotiating and deconstructing the borders between human, animal and nature. At the same time, the poems seem to lead a discussion on the very act of represent

I demokratins tjänst: Makt- och rollförändring mellan yrkespolitiker och högre tjänstemän i svenska kommuner

De senaste åren har det skett en stor omsättning av högre kommunala chefer. En del kan förklaras med pensionsavgångar, men en del har med något annat att göra. Tidigare undersökningar och forskning pekar på att vi har en kommunal tjänstemannaorganisation och politik i förändring, där trycket har ökat på både politiker och tjänstemän. En av riktningarna går mot en ökad politisk professionalisering

Nu plingar det igen, härligt väl?

Denna uppsats handlar om hur distansarbetssättet via smartphone, Office Home Smartphone, påverkar balansen mellan det privata och det arbetsrelaterade livet. Här presenteras denna balans som Work Life Balance, även kallat WLB; vad det är, hur man uppnår det och om det är någonting att sträva efter. Även det ovannämnda arbetssättet Office Home Smartphone, även kallat OHS, presenteras; vad det ä