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Your search for "*" yielded 531887 hits

Altered homeostasis of extracellular matrix proteins in joints of standardbred trotters during a long-term training programme

This study evaluates how strenuous training, age and lameness influence the release of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (sf-COMP), aggrecan and collagen type II into synovial fluid in 28 (19.5-40 months) Standardbred trotters (STB), during a long-term training programme (24 months). All the horses were trained by the same trainer and were healthy on entering the training programme. Synovial flu

MLL/GAS7 fusion in a pediatric case of t(11;17)(q23;p13)-positive precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

AML/GAS7, resulting from t(11;17)(q23;p13), has been reported in one case of treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We present a de novo case of t(11;17)-positive pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed an MLL/GAS7 chimera identical to the one previously described in AML. The molecular

Calculating the nuclear mass in the very high angular momentum regime

Macroscopic-microscopic methods are applied in the high-spin regime to calculate the nuclear binding energy ("mass") as a function of proton number, neutron number, and angular momentum. Masses at high spin are calculated using the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model together with two different liquid drop models, the Lublin-Strasbourg drop model and the finite range liquid drop model. When compariso

A new circumscription of the lichen genus Nephromopsis (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes).

The phylogeny of the cetrarioid lichens with bifusiform spermatia and dorsiventral thalli which contain usnic acid is reanalysed using three parts of the genome, ITS rDNA, b-tubulin and GAPDH sequences. Molecular data from five cetrarioid species are presented for the first time, and 13 new sequences are combined with sequences from the gene bank to delimit the genus Nephromopsis. A monophyletic c

Conceptual spaces as a framework for knowledge representation

The dominating models of information processes have been based on symbolic representations of information and knowledge. During the last decades, a varietyof non-symbolic models have been proposed as superior. The prime examples of models within the non-symbolic approach are neural networks. However, to a large extent theylac k a higher-level theoryof representation. In this paper, conceptual spac

Effects of Rho kinase, prostacyclin and L-arginine on microvascular permeability and perfusion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cirkulationen i de minsta kärlen, de s.k. mikrovaskulära utbyteskärlen är viktig för vävnadens syre- och näringstillförsel. Mikrocirkulationen utgörs av de minsta artärerna, kapillärerna, och de minsta venerna. I kapillärerna och i de minsta venerna sker utbytet av näring, syre, samt koldi-oxid och andra metabola restprodukter. För fettlösliga ämnen som koldioxid och syThis thesis presents some effects of Rho kinase, prostacyclin (PGI2) and nitric oxide (NO) in relation to trauma and inflammation by evaluating their effects on microvascular perfusion and permeability in mouse brain and in cat skeletal muscle. PGI2 and NO are endogenous vasoactive substances produced by the endothelium. They are vasodilators with antiaggregatory/antiadhesive and permeability-redu

"Kristi ämbete" : Gunnar Rosendal och diskussionen om biskopsämbetet i Svenska kyrkan

The episcopate has been much debated in the twentieth century, both in the Church of Sweden and ecumenically. The purpose of the thesis is to study how it has been discussed within the Church of Sweden, using the priest and reformer Gunnar Rosendal (1897?1988) as point of departure. Methodologically speaking, a single individual is studied in order to shed light on a broad historical and ideologic

Risk stratification in cardiac surgery: Algorithms and applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inför hjärtkirurgi är bedömning av en patients individuella nytta av och risk vid en hjärtoperation en viktig komponent i utredningen inför operationen. En riskstratifiering innebär att patientens olika riskfaktorer (exempelvis sockersjuka, högt blodtryck, antal tidigare hjärtinfarkter, hjärtfunktion) vägs samman till en sannolikhets-bedömning av risken för en viss händThe aims of this research was to compare different risk score algorithms with regard to their validity to predict 30-day and one-year mortality after open-heart surgery, to evaluate if the preoperative risk stratification model EuroSCORE predicts the different components of resource utilization in cardiac surgery, and to systematically evaluate the accuracy and performance of artificial neural net

Reversed planning graphs for relevance heuristics in AI planning

Most AI planning heuristics are reachability heuristics, in the sense that they estimate the minimum plan length from the initial state to a search state. Such heuristics are best suited for use in regression state-space planners, since a progression planner would have to reconstruct the heuristic function at each new search state. However, some domains (or problem instances within a certain domai

Discrete Methods used in Graph Theory and Linear Programming

The content of the thesis is divided into two parts; graph theory and linear programming. The main results in the first part concerns extremal graph theory. Here we want to determine the number of edges in a graph needed to ensure the existence of certain local structures. Upper and lower bounds are given for the number of edges in a graph to ensure triangles and quadrilaterals respectively, when

Black tea polyphenols restrict benzopyrene-induced mouse lung cancer progression through inhibition of Cox-2 and induction of caspase-3 expression

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer related death in most developed and many developing countries of the world. Due to lack of validated screening methods and poor prognosis, treatment of lung cancer has not improved significantly over the last two decades. Therefore the risk of the disease needs to be minimized by preventive measures. One approach for lung cancer prevention envisag

Rationale, concepts and approach to the assessment

A general recognition that the Arctic will amplify global climate warming, that UV-B radiation may continue to increase there because of possible delays in the repair of stratospheric ozone, and that the Arctic environment and its peoples are likely to be particularly susceptible to such environmental changes stimulated an international assessment of climate change impacts. The Arctic Climate Impa

Failure to detect immune complexes in the secondary stage of pityriasis rosea

Thirty-three patients with pityriasis rosea were studied with regard to the possible presence of circulating and cutaneously deposited immune complexes. The levels of circulating immune complexes, determined by a solid-phase C1q-binding assay, were not different from those of healthy control individuals. The levels were similar in samples obtained during the initial and during the remission stages

Predictions of pulsed field gradient NMR echo-decays for molecules diffusing in various restrictive geometries. Simulations of diffusion propagators based on a finite element method

Pulsed field gradient NMR diffusometry is a promising tool for investigating structures of porous material through determinations of dynamic displacements of molecules in porous systems. A problem with this approach is the lack of closed analytical expressions for echo-decays in anything but idealized pore geometries. We present here an approach based on calculating the appropriate diffusion propa

Overactive bladder: prevalence, risk factors and relation to stress incontinence in middle-aged women.

Objective To investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with overactive bladder in middle-aged women. Design Cross sectional population-based study. Setting Southern Sweden and the Women's Health in the Lund Area study (WHILA 1995-2000) where 6917 (64% of the invited) women, 50-59 years old in 1995, participated. Population From the WHILA study, 1500 women reporting troublesome urinar

Heavy quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and DESY ep collider HERA using k(t) factorization with the CCFM evolution approach

The application of k(t) factorization supplemented with the Ciafaloni-Catani-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) small-x evolution equation to heavy quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and at DESY HERA is discussed. The b (b) over bar production cross sections at the Tevatron can be consistently described using the k(t)-factorization formalism together with the unintegrated gluon density obtained with