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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes transplanted into SCID mice constitute an in vivo culture system exhibiting several parameters found in a normal humoral immune response and are a source of immunocytes for the production of human monoclonal antibodies.

Human PBL from vaccinated healthy blood donors, which was transplanted i.p. into mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), exhibited an Ag-dependent humoral Ir against tetanus toxoid. This Ir was dose dependent and was completely abrogated by immunizing with large amounts of Ag, suggesting a high dose tolerization of the B cells. A dose-dependent selection of specific, high affinity B clo

Targeted prostate cancer screening in men with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 detects aggressive prostate cancer : Preliminary analysis of the results of the IMPACT study

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of targeted prostate cancer screening in men with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, an international study, IMPACT (Identification of Men with a genetic predisposition to ProstAte Cancer: Targeted screening in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and controls), was established. This is the first multicentre screening study targeted at men with a known genetic predisposition to prostat

A panel of kallikrein markers can predict outcome of prostate biopsy following clinical work-up : An independent validation study from the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer screening, France

Background: We have previously shown that a panel of kallikrein markers - total prostate-specific antigen (PSA), free PSA, intact PSA and human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) - can predict the outcome of prostate biopsy in men with elevated PSA. Here we investigate the properties of our panel in men subject to clinical work-up before biopsy.Methods: We applied a previously published predicti

The relationship between prostate-specific antigen and prostate cancer risk : The prostate biopsy collaborative group

Purpose: The relationship between prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level and prostate cancer risk remains subject to fundamental disagreements. We hypothesized that the risk of prostate cancer on biopsy for a given PSA level is affected by identifiable characteristics of the cohort under study. Experimental Design: We used data from five European and three U.S. cohorts of men undergoing biopsy for

Time-resolved fluorescence in immunocytochemical detection of prostate-specific antigen in prostatic tissue sections

Chelates with fluorescent lanthanides such as europium and terbium are widely used in immunofluorometric assays, e.g. for the measurement of different molecular forms of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in serum for detection and monitoring of prostate cancer. These chelates have also been introduced as non-radioactive labels in immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. In the present study, s

Cloning and characterization of the α1-antichymotrypsin produced by human prostate tissue

BACKGROUND. α1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) forms stable complexes with prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a serine protease, and this complex is the major form of PSA in the blood circulation. α1-antichymotrypsin occurs in the blood in approximately 105 molar excess to PSA, mainly due to hepatic production, but local prostatic production of ACT has been demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and in situ hy

Mamma dör men båda föräldrarna försvinner i samma stund: En kvalitativ studie om mäns dödliga våld mot kvinnor med gemensamma barn

It is a common experience among children to witness domestic violence, but how much does it affect the child later on in life? The purpose of this paper is to present what happens to the child mentally and physically when domestic violence against women results in the death of a mother and the imprisonment of a father. The paper also presents ways to minimize the impact the event has on the child.

Breathing Effects in Proton Scanning for Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Idag behandlas nästan hälften av alla cancerpatienter i Sverige med någon form av strålbehan- dling, som komplement till annan behandling eller som självständig terapi. Strålningen är opti- merad för att koncentrera effekten på tumörområdet och minimera biverkningar på intilliggande organ och vävnad. Dagens strålbehandling utnyttjar flera strålslag som tillför olika behandlings- former och valbarhPurpose/Background Proton beam scanning (PBS) for mediastinal Hodgkin's Lymphoma (HL) is limited when treating in free-breathing (FB) due to breathing motion in the thoracic region. Tumour motion and the time structure of the beam delivery will cause interplay and dose blurring effects, resulting in discrepancies of dose in the planned dose distribution both inside and at the edges of tumour v

The 2022 magneto-optics roadmap

Magneto-optical (MO) effects, viz. magnetically induced changes in light intensity or polarization upon reflection from or transmission through a magnetic sample, were discovered over a century and a half ago. Initially they played a crucially relevant role in unveiling the fundamentals of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. A more broad-based relevance and wide-spread use of MO methods, howev

The rs10993994 risk allele for prostate cancer results in clinically relevant changes in microseminoprotein-beta expression in tissue and urine

Background: Microseminoprotein-beta (MSMB) regulates apoptosis and using genome-wide association studies the rs10993994 single nucleotide polymorphism in the MSMB promoter has been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The promoter location of the risk allele, and its ability to reduce promoter activity, suggested that the rs10993994 risk allele could result in lowered MSMB in

Predicting prostate cancer many years before diagnosis : How and why?

Evidence of reduced prostate cancer mortality from randomized trials in Europe supports early detection of prostate cancer with prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Yet PSA screening has generated considerable controversy: it is far from clear that the benefits outweigh risks, in terms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. One way to shift the ratio of benefits to harm is to focus on men at highest risk

Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor as a prognostic marker in men participating in prostate cancer screening

Background. The urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system is involved in tissue remodelling processes and is up-regulated in many types of malignancies. We investigated whether serum levels of different forms of soluble uPA receptor (suPAR) are associated with survival and in particular with prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality. Methods. Using time-resolved fluorescence immunoas

Time-resolved fluorescence imaging for quantitative histochemistry using lanthanide chelates in nanoparticles and conjugated to monoclonal antibodies

Tissue and cell examinations have a potential to produce extremely valuable information about antigen quantities in samples. Using currently available methods, a truly quantitative analysis is nearly impossible. We have previously shown that immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein from prostatic tissue, together with time-resolved fluorescenc

Using energy justice to contextualise existing challenges of wood charcoal against faecal sludge derived briquettes as a future cooking fuel alternative in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Over half of the population in Dar es Salaam (DSM), Tanzania, predominately relies on wood charcoal as a cooking fuel, and this is expected to rise to meet future demands. Drawing on the energy justice framework, this article contextualises the current charcoal supply chain of DSM and discusses the possibility of using faecal sludge-derived briquettes (FS briquettes) as a future alternative. This

Time-resolved fluorescence imaging (TRFI) for direct immunofluorescence of PSA and alpha-1-antichymotrypsin in prostatic tissue sections

We have developed a direct immunofluorescence technique utilising chelates of the lanthanide ions europium and terbium conjugated to monoclonal IgGs (Mabs) against prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and alpha-1- antichymotrypsin (ACT) for the detection and quantification on the same tissue section. Strong signals without disturbance from tissue autofluorescence were demonstrated in paraffin sections

Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies of β- microseminoprotein in the human gastric mucosa

β-Microseminoprotein is a 10-kDa disulphide-rich protein with unknown function which is present in the mucus of the airways, gastrointestinal tract and urogenital tract. In this paper, an investigation of the distribution of β-microseminoprotein in the human stomach is reported. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used. β-Microseminoprotein was found to be localized mainly in the a

Time-resolved fluorometry in end-point and real-time PCR quantification of nucleic acids

Two time-resolved fluorescence-based methods for nucleic acid quantification are described and their results are compared. Both methods use an exogenous internal standard to eliminate errors arising from different steps of the assay. The first method is a competitive end-point assay, where the standard competes for the same primers with the actual target sequence, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) c

Enzymatic action of prostate-specific antigen (PSA or hK3) : Substrate specificity and regulation by Zn2+, a tight-binding inhibitor

BACKGROUND. In semen, prostate-specific antigen (PSA or hK3) digests the gel proteins semenogelin I and II, resulting in liquefaction and the release of motile spermatozoa. We characterized the substrate specificity and zinc-mediated inhibition of PSA. METHODS. The proteolysis of human semenogelin I (SgI) and II (SgII) by PSA was characterized by purification of generated SgI and SgII fragments, N