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OTDOA-Based Positioning in Narrowband IoT

This thesis considers the problem of improving the performance of observed time difference of arrival (OTDOA) based positioning for Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). A new iterative low-complexity algorithm based on expectation maximization successive interference cancellation (EM-SIC) is presented. The algorithm tackles the near-far problem by using an iterative SIC, where for each receivedThis thesis considers the problem of improving the performance of observed time difference of arrival (OTDOA) based positioning for Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). A new iterative low-complexity algorithm based on expectation maximization successive interference cancellation (EM-SIC) is presented. The algorithm tackles the near-far problem by using an iterative SIC, where for each received

Analysing the narrative on Urban Green Infrastructure and Environmental justice A case study of the municipalities of Aarhus and Malmö.

Greening projects are becoming increasingly popular as part of urban transitions towards sustainable cities. Many academic studies have shown that under certain conditions these projects do not address or even execrate existing socio-spatial inequalities. This research attempts to explore the narrative on UGI and environmental justice in academic literature and in the practitioner narrative at mun

Understand Consumer Behavior from a Sustainability Perspective in the Context of Online Food Delivery Services

With the rapid development of digitalization and technology, the consumption environment has also changed a lot. Online food delivery has become a very popular way of ordering, especially with the covid-19 outbreak. But at the same time, the dark side it brings to sustainability cannot be ignored. This study aims to describe and understand the attitude and perceptions that influence consumer behav

Marieholms Klätterklubb

Det här projektet har handlat om utmaningar. Utmaningen att transformera en fabrik, att orientera sig i historien, att hitta balansen och att gestalta hållbart för framtiden. Men framförallt om att utmana besökaren.

Förhåller sig penningtvättslagen till dataskyddsförordningen? - Studie huruvida bestämmelserna om dataskydd försvårar kundkännedomsprocessen för banker

Idag präglas världen av teknikutvecklingen som både anses vara en fördel och en nackdel. För den kriminella världen och organiserade ekonomiska brottsligheten är digitaliseringen en fördel. Moderna tekniska lösningar gör det enklare för gärningsmännen att begå brott, såsom penningtvätt vilket regleras i penningtvättslagen (2017:630). Penningtvättsbrott förekommer både nationellt som internationellToday, the world is characterized by technological development that could be considered both as an advantage and a disadvantage. For the criminal world and organized economic crime, digitalization is seen as an advantage. The modern technical solutions make it easier for the perpetrators to commit crimes, such as money laundering which is regulated in the Money Laundering Act (2017:630). Money lau

”Bekvämlighet i mängden” - En studie om fotbollssupportrars beteende i mängden

In the last couple of years, a conflict between football supporters and police have occurred. This conflict has resulted in many instances of violence between the two parts and protests from the supporters. Some that have been met with even harder legislation around and during football games in Stockholm. The police are actively trying to make a safer envoierment during the games while the support

Secretory Leucocyte Protease Inhibitor in the Male Genital Tract : PSA‐Induced Proteolytic Processing in Human Semen and Tissue Localization

ABSTRACT: Secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor, SLPI, is a low‐molecular‐weight, acid‐stable protein present in the liquid part of fresh human ejaculate but not demonstrable in the gel structure. No fragmentation of SLPI occurred during gel dissolution, but a slow proteolytic cleavage of SLPI was seen on incubation of the liquified semen at 37°C. The same pattern of degradation products was seen

Comparability of the tandem-R andIMx assays for the measurement of serum prostate-specific antigen

Objectives.: To assess the comparability of the Tandem-R and IMx serumprostate-specific antigen (PSA) assays across levels of the ratio of free-to-total serum PSA found in a community-based population of healthy men. Methods.: Banked serum samples from the baseline component of the Olmsted CountyStudy of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status Among Men were thawed and analyzed using the Tandem-R and I

The Effectiveness and Tolerability of a Very Low-Volume Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy Compared to Low and High-Volume Polyethylene Glycol-Solutions in the Real-Life Setting

Adequate bowel cleansing is essential for high-quality colonoscopy. Recently, a new very low-volume 1 litre (1L) polyethylene glycol (PEG) plus ascorbate solution (ASC) has been introduced. Our aims were to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of this product compared to low-volume 2L PEG-ASC and high-volume 4L PEG solutions, in a real-life setting. In six endoscopy units in Sweden, outpatien

Förskjutningar av välfärdsrättigheter och ansvar

"Jag har arbetat med barn i utsatta situationer i 30 år och har aldrig tidigare sett en svårare situation." Så beskrev en representant från civilsamhället situationen för barn och familjer som nyligen sökt asyl i Sverige, på en konferens i december 2019, som samlade ett stort antal frivilligorganisationer och offentliga aktörer. Organisationerna som fanns representerade på konferensen hade sökt oc

Predicting total knee arthroplasty from ultrasonography using machine learning

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the value of ultrasonographic data in predicting total knee replacement (TKR).DESIGN: Data from the Musculoskeletal Pain in Ullensaker study (MUST) was linked to the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register to form a 5-7 year prospective cohort study of 630 persons (69% women, mean (SD) age 64 (8.7) years). We examined the predictive power of ultrasound (US) features, i.e. osteoph

Inre utlänningskontroll i polisarbete : mellan rättsstatsideal och effektivitet i Schengens Sverige

This thesis analyses police officers' work with internal control of foreigners through a discussion of, among other things, the nation-state, rule of law ideals as well as the police profession and the conditions surrounding that profession. Internal control of foreigners, practised by police officers has two main aims: to control migration and to fight crime amongst people unauthorised to reside

Direct Reprogramming of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts to Conventional Type 1 Dendritic Cells by Enforced Expression of Transcription Factors

Ectopic expression of transcription factor combinations has been recently demonstrated to reprogram differentiated somatic cells towards the dendritic cell (DC) lineage without reversion to a multipotent state. DCs have the ability to induce potent and long-lasting adaptive immune responses. In particular, conventional type 1 DCs (cDC1s) excel on antigen cross-presentation, a critical step for ind

Isolation and characterization of two minor fractions of α1,-antitrypsin by high-performance liquid chromatographic chromatofocusing

α1-Antitrypsin is a glycoprotein that separates into five electrophoretic fractions, viz. M2, M4, M6, M7 and M8. Con A-Sepharose separates the protein into three fractions according to the branching degree of the three oligosaccharide chains. The Con A affinity is identical for M4 and M7 and for M6 and M8. Within each pair the proteins were isolated by rapid chromatofocusing. The M7 and M8 have th

Interim Results from the IMPACT Study : Evidence for Prostate-specific Antigen Screening in BRCA2 Mutation Carriers

Background: Mutations in BRCA2 cause a higher risk of early-onset aggressive prostate cancer (PrCa). The IMPACT study is evaluating targeted PrCa screening using prostate-specific-antigen (PSA) in men with germline BRCA1/2 mutations. Objective: To report the utility of PSA screening, PrCa incidence, positive predictive value of PSA, biopsy, and tumour characteristics after 3 yr of screening, by BR

Legacy of Postcolonial and Self-Determination in Occupied Lands: Comparative Case of Palestine & Tibet from Within and Beyond

This thesis has presented a comparison between two occupied territories Tibet and Palestine as countries that have a long legacy of postcolonialism and strife for self-determination. The comparison was conducted from a postcolonial perspective of how Palestine is being occupied by Israel with full Western backing, while Tibet was occupied by another postcolonial country China. This clearly shows h

Algorithmic transparency in the GDPR

Now AI is being used nearly in everything we have. Ranging from hand-wrest watches to household systems used inside houses. According to a report by McKinsey and Co, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on the economy in the coming years, with the potential to add trillions of dollars annually to the global economy. Furthermore, advances in algorithms and data coll

Black in the Ivory Tower: The Subversiveness of Black Women at Lund University

I Sverige har forskningen om svartas upplevelser i akademin varit begränsade, på grund av en självbild som är färgblind och som förhindrar erkännandet av svartas existens (praktik, tanke, kroppar). Denna studie är ett kulturanalytiskt försök att kunna bidra och bredda forskningsfältet för kritiska studier i den svenska akademin, genom att utforska svarta kvinnors känslomässiga och kroppsliga uppleIn Sweden the research about Black people’s experiences in academia is quite limited, because of a self-image that is colourblind which prevents the acknowledgement of Black existence (practice, thought, bodies). This thesis is a cultural analytical attempt to contribute and widen the research field of critical studies in Swedish academia, through exploring Black female’s emotional and body experi