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Experiences of coaching within occupational therapy - A qualitative study

Bakgrund: Internationellt sett har coaching börjat identifieras som en grundläggande kompetens för arbetsterapeutiska insatser. Arbetsterapi och coaching har en viktig gemensam nämnare vilket är möjliggörande av aktivitet. Båda discipliner fokuserar på klienten, de är så kallat klientcentrerade. Syfte: Att utforska varför och hur coaching och ett coachande förhållningssätt används idag inom arbetsBackground: Internationally, coaching has started to be identified as a core enablement skill within occupational therapy. Occupational therapy and coaching have one important aspect in common: enabling occupation and client centeredness. Aim: To explore why and how coaching and a coaching approach is used today within occupational therapy. Method: A qualitative design using semi-structured interv

Host-pathogen interactions in chronic infections and the development of novel therapies

Wound healing is a process that ensures regeneration and repair of damaged tissue. This process can be interrupted, leading to chronic wounds, and one of the factors that can interrupt it is infection. The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is prevalent in chronic wounds, and as it is antibiotic resistant it makes chronic wounds infected with this pathogen a challenging clinical problem. For a bette

Interaction between the carbon tax and renewable energy support schemes in Colombia- Complementary or overlapping?

Colombia is advancing its mitigation and renewable energy policy instruments implementation. Specifically, the country has introduced support schemes for electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES-E) and a national carbon tax. Therefore, these two instruments interact within the climate-energy policy mix. However, the interaction between them could be complementary or overlapping de

The Confucius Institute at Suez Canal University: A Tool in China’s Public Diplomacy

This thesis will analyze the Confucius Institute at Suez Canal University in Egypt. Since 2004 China has been establishing Confucius Institute around the World. The official task of these institutes is to teach Chinese language and culture to foreign publics. However, there are many different opinions about these institutes, and thus superiority of a certain position is absent. Some of the previou

Pparg-Cre.Csf1r-LSL-DTR-mCherry - A new model to study macrophages and monocytes

Macrophages are innate immune cells involved in tissue homeostasis and immunity. They are phagocytes and provide the first line of defense to invading pathogens. Tumors are abundantly populated with macrophages and they are also involved in many autoimmune diseases. Since macrophages play a crucial role in homoeostasis and disease they have emerged as key therapeutic target. However, to manipulate

Modeling of a solar dryer for fruit preservation in developing countries

About 25,3 % of the Mozambican population is suffering from undernourishment even though a sufficient amount of food and specifically fruits are produced. Post-harvest losses are estimated to 25 % to 40 % and part of the production is not even harvested due to a short season. A solution has to be found to improve fruit preservation and allow the population to consume what is harvested later. Dryin

"Paviljong nummer 6" : Tjechovs anatema över passiviteten inför lidandet

Tjechovs ”Paviljong nr 6” är en fascinerande långnovell, som på sin tid väckte stor uppmärksamhet och även mer än hundra år efter sin tillkomst fångar läsarens intresse. Beskrivningarna av miljön, patienterna och huvudpersonerna Ragin och Gromov har en tidlös äkthet, som gör att en nutida läsare tycker sig känna igen sin egen samtid. Novellen är mångbottnad och rik på tolkningsmöjligheter. Den ö

Handlingskrav trots handelskrav? - Interaktion mellan energihushållningsvillkor i verksamhetstillstånd och EU:s system för handel med utsläppsrätter

Europeiska Unionens system för handel med utsläppsrätter, EU ETS, syftar till att på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt reducera mängden växthusgaser som släpps ut av industriella verksamheter runt om i unionen. Interaktioner med andra styrmedel befaras kunna minska systemets effektivitet, därför har unionen försökt undvika sådana. Trots detta har svenska myndigheter ansett sig både berättigade och motiveThe European Union Emissions Trading System, the EU ETS, is designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by industrial activity across the union in a cost-efficient way. Interactions with other governance instruments could potentially reduce the efficiency of the system. For this reason, the union has tried to avoid these types of interactions. Despite this, Swedish authorities has co

Etableringströsklar för nyanlända kvinnor: Varför står kvinnor längre från etablering än män?

“ Etableringsuppdraget ” is a government programme that aims at stimulating and facilitating the integration of immigrants into the labour market. Studies have shown that women struggle more than men, while entering the labour market. Therefore, this study discusses statistical data on the discrepancies between women and men, while participating in etableringsuppdraget during 2016. The data is bas

Right-wing populism and Facebook as the political arena: A quantitative study on political engagement online

Right-wing populism has spread across the European continent during the 21th century, this paper examines if this also is the case on the social media platform Facebook. Through the use of multivariate ordinary linear regression models the thesis seeks to answer if right-wing populist parties and leaders in 12 western European countries generate more followers on their official Facebook accounts t

Remedies Directive in Need of Remediation?

This thesis pertains to analyse the public procurement Remedies Directive in the light of other EU law. The areas and legal instruments that will be presented and compared with the Remedies Directive are the Public Procurement Directive, fundamental rights and domestic public law. After the introduction section, relevant parts of the Public Procurement Directive, the Charter of Fundamental Rights,

The role of the private sector in preparing for humanitarian operations - A multiple-case study including DP-DHL, MasterCard and Cisco

There are many actors included in the humanitarian system, such as NGOs, UN humanitarian agencies and governments. However, a gap in the humanitarian system can be identified where the traditional actors lack resources, which provides an opportunity for the private sector to be more involved, particularly in preparing for humanitarian operations. Therefore, in this research, a multiple-case study

Are sustainable fashion SMEs ready for circularity? The current state and vision of sustainable SMEs in the fashion system

The fashion industry is a significant contributor to global environmental and social issues. But as a system, it is composed of different stakeholders that can work together to make a change. One of those actors involved are small fashion labels, which according to the European Commission, account for more than 90% of the workforce and produce almost 60% of the value within the textile industry (2

An evaluation of using GPM satellite products to forecast flash floods in mountainous catchments

NASA's GPM satellite rainfall products IMERG early run and IMERG late run were evaluated for their applicability in flash flood forecasting. The selected catchment was the upper Han River basin, a mountainous catchment with low precipitation in winter and heavy precipitation during summers located in central China. The evaluated period spanned from 2015-03 to 2016-03 and is limited by the IMER

Is the medium really the message?

Den digitala utvecklingens framfart, liksom globaliseringens många påföljder, banar inte bara väg för otroliga möjligheter utan sätter även en ständig press på moderna och internationellt etablerade företag. Inre såväl som yttre slitningar kan dock lätt uppstå när en ständigt accelererande utveckling forcerar fram förändringar. I samband med förändring väcks frågan om det råder en övertro till tek

Initialization Algorithms for Coupled Dynamic Systems

In this master thesis the consistent initialization problem is studied and three different algorithms were developed regarding the subject area - a graph algorithm used for solving the initialization problem, a parallel algorithm to enable parallel computations when solving the initialization problem and lastly a genetic algorithm used as a preprocessing stage for parallelization. The thesis is b

Den stressade socialsekreteraren : Upplevelser av stress hos socialsekreterare i den svenska barnavården

In recent years Swedish social services have experienced increased workload and employee turnover. Eight out of ten social workers experience a high workload. The reported work related diseases within the field increased by 123 % between 2014 and 2015 and one out of four social workers experiences psychological strains. Young and new employees within childcare services are often more represented i

CRISPR/Cas9 induced overexpression of GABA receptor α1-subunit and CB1 receptor

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases that affects 1 % of the human population. After an initial insult, the brain undergoes several changes that lead to hyperexcitability. These changes include downregulation of both GABAA receptor subunits and CB1 receptors. These receptors normally work to decrease excitability, so their downregulation leads to an increase in excitability. If

Intellectual property rights in purchasing and sourcing - Overview of current best practices

In purchasing and sourcing situations not all companies have a guideline or policy on the handling of intellectual property (IP) rights in these. This thesis covers a literature study on the area followed by interviews with high ranking positions in the industry and technology sector. The aim of the thesis is to create an overview of current best practices in said situations. By consulting relevan