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Young women and urbanization - trying to cope in crowded cities
The article pins down problems of urbanization, poverty, and youth at risk, focusing on the situation of young women in African slums.
Identification of the sex pheromone of the currant shoot borer, Lampronia capitella
Under an artificial light: dark cycle, females of Lampronia capitella were observed calling, with extended terminal abdominal segments, during the first 2 hr of the photoperiod. Extracts of terminal abdominal segments from females elicited large electroantennographic responses from male antennae. Gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection revealed three active peaks. Based on comparis
Evolution of reproductive strategies in the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys sphegodes: How does flower-specific variation of odor signals influence reproductive success?
The orchid Ophrys sphegodes Miller is pollinated by sexually excited males of the solitary bee Andrena nigroaenea, which are lured to the flowers by visual cues and volatile semiochemicals. In O. sphegodes, visits by pollinators are rare. Because of this low frequency of pollination, one would expect the evolution of strategies that increase the chance that males will visit more than one flower on
Nasal Septal Perforations during Treatment with Topical Nasal Glucocorticosteroids Are Generally Not Associated with Contact Allergy to Steroids.
On Degradation and Monitoring Tools for Gas and Steam Turbines
Popular Abstract in Swedish Elmarknadens avreglering har medfört att behovet av "condition monitoring" eller tillståndskontroll har ökat. Den nya "marknaden" har medfört en annan typ av aktörer, som till skillnad mot de traditionella kraftbolagen, inte har samma kultur beträffande teknikorganisation. Därför har behovet av övervakningssystem ökat markant. Avhandlingen behandlar dessa ur ett teknisThe revenue from a power plant is strongly dependent on the life cycle cost. Today, when the market conditions for power-producing companies have shifted from a protected market to a deregulated market, the need for tools to monitor power plants has increased significantly. In this new competitive market, targeted revenues and operational economy drive the need for advanced monitoring tools. In th
Treatment with anti-factor VIIa in acute pancreatitis in rats: Blocking both coagulation and inflammation?
Objective. Acute pancreatitis starts as an autodigestive process restricted to the pancreas and progresses to a systemic inflammation via cytokine release into the blood stream. Several inhibitors of the coagulation cascade, including active- siteinactivated factor VIIa, have shown anti- inflammatory properties in other inflammatory models than acute pancreatitis. Free radical scavengers have prov
Intramolecular vibronic dynamics in molecular solids: C60
Vibronic coupling in solid C60 has been investigated with a combination of resonant photoemission spectroscopy (RPES) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). Excitation as a function of energy within the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital resonance yielded strong oscillations in intensity and dispersion in RPES, and a strong inelastic component in RIXS. Reconciling these two observations
Being victims or beneficiaries? Perspectives on female genital cutting and reinfibulation in Sudan
Abstract in French La mutilation génitale féminine (MGF) ou bien le terme neutre de plus de valeur, l'excision génitale féminine (EGF) est pratiquée un peu partout au Soudan, où environ 90% des femmes subissent le type le plus coûteux de l'infibulation, l'EGF. Une nouvelle approche pour combattre l'EGF au Soudan consiste à reconnaître l'ancienne forme cachée de l'EGF, la reinfibulation après l'accFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM) or the more value neutral term, Female Genital Cutting (FGC) is widely practised in northern Sudan, where around 90% of women undergo the most extensive form of FGC, infibulation. One new approach to combating FGC in Sudan is to acknowledge the previously hidden form of FGC, reinfibulation (RI) after delivery, when the woman is sewn back so much as to mimic virginit
Periodic traveling water waves with isobaric streamlines
It is shown that in water of finite depth, there are no periodic traveling waves with the property that the pressure in the underlying fluid flow is constant along streamlines. In the case of infinite depth, there is only one such solution, which is due to Gerstner.
Laser Diagnostic Techniques with Ultra-High Repetition Rate for Studies in Combustion Environments
When conducting laser based diagnostics in combustion environments it is often desirable to obtain temporally resolved information. This can be due to several factors such as combustion taking place in a turbulent flow field, flame propagation from a spark plug in an initially quiescent combustible mixture, or rapid, multi-point fuel consumption in a homogeneous charge as a result of compression i
Environmental Implications of Product Servicising. - The Case of Outsourced Computing Utilities
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hela livscykeln för en elektronikvara är förknippad med miljöpåverkan. I jämförelse med många andra varor är tillverkningen av elektronik och i synnerhet halvledarkomponenter mycket resurskrävande. Elektroniken ger också upphov till ett antal mycket giftiga utsläpp och avfallsströmmar, såväl från själva tillverkningen som från de uttjänta varorna. Elektronikindustrin haThe life cycle of electronic products is associated with significant environmental impacts. Compared to many other products, the production of electronics and in particular semiconductors is resource intensive and generates a number of highly toxic waste streams in manufacturing and post-consumer stages of product life cycle. Electronics manufacturing industry has been successful in reducing envir
Genusperspektiv som ett sista försök
Emissions of CO2 from Biomass Production and Transportation in Agriculture and Forestry
Net CO2 emissions have been calculated for the production and transportation of biomass in Swedish agriculture and forestry, using fossil-fuel-based energy inputs. An analysis of how a transition from a fossil-fuel-based energy system to a CO2-neutral biomass-based system would affect the energy efficiency in biomass production and transportation, has also been carried out. Production and transpor
Psychiatric admissions for psychosis in Malmö during the NATO bombing of Kosovo.
SPI-C, a PU-box binding ETS protein expressed temporarily during B-cell development and in macrophages, contains an acidic transactivation domain located to the N-terminus.
Mice deficient for SPI-group ETS transcription factors PU.1 or SPI-B fail to generate lymphocytes or do not mount normal antibody mediated immune responses, respectively. PU.1 expression is restricted to B-, T-lymphocytes and macrophages, while SPI-B is expressed in B- and T-lymphocytes. SPI-C is an ETS transcription factor closely related to PU.1 and SPI-B, and expressed temporarily during B-cell
An argument for agent-neutral value
This paper argues (a) that to any agent-relative value maker there will correspond an agent-neutral value maker, and the latter explains the former; and (b) that to each agent-relative constitutive ground there corresponds a neutral one, and the latter explains the former. It follows from (b), if not from (a), that agent-neutral value exists if agent-relative value does.
System Analysis via Integral Quadratic Constraints : Part I
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Popular Abstract in Swedish I den här avhandlingen utforskas förhållandet mellan position, funktion och betydelse hos den tyska partikeln ?also? (?alltså?). I den tyska grammatiken har ?also? traditionellt sett klassificerats som ett konjunktionellt adverb eftersom det ensamt kan fylla positionen före det finita verbet i en tysk sats, den så kallade ?Vorfeld?-positionen (?fundamentet?). När ?also?This thesis explores the relationship between the position, function and semantics of the German particle "also" (?so?). Traditionally, "also" is classified as a conjunctional adverb because it can fill the position in front of the finite verb in the German clause, the so-called "Vorfeld" (?pre-field?). In this position, it has a meaning similar to that of a conjunction but a distribution similar
Kreativitetens yttre villkor : Miljöer, rörlighet och nobelpristagare
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är allmänt accepterat att kreativa individer är resultatet av deras sociala miljö. I denna bok görs analysen ett steg djupare och det visas att kreativa individer är resultatet av inte bara en utan flera miljöer. Med hjälp av den tidsgeografiska metoden studeras hur individer passerar genom olika vetenskapliga miljöer, vilket gradvis formar dem till nobelpristagare.It is a largely accepted fact that creative individuals are products of their social environment. This book takes the concept further and builds upon the hypothesis that in most cases a creative individual is the result of not just one, but several environments. Using the time-geographical method it studies how individuals passing through different environments are shaped into future Nobel Prize l