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Influence of precessing vortex core on flame flashback in swirling hydrogen flames

This study examines the influence of vortex core precession on flame flashback of swirl-stabilised hydrogen flames. Theoretical considerations suggest that the angular velocity of a swirling flow is reduced as vortex precession causes it to acquire an eccentric motion around the central axis of the burner. The eccentric motion of the vortex generates a secondary flow, which is thought to reduce th

Down to the River: Identity, Citizenship, Security, Borders and Water at the occupied Golan Heights

Currently there is no coherent or sustainable water cooperation among the five states—Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories and Syria—that share the Jordan River. Why do people not cooperate on sustainable river basin management, even if it seems the most rational course from the perspective of economic benefits? I hypothesize that the political uses of citizenship, identity and securit

Politik och film

Introduction to special edition of Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift (Journal of Political Science) on politics and film.

Bacterial and fungal growth in soil heated at different temperatures to simulate a range of fire intensities

The intensity of a fire is an important factor determining the recovery of soil microorganisms after a forest fire, since it can alter the quality and quantity of carbon sources. Recovery of the microbial community was studied in a Mediterranean pine forest soil subjected to different temperatures to simulate the short-term effects of fire intensity on bacterial and fungal growth, estimated using

Importance of space and the local environment for linking local and regional abundances of microbes

It is frequently observed that the local relative abundances of aquatic microbial taxa are correlated with their average relative abundance at the regional scale, which results in the composition of different communities being more similar than expected by chance or invariant. The degree to which communities within a region match the regional average community is variable and likely depends on sev

Bebyggelsestruktur, resande och energi för persontransporter

Det finns en ganska stor samstämmighet bland forskare och också bland många planerare att en rad åtgärder behövs för att transportsystemet skall kunna anpassas till miljömålen. I den här studien har vi undersökt hur olika bebyggelseparametrar påverkar resandet och energianvändningen. Flertalet studier inom området har fokuserat på stora städer. I vår studie har vi analyserat orter i Skåne. Syftet

Excitation-Emission Polarization Spectroscopy of Single Light Harvesting Complexes.

Excitation and emission polarization dependence of fluorescence intensity of single LH2 complexes from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila 10050 and Rhodobacter sphaeroides is reported. The results are presented as two-dimensional polarization plots and interpreted in terms of tilted light harvesting complexes indicating that sample preparation leads to partially oriented LH2 cylinders. An alternative exp

High throughput testing of drug library substances and monoclonal antibodies for capacity to reduce formation of cystatin C dimers to identify candidates for treatment of hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy.

Objective. To establish a high-throughput system for testing the ability of drugs or monoclonal antibodies to reduce the in vitro formation of cystatin C dimers to identify substances potentially useful for treatment of patients with hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA). Methods. Various combinations of incubation temperature, time period, guanidinium chloride concentration and concent

Discourse intervention strategies in Alzheimer's disease : eye-tracking and the effect of visual cues in conversation

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to investigate whether on-topic visual cues can serve as aids for the maintenance of discourse coherence and informativeness in autobiographical narratives of persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: The experiment consisted of three randomized conversation conditions: one without prompts, showing a blank computer screen; an on-topic condition, showing

NanoMap: Geographical mapping of atmospheric new-particle formation through analysis of particle number size distribution and trajectory data

Particle number size distributions at various field sites are used to identify atmospheric new-particle formation (NPF) event days. However, the spatial distribution of regionally extensive events is unknown. To remedy this situation, the NanoMap method has been developed to enable the estimation of where NPF occurs within 500 km from any field station using as input size distribution and meteorol

JAK/STAT Signalling in Huntington's Disease Immune Cells.

Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Both central and peripheral innate immune activation have been described as features of the disease. Isolated human HD monocytes have been shown to produce more cytokines upon LPS stimulation compared to control monocytes. Understanding alterations in the signalling c

The Gaia-ESO Survey: the Galactic thick to thin disc transition

Aims. The nature of the thick disc and its relation to the thin disc is presently an important subject of debate. In fact, the structural and chemo-dynamical transition between disc populations can be used as a test of the proposed models of Galactic disc formation and evolution. Methods. We used the atmospheric parameters, [alpha/Fe] abundances, and radial velocities, which were determined from t

Elastostatic computations on aggregates of grains with sharp interfaces, corners, and triple-junctions

We present a fast algorithm for the calculation of elastostatic fields in two-dimensional assemblies of elastic grains, separated by sharp grain boundaries. The algorithm uses an integral equation approach, combined with the fast multipole method and recursive compression to resolve stress concentrations also very close to grain boundary junctions. Singular basis functions on analytic form are not

Hybrid Imaging for Patient-Specific Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy

Radionuclide therapy aims to treat malignant diseases by systemic administration of radiopharmaceuticals, often using carrier molecules such as peptides and antibodies. The radionuclides used emit electrons or alpha particles as a consequence of radioactive decay, thus leading to local energy deposition. Administration to individual patients can be tailored with regards to the risk of toxicity in

Photoelectrocatalytic Oxidation of NADH at a Graphite Electrode Modified with a New Polymeric Phenothiazine

A new approach for photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of NADH is described, based on a graphite electrode (G) modified with a new phenothiazine derivative, polyphenothiazine formaldehyde (PPF). Electrochemical measurements reveal that G/PPF presents a quasireversible voltammetric response, corresponding to a 2e(-)/2H(+) transfer and that G/PPF modified electrodes show electrocatalytic activity for NA

The Role of miRNA in Neurogenesis and Cell Specification

Popular Abstract in Swedish Försök att föreställa dig något som är så litet att det inte går att se i ett mikroskop, något som är betydligt mindre än både DNA och protein. Det är sådana molekyler jag har jobbat med i mitt avhandlingsarbete. Dessa små molekyler kallas mikroRNA och finns i alla celler och har betydelse för hur en cell uppför sig. De kan till exempel styra bildandet av nya nervcellerOnly a few decades ago, it was generally believed that gene expression was controlled in a unidirectional way, i.e. DNA was transcribed into RNA, which simply acted as a messenger molecule used to produce the protein that executed cellular functions. It was not until the 1970-80’s that RNA interference was proclaimed as a gene regulatory process, and now it is increasingly evident that non-coding

Density-driven current between reed belts and open water in a shallow lake

Differential heating of surface waters of lakes caused by shading from vegetation can induce convection, which could be significant for the ecosystem because the chemistry and biology can differ in the reed belt zone compared to the open lake. This process has been given little attention in the literature. In the present study surface currents just outside a reed belt as well as radiation and wate