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Anonyma vittnen: en analytisk studie gällande en poliskommissarie och en försvarsadvokats rättsmedvetande

To protect the rights of the individual or to ensure legal certainty where witnesses should not be affected by reprisals is the question raised in the debate for anonymous witnesses. Therefore, is this essay based on understanding how a police commissioner and a defense lawyer's legal consciousness can be understood based on the topic of anonymous witnesses. The main problem within the debate

Metallrening av lakvatten med SRB

3,5 miljarder år gamla bakterier kan rädda våra vatten från metallutsläpp Långt innan det fanns syre i atmosfären så fanns bakterier som ”andades” svavel. I stället för att andas ut koldioxid andas dessa bakterier ut sulfid, en negativt laddad svaveljon som binder till metaller. På en avfallsanläggning utanför Hässleholm står en testanläggning där man forskar på att minska utsläppen av metaller tHässleholm Miljö who own the landfill site in Vankiva in southern Sweden are having difficulties in keeping their heavy metal emissions within the limits of their very strict permit. Today reduction is reached by chemical precipitation, but a more effective and environmentally friendly process is wanted. Biological heavy metal removal in leachate water, using sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and me


DNA barcoding is a powerful and inexpensive tool for identifying genetic material. Identification of plasmids is especially important for tracking the global spread of anti-biotic resistance. In this study, new methods were presented for identifying plasmids using DNA barcodes that combine two very different DNA labelling types. Labelling using the affinity based technique of competitive binding w

Control your home with augmented reality

Uppkopplade enheter, eller Internet of Things (IoT), blir alltmer vanliga i våra hem vilket resulterar i ett behov att fjärrstyra dem. Man kan åstadkomma detta via app- likationer som distribueras av tillverkarna av dessa IoT enheter, vilket kan resultera i att du behöver flertalet applikationer för att kontrollera dina IoT enheter. Problem kan också uppstå när man ska namnge sina IoT enheter, detAs connected devices, or Internet of Things (IoT), are becoming increasingly more common in our homes we need a way to control them remotely. Remote control can be achieved with native applications created by the providers of these IoT devices which can result in you needing several applications to control your IoT devices. Furthermore, issues can arise when naming your IoT devices, e.g. if they a

Automatic recovery in robotic pattern creation

Företagets avdelning för distributionsutrustning håller på att utveckla en lösning för att packa förpackningar i ett rektangulärt mönster i öppna tråg. Lösningen använder sig av en delta-robot med ett vakuumdrivet plockverktyg för att plocka och placera förpackningarna. För att öka robustheten i lösningen vill man ta fram och testa koncept för att automatiskt, och utan operatörsinteraktion, hanterA distribution equipment solution using a delta robot for picking and placing packages in a rectangular pattern into cardboard trays (blanks) is currently under development. In order to increase the robustness of this solution, concepts for handling a variety of performance problems in the grouping or pattern creation area without operator interaction, e.g. toppled packages or missing packages, ne

Machine Learning Enabled Nonlinear Phase Noise Mitigation for Coherent Optical Systems

In the current development of coherent optical communication systems, nonlinear noise is considered to be the ultimate bottleneck when extending the transmission length. In this report we suggest a nonparamter digital signal processing scheme to extend the transmission length of a fiber link. The processing scheme was enabled by machine learning, implemented to compensate nonlinear noise in a comm

CRISPR/Cas9 genome-wide screening for identification of therapeutic monoclonal antibody targets against tumour associated macrophages

Identifying new targets for cancer treatments Cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, responsible for millions of deaths each year. As our knowledge regarding the biological systems involved has grown, incredible progress has been made towards the development of effective new treatments. We now know that targeting of cells responsible for promoting cancer growth c

Online customer-to-customer interaction in the pre-purchase stage of high involvement products

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to complement the literature of online customer-to-customer interaction and customer journey by exploring the different roles of online customer-to-customer interaction in the pre-purchase stage of buying high involvement products. Methodology: The research aims to detect the patterns and understand individual behaviour;therefore, a qualitative approach

Absence of Motor Coactivation in Bimodal Divided Attention: Two Case Studies

When attention is divided across vision and hearing, participants typically respond faster when a visual and an auditory target are presented together as compared to when only one of the visual or auditory targets is presented alone. Coactive models of divided attention account for this so-called bimodal advantage by positing a brain architecture whereby the neural activity inspired independently

Livelihoods count: when inclusive approach meets exclusion : a case study of community based forest management approach in Tanzania

By realizing the imbalanced focuses of Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) on livelihood improvement at community and household levels, this thesis specifically explores the impacts of CBFM on the livelihoods of forest-dependent poor households. By adopting the lens of exclusion, an analytical framework was established to connect three main concepts consisting of CBFM, exclusion and livelihoo

Hard time getting to school : a household assets approach to low school attendance in the Upper East Region, Ghana

In recent years there has been a shift in discourse from ensuring universal primary education to focusing on the right to quality education. However, as millions of children remain out of school, this research brings back attention to this unresolved issue with an objective to increase the understanding of persistently low primary school attendance. Introduced in this research is an approach that

Fordran och fordringsbeviset – Betydelsen av fordringsbevis för placering av bevisbördan samt dess bevisvärde i fordringsrättsliga mål

Den traditionella synen i fordringsmål är att den borgenär som kräver betalning på grund av påstådd försträckning måste styrka att denne har en fordran mot utpekad gäldenär. Denna utgångspunkt slogs fast i Högsta domstolens dom NJA 1975 s. 577 och har sedan dess varit huvudregeln i fordringsmål. I samband med 1975 års avgörande lanserades en särskild presumtionsregel. Högsta domstolen menade att dThe traditional view in Swedish law is that a creditor who demands payment from a debtor based on an alleged loan must prove that a loan agreement has been concluded between the parties. This general rule was established by the Supreme Court of Sweden in case NJA 1975 p. 577 and has ever since been the principle. In connection with the 1975 decision, the Supreme Court launched a special presumptio

Robotar som uppfinner? – en patenträttslig studie av uppfinnarskap i ljuset av AI:s ökande medverkan i uppfinningsprocessen

Artificiell intelligens (AI) förutspås frambringa en fjärde industriell revolution som inte lämnar någon del av samhället oförändrad. I takt med att AI-system blir allt mer avancerade har patentkontor världen över börjat fråga sig vilka implikationer denna teknik får för patentsystemet. En av dessa frågor är om ett AI-system, i och med AI:s ökande medverkan i uppfinningsprocesser, kan uppfylla kraArtificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to unleash a new industrial revolution, which is likely to leave no part of society untouched. Following the development of increasingly advanced AI-systems, patent offices around the world have begun to question the implications of this technology for the patent system. One of these queries is whether the AI-system itself, due to the increased participati

Uppsalatemplet – myt eller verklighet? En diskursanalys över debatten kring Adam av Bremens tempelskildring

The aim with this bachelor thesis is to analyse the debate regarding Adam of Bremens depiction of the famous Uppsala-temple within contemporary archaeological research, with the purpose to determine how the scholars have approached the question about the credibility and truth of the depiction. The purpose does also include examining the main viewpoints and their arguments within this debate. The q

Transforming the climate change-gender nexus? : revisiting gender mainstreaming in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction: experiences from the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok

The gendered nature of impacts from climate change and disasters has become increasingly apparent. As such, this thesis analyses gender mainstreaming at the Development Cooperation Section of the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok with specific reference to its climate change and disaster risk reduction contributions in the Asia-Pacific region. Gender mainstreaming is contextualised within a wider theoret

No title

The autobiographies written in French by the migrant writers Akira Mizubayashi, of Japanese origin, and Andrei Makine, of Siberian origin, will be examined in this essay with particular focus on the authors’ reflections on the acquisition of a foreign language and the dual linguistic affiliation in relation to identity shaping.

Att skapa rum med rymdteknik

This thesis is about how to create architectural spaces in a not-too-distant future where new regulations demand better heat insulation in buildings and the implications that will bring to the building industry. Rather than worrying about how to deal with thicker walls and smaller windows, this thesis is trying to find new ways of designing buildings that enable us to continue having the possibili

Gud är kul : en studie om humor och homiletik

Som retorisk genre tar predikan plats varje söndag i varje församling inom Svenska kyrkan över hela vårt land. Predikan, eller homiletiken, är en retorisk genre som ända sedan Jesu dagar har utvecklats och spridit sig över hela världen. Ett möjligt perspektiv inom alla retoriska genrer är humor, vilket bland annat Cicero belyste för över 2000 år sedan. Uppsatsen ämnar därför un-dersöka om man kan