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3D Strain Imaging of a Heterostructured GaInP/InP Nanowire Using Bragg Coherent Diffraction X-ray Imaging : Implications for Optoelectronic Devices
Imaging the strain in nanoscale heterostructures is challenging since it requires a combination of high strain sensitivity and spatial resolution. Here, we show that three-dimensional (3D) Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) can be used to image the strain in a single InP segment within an axially heterostructured GaInP-InP nanowire. We use a 350 nm-diameter X-ray beam, which is smaller than
Detecting Parkinson’s Disease Using Voice Recordings From Mobile Devices
This study examines how one may detect Parkinson’s disease (PD) by analyzing voice recordings made with a mobile phone. The key objectives include creating a model that ensures fair and unbiased predictions while maintaining interpretability that is consistent with the existing literature on PD. We introduce a novel group-wise scaling method to address typical age and biological sex biases in the
A Cryogenian impact structure lurking in the shadows of northern Sweden
Here we report on findings for four rock samples with melt texture found in a gravel pit within a glaciofluvial deposit near the small town of Kitkiöjärvi in northernmost Sweden. The samples are comprised of granitic clasts embedded in a brown fine-grained melt matrix. The samples all contain quartz grains and/or clasts exhibiting multiple sets of planar deformation features oriented parallel to c
Supporting Financial Neutrality in Donation of Organs, Cells, and Tissues
The avoidance of financial gain in the human body is an international ethical standard that underpins efforts to promote equity in donation and transplantation and to avoid the exploitation of vulnerable populations. The avoidance of financial loss due to donation of organs, tissues, and cells is also now recognized as an ethical imperative that fosters equity in donation and transplantation and s
Understanding an emerging maker community in India : Socio-demographic traits, motivations, and satisfaction factors
Makerspaces are becoming increasingly popular due to their capacity for hands-on learning, innovation, collaboration, and the democratisation of technology. While numerous studies have explored makerspace users, they have largely focused on contexts within the Global North or China, leaving a significant gap in understanding the demographics and experiences of individuals who frequent these spaces
Rrm mobility handling based on beam management reports
A method, system and apparatus are disclosed. A network node in communication with a wireless device in a first cell is provided. The network node is configured to receive, from the wireless device, a measurement report associated with the first cell. The network node is further configured to estimate at least one radio resource management, RRM, metric for the first cell and at least one second ce
Rrm mobility reporting based on beam management measurements
A method, system and apparatus are disclosed. At least one embodiment includes a wireless device, WD, configured to communicate with a network node, the WD is configured to, and/or includes a radio interface and/or processing circuitry configured to receive a radio resource management, RRM, report configuration. The wireless device is further configured to estimate at least one RRM metric for each
Graft detachment rates in surgeon-cut and pre-cut tissue for DSAEK transported in different mediums
Purpose: To analyse graft detachment rates after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) using surgeon-cut grafts and pre-cut grafts transported in different mediums. Methods: A retrospective study of graft detachment rates including 265 surgeries (240 patients) performed between 2019 and 2023. The DSAEK grafts were either surgeon-cut (n = 135) or pre-cut and transported in a
Using metabolic data to investigate the role of brood size in the development of endothermy
Altricial songbirds transform themselves from naked poikilotherms to fully feathered endothermic homeotherms over a matter of days from hatching to fledging. The ontogeny of endothermy is a developmental milestone for birds that not only face warmer average temperatures, but also increasingly frequent cold snaps and extreme weather. The timing of development of endothermy has been studied in altri
Psychosocial impact of climatotherapy in young patients with psoriasis : a 3-month cohort study
Ultraviolet rays are known to have positive effect on psoriasis, but the cold climate and latitude in Northern Europe reduce access to the sun. Climatotherapy is a treatment modality where the patient is relocated to a warmer region with a high ultraviolet (UV) index. Young patients with psoriasis can be particularly burdened by the disease, and studies have shown an association between psoriasis
Multi-Source Localization and Data Association for Time-Difference of Arrival Measurements
In this work, we consider the problem of localizing multiple signal sources based on time-difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements. In the blind setting, in which the source signals are not known, the localization task is challenging due to the data association problem. That is, it is not known which of the TDOA measurements correspond to the same source. Herein, we propose to perform joint local
TM4SF4 is a diagnostic biomarker accelerating progression of papillary thyroid cancer via AKT pathway
The incidence of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) has been steadily rising, though the underlying mechanism remains unclear. This study aims to elucidate the biological role of TM4SF4 in the PTC progression. Our differential expression analysis indicated that TM4SF4 was significantly upregulated in PTC, which was corroborated in both our local cohort and the data from Human Protein Atlas. Additional
Toward Equity in Global Access to SoHO-based Therapies : Recommendations for Action
Therapies derived from substances of human origin (SoHOs) such as organs, cells, and tissues provide life-saving or life-changing treatment for millions of people worldwide each year. However, many people lack timely access to SoHO-based therapies because of insufficient supplies of these exceptional health resources and/or broader barriers in access to healthcare. Despite well-established governm
A 1095 pJ/b 219 Mb/s Application-specific Instruction-set Processor for Distributed Massive MIMO in 22FDX
Distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output (D-MIMO) has been identified as a promising technology to meet the service requirements of 6 G wireless networks and beyond. The coordination between a massive number of distributed antennas introduces stiff challenges and requires a substantial amount of computing resources that must be put together with careful algorithm-architecture codesign. T
Feasibility study of quantum gravity detection methods using rare-earth-ion-based systems
När föremål blir tillräckligt små börjar de bete sig annorlunda från hur de vanligtvis beter sig. Effekter, som att föremål kan vara på flera ställen samtidigt eller vara osynligt sammankopplade över stora avstånd, börjar istället att ske. Inom fysiken brukar dessa effekter beskrivas av kvantmekanik, en teori som har varit väldigt framgångsrik med att förklara vår värld. En annan effekt som dyker In this thesis, an experimental scheme to probe deformations to Heisenberg's uncertainty relation between position and momentum for an object of mass similar to the Planck mass is designed. This will allow experimental bounds to be put on deformation parameters for three different models proposed to explain quantum gravity. The scheme is based on existing ideas to couple a micron-sized harmoni
Updates to the list of Latvian lichens and allied fungi, with four new records of lichens for the Baltic region
Eighteen lichen species, one lichenicolous and two allied fungi are reported for the first time for Latvia (Europe). Bryoria smithii, Heterodermia speciosa, Phaeophyscia pusilloides and Ramalina europaea are new records for the Baltic countries. Comments on habitats and substrates of new records are provided.
Hayek-Myrdal Interactions in the Early 1930s: New Facts Change an Old Story
It is widely believed that Friedrich von Hayek’s first encounter with Gunnar Myrdal involved the latter’s last-minute contribution, as a replacement for Erik Lindahl, to a Sammelband edited by the former in 1933, and that Hayek was lukewarm towards Myrdal and his ideas from the very beginning. Correspondence between the two shows that, in fact Myrdal was among Hayek’s original invitees,and that th
Floristic Legacy of English-Style Landscape Gardens and the Use of Imported Grass Seed for Sowing under Trees
During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)
Ny lokal för pepparporella i Skåne!
A newly found site for the regionally very rare and nationally redlisted Porella arboris-vitae in central Skåne, southernmost Sweden, is reported and described.