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Your search for "*" yielded 529349 hits

Synchrotron-based characterization of mechanobiological effects on the nanoscale in musculoskeletal tissues

Collagen is the main organic building block of musculoskeletal tissues. Despite collagen being their smallest load bearing unit, these tissues differ significantly in mechanical function and properties. A major factor behind these differences is their hierarchical organization, from the collagen molecule up to the organ scale. It is thus of high importance to understand the characteristics of each

A data-driven approach for understanding invalid bug reports: An industrial case study

Context:Bug reports created during software development and maintenance do not always describe deviations from a system’s valid behavior. Such invalid bug reports may consume significant resources and adversely affect the prioritization and resolution of valid bug reports. There is a need to identify preventive actions to reduce the inflow of invalid bug reports. Existing research has shown that m

Full gas mot vätgas? En undersökning av intressenter och värdekedja för vätgasproduktion och lagring i Sverige

För att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser har nationella och internationella mål satts upp som medfört att andelen energi från förnyelsebara intermittenta energikällor kommer att öka. Ett resultat av detta är en mer komplex energimarknad och ett ökat behov av energilagring för att överbrygga gapet mellan produktion och efterfråga i tid och rum. En teknisk lösning som föreslås i Europeiska och Svens

Ultraljud värdefullt komplement i utredning av tyreoideasjukdom

In Europe thyroid ultrasound has been used at outpatient endocrine clinics since many years, and in southern Sweden only during the last years. Ultrasound has a role in the investigation of Graves' disease, subacute thyroiditis, gestational thyrotoxicosis, postpartum thyroiditis, amiodarone thyrotoxicosis and goiter with or without adenoma, but adenomas are usually investigated by endocrine surgeo

Klassriket : Socialgruppsindelningen som skillnadsteknologi under 1900-talet

During the 20th century, a number of actors and institutions set out to develop taxonomies of the Swedish population. This thesis examines the most im­portant social classification system, the social group, which despite its great importance in administrative, scientific, commercial, political and media con­texts has received little attention in historical research. Invented by the Central Bureau

Design and Development of a Foldable Motorized Micro-Haulage Vehicle

Den här rapporten beskriver processen att designa och utveckla ett hopfällbart motoriserat mikrotransportfordon, som följer användaren, för urban transport. Projektet görs i samarbete med Volvo Car Corporation. Transportindustrin står som en betydande bidragsgivare till växthusgasutsläpp. Som ett resultat görs många ansträngningar för att minska dessa utsläpp och möta hållbarhetsmål, varför många This thesis describes the process of designing and developing a foldable motorized micro-haulage vehicle, which follows the user, for urban transportation. The project is made in collaboration with Volvo Car Corporation. The transportation industry stands as a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions. As a result, many efforts are being made to lower these emissions and reach sustainability

Second home tourism and climate change : An introduction

The chapter provides an introduction to issues associated with the relationship between second homes and climate change. A major problem identified in existing research is the lack of consistent definitions of what constitutes a second home within and between jurisdictions, which makes comparative research difficult. Existing research is geographically limited in scope although recognition of the

Longitudinal development of fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer : a national cohort study

BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a distressing and prevalent long-term sequela of treatment for childhood cancer, and there is a need for longitudinal studies to investigate the development of fatigue over time. The objective of this study was to calculate growth-curves for the longitudinal development of fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer, and to investigate the effects of biopsychosocial predict

Bedöma bondebruk är ingen barnalek - Om skyddsregel för jordbruk i 3 kap. 6 § fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988)

Examensarbetet behandlar skyddet för jordbruket i 3 kap. 6 § FBL där fastig-hetsbildning inte får medföra någon olägenhet för jordbruksnäringen. Vad olä-genhet för jordbruksnäringen innebär är dock inte direkt definierat utan ska styras av rådande livsmedelspolitiska inriktning och omständigheterna i det sär-skilda fallet. Det finns dock några särskilda situationer angivna som återfinns i prop. 19Master of Science thesis addressing the protection rule for agriculture in the pro-perty formation law, 3 kap. 6 § Fastighetsbildningslag (1970:988). The report aims to investigate and clarify when inconvenience arises for the agricultural industry and to determine whether a calculation tool developed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture is a suitable method to base the definition of when an agric

CenTauR : Toward a universal scale and masks for standardizing tau imaging studies

INTRODUCTION: Recently, an increasing number of tau tracers have become available. There is a need to standardize quantitative tau measures across tracers, supporting a universal scale. We developed several cortical tau masks and applied them to generate a tau imaging universal scale. METHOD: One thousand forty-five participants underwent tau scans with either 18F-flortaucipir, 18F-MK6240, 18F-PI2

The course of health-related quality of life after the diagnosis of childhood cancer : a national cohort study

BACKGROUND: Comprehensive insight in the longitudinal development of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) after childhood cancer diagnosis could improve quality of care. Thus, we aimed to study the course and biopsychosocial determinants of HRQOL in a unique national cohort of children with cancer.METHODS: HRQOL of 2154 children with cancer was longitudinally reported (median: 3 reports) between