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Study of the role of functional variants of SLC22A4, RUNX1 and SUMO4 in systemic lupus erythematosus

Background: Functional polymorphisms of the solute carrier family 22, member 4 (SLC22A4), runt related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) and small ubiquitin- like modifier 4 (SUMO4) genes have been shown to be associated with several autoimmune diseases. Objective: To test the possible role of these variants in susceptibility to or severity of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), on the basis that com

Ethanol production from non-starch carbohydrates of wheat bran

Wheat bran (WB), produced worldwide in large quantities as a by-product of the wheat milling industry, constitutes a significant underutilized source of sugars. This paper describes various methods of hydrolyzing the abundant polysaccharides in bran to yield a sugar feedstock suitable for fermentation into bioethanol. Firstly, the starch in the bran was released using amylolytic enzymes. The fibro

High-spin Proton and Alpha-particle Emission as Probes for Nuclear Structure

During recent years the nuclear decay modes of discrete prompt proton and a-particle emission from (super)deformed high-spin states have been discovered in nuclei in the Vicinity of Ni-56. The latest news from experiments performed at EUROBALL and GAMMASPHERE regarding these decays are presented and discussed.

The meta-contrast technique: relationships with personality traits and cognitive abilities in a healthy male study sample.

The relationship between defensive strategies as measured by the Meta-Contrast Technique (MCT) and self-reported trait anxiety, trait aggression and defensiveness, as measured by the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), was investigated in 83 healthy men. Further aims of the study were to describe and document how a healthy and demographically well defined group of subjects responded to the MCT

Investigation of Some Heat Transfer Surfaces for Gas Turbine Recuperators

A part of this thesis has been devoted to present general recuperator technology such as available gas turbine recuperator types, applications where recuperators are utilized, recuperator materials etc. An investigation of some compact and highly efficient heat transfer surfaces, for intended use in gas turbine recuperators, include the following surfaces: · Cross Wavy (CW) primary surface. · Cor

MIMO channel measurements for personal area networks

This paper analyzes MIMO propagation channels for personal area networks. Such channels show important differences to propagation channels in wide-area networks, due to the different environments in which the systems are operated, as well as due to different mobility models, ranges, and presence of humans in the environment, and the impact of the antenna arrangement. We present results from a rece

Flow cytometry analysis of malignant tumors of the head and neck--differences between two methods in the recognition of aneuploidy

DNA aneuploidy, which reflects changes in nuclear DNA-content, as determined cytometrically is a candidate prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The aim of this study was to compare two different preparation methods with respect to their use in detecting aneuploid tumor cell populations in malignant tumors of the head and neck. Fresh frozen tumor material was used. The

Mimicking photosystem II reactions in artificial photosynthesis: Ru(II)-polypyridine photosensitisers linked to tyrosine and manganese electron donors

The paper describes a project aiming at constructing functional mimics of the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II, coupled to photoinduced charge separation. Biomimetic electron donors, manganese complexes and tyrosine, have been linked to a Ru(II)-polypyridine photosensitiser. Oxidation of the donors by intramolecular electron transfer from the photooxidised Ru(III) complex was demonstrated

Salmeterol, formoterol, and salbutamol in the isolated guinea pig trachea: differences in maximum relaxant effect and potency but not in functional antagonism

BACKGROUND--Formoterol and salmeterol are new long acting beta 2 adrenoceptor agonists. The maximum relaxant effect, potency and functional antagonism against carbachol induced contraction for salmeterol, formoterol and salbutamol have been compared in the guinea pig isolated trachea. In addition, the possibility of inducing a non-beta adrenoceptor mediated relaxation by salmeterol was studied. ME

Dercum's disease. Fatty tissue rheumatism caused by immune defense reaction?

Dercums sjukdom, adiposis dolorosa eller, mera allmänt, fettvävsreumatism är en relativt okänd sjukdom trots att den beskrevs redan 1888 av den amerikanske neurologen Francis Xavier Dercum. Den drabbar företrädesvis 20–40-åriga kvinnor, men kan även debutera hos barn. Kännetecknande är en uttalad smärta i fettväven. Patienterna har liksom fibromyalgikerna ofta nonchalant avfärdats med att »alla fe

Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production: Policy Principle to Promote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Produkternas miljöpåverkan har varit en av de stora nya frågorna sedan 10-15 år tillbaka. Att det uppstår betydande miljöproblem under en varas hela livscykel förstod man snart, men frågan var vad man kunde göra åt det. Jag kom att arbeta med återvinningsfrågor under senare hälften av 1980-talet. Det var också vid den tiden som förebyggande miljöskyddsstrategier börjadeThe focus of the environmental policy-making has shifted noticeably during the last decade. From having played a fairly insignificant role in the 1980s and earlier, product-related environmental problems have attracted an ever-increasing interest from policy-makers, especially in industrialised countries in North-Western Europe. Considerable attention has been devoted to the concept of extended pr

Family structure in the Siberian Jay as revealed by microsatellite analyses

The Siberian Jay (Perisoreus infaustus) lives in resident, territorial family groups outside the breeding season, but does not breed cooperatively. Thereby it offers an opportunity to study the evolution of territorial group living, without confounding effects of reproductive cooperation. During a long-term study in Finland 1974-2000, we observed Siberian Jay group composition in autumn. Using mic

Methane yield in source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste

Treating the source-separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste (SS-OFMSW) by anaerobic digestion is considered by many municipalities in Europe as an environmentally friendly means of treating organic waste and simultaneously producing methane gas. Methane yield can be used as a parameter for evaluation of the many different systems that exist for sorting and pre-treating waste. Methane y

Intrinsic apodization effect in a compact two-mirror system with a spherical primary mirror

In so-called compact two-mirror focusing and afocal systems the secondary mirror is situated at the paraxial focus of the spherical primary mirror. The peculiar conelike shape of the secondary is chosen to eliminate the spherical aberration. Thus the systems are stigmatic, but they have a great offence against the sine condition (OSC), creating uneven distribution of energy on the surface of the o