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Modeling of Hindered Diffusion in Gels

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ordet diffusion kommer från det latinska ordet diffu´sio som betyder spridning. Diffusion förekommer nästan överallt, även om man inte alltid kan se det. Exempelvis består all den luft som vi andas in av en mängd molekyler som diffunderar fram och tillbaka. Eller så kan det vara vattenmolekyler som diffunderar in till plåten på bilen och gör så att den rostar, eller varHindered diffusion occurs in the most different processes, as has been described in this thesis. It is very important to have an understanding of the influence of hindered diffusion on the mass transfer rate, especially when competing rate processes are acting simultaneously. Using mathematical modeling and simulation makes it possible to predict the effects of hindered diffusion. The systems that

Optimizing route choice for lowest fuel consumption - Potential effects of a new driver support tool

Today, driver support tools intended to increase traffic safety, provide the driver with convenient information and guidance, or save time are becoming more common. However, few systems have the primary aim of reducing the environmental effects of driving. The aim of this project was to estimate the potential for reducing fuel consumption and thus the emission of CO, through a navigation system wh

V1 Declaratives in Spoken Swedish : Syntax, Information Structure, and Prosodic Pattern

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svenskan är ett s.k. V2-språk, dvs. det tempusböjda verbet står på andra plats i en deklarativ sats (en påståendesats) oavsett vilken typ av led som står i satsens första position. V1-ordföljd, där det tempusböjda verbet alltså står först i satsen, förknippas normalt med interrogativa satser (frågesatser) av typen ja/nej-frågor, t.ex. "Kommer du på fredag?". Icke desto The topic of the present thesis is V1 declaratives in spoken Swedish. Such constructions constitute an interesting object for research due to the fact that Swedish is a V2 language where V1 word order is grammaticalized for yes/no questions. Hitherto we have lacked a thorough study of the phenomenon. Therefore this thesis aims at investigating V1 declaratives in spoken Swedish from different point

Simple spectropolarimetric accessory for dual-wavelength spectrophotometers

A simple spectropolarimetry accessory for the Aminco DW-2a spectrophotometer is described. It is useful in the wavelength range 414–671 nm (with slight modifications 200–800 nm) and gives a resolution in optical rotation better than 0.01°. The principle should be applicable to many other types of spectrophotometers.

Inhibition of [methyl-3H]diazepam binding to rat brain membranes in vitro by dinatin and skrofulein

Two flavones, 4',5,7-trihydroxy-6-methoxy flavone (dinatin) and 4',5-dihydroxy-6, 7-dimethoxy flavone (skrofulein), were extracted from Artemisia herba alba L. Dinatin and skrofulein inhibited the binding of [methyl-3H]diazepam to rat brain membranes in vitro with IC50 of 1.3 and 23 mumol.L-1, respectively. The GABA-ratios (the ratio of IC50 values in the absence/presence of GABA in the binding as

Crystal violet binding, cell surface properties and extracellular enzyme profiles of Staphylococcus aureus producing toxic shock syndrome toxin-1

Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinically diagnosed cases of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) showed susceptibility to phage types belonging to both I and III groups (90.5%). Phage typing patterns showed a wide diversity among 87 toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) positive strains isolated from different non TSS clinical sources. Toxin producing strains isolated from both TSS and non TSS showed

Site control of InAs quantum dots on a patterned InP surface: As/P exchange reactions

In this paper. we present the effect of annealing temperature and annealing time on InAs site-controlled quantum dot growth. Individual InAs quantum dots formed by self-assembling have been positioned into holes, created by partial overgrowth of electron beam induced nano-carbon deposits by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. As/P exchange reactions produce material sufficient for selective dot nuc

The timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migrants: a comparison between Ottenby, Sweden and Capri, Italy

Some migratory birds have advanced their spring arrival to Northern Europe, possibly by increasing the speed of migration through Europe in response to increased temperature en route. In this paper we compare the phenology of spring arrival of seven trans-Saharan migrants along their migration route and test for patterns indicating that migration speed varied over the season using long-term data c

New advances in stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: ximelagatran and direct thrombin inhibition

Ximelagatran is the first oral agent in a new class of direct thrombin inhibitors and is under investigation for the prevention and treatment of a range of thromboembolic disorders. Atrial. fibrillation (AF) is associated with a markedly increased risk of stroke and, while study results have consistently demonstrated that anticoagulant therapy with warfarin reduces this risk, there are substantial

Development of Multi-Dimensional Laser Techniques for In-situ Combustion Diagnostics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har traditionellt sett varit mycket svårt att genomföra förbränningsstudier i motorer, men i och med laserns introduktion har nya möjligheter öppnats. Under de senaste 20 åren har lasern blivit ett allt viktigare hjälpmedel, och ett stort antal laser baserade mätmetoder har utvecklats. Det är nu möjligt att mäta temperaturer, ämneskoncentrationer, hastighetsfält ochMulti-dimensional, laser-based measurements of quantities important for obtaining a better understanding of combustion processes, particularly of temperature and of species distributions, were performed using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). The main purpose of the temperature experiments was to investigate the potential of employing a two-line atomic fluorescence technique (TLAF), using indium a

On the modelling of drop behaviour in siphon riser tubes in paper drying cylinders

A theoretical model has been developed for the drop behaviour in siphon riser tubes in paper drying cylinders. Analytical solutions to the equations are presented for the systems air-water at atmospheric pressure and saturated steam-water. Numerical simulations are performed for a large number of input data. Calculated drop trajectories indicate that the drops travel only a small part of the riser

A common origin of the 4143insA ADAMTS13 mutation

Severely deficient activity of the von Willebrand Factor (VWF) cleaving metalloprotease,ADAMTS 13, is associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). The mutation spectrum ofADAMTS 13 is rather heterogeneous, and numerous mutations spread across the gene have been described in association with congenital TTP. The 4143insA mutation is unusual with respect to its geographic concentration.

Multicenter comparison trial of DNA extraction methods and PCR assays for detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in endarterectomy specimens

The reported rate of detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA within atherosclerotic lesions by PCR varies between 0 and 100%. In this study, identical sets of coded experimental atheroma samples (n = 15) and spiked controls (n = 5) were analyzed by 16 test methods in nine centers by means of PCR. The positive controls were correctly identified to levels of 1, 0.1, and 0.01 inclusion bodies of C. pne

Technological Shifts and Convergence in a European perspective since 1950

The paper analyses the behaviour of convergence/divergence primarily within Western Europe and the OECD in relation to market integration and to major technological shifts such as the second and the third industrial revolution. It also relates the behaviour to traditional growth theory and endogenous growth theory as well as to historical generalisations based on structural analysis. The empirical

Reliability of sonography in non-hemorrhagic periventricular leucomalacia

Sonographic pictures of the brain of 19 newborn infants who died at a mean age of 4.2 days after birth (range 1-23 days) were examined independently by five experienced sonographers. In all infants information on postmortem brain pathology was available. Diagnoses made by the sonographers based on the sonographic pictures were compared with the gross postmortem findings. The results of the study s

The National Diabetes Register in Sweden: An implementation of the St. Vincent Declaration for Quality Improvement in Diabetes Care.

OBJECTIVE—To monitor glycemic control, treatable risk factors, and treatment profile for quality assessment of diabetes care on a national scale. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Four samples of 23,546, 32,903, 30,311, and 29,769 patients with diabetes (1996–1999) were studied based on a repeated national screening and quality assessment of diabetes care by the National Diabetes Register, Sweden, with