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Den biologiska klockan, tuatarans tredje öga och filosofen Descartes
Development and Evaluation of a Swedish Short Version of the Questionnaire About the Process of Recovery (QPR)
The aim was to develop a short version of the Swedish Process of Recovery Questionnaire (QPR-Swe) for use with people with severe mental illness and to investigate its internal consistency, construct validity, known-groups validity and any floor or ceiling effects. Two independent samples were used, the first (N = 226) to develop the short version and the second (N = 266) to test its psychometric
The Pimsner-Voiculescu sequence for coactions of compact Lie groups
Hur kan människan var uppdelad i segment som en insekt? Om segmentering bland djuren
Köttätare och växtätare : människans, andra däggdjurs och fåglars mag-tarmkanal, matspjälkning och näringsbehov
Nyckelbenets märkliga evolutionära historia hos ryggradsdjuren
Spökdjuren och deras jättestora ögon
Mapping research fields using co-nomination : the case of hyper-authorship heavy flavour physics
This paper introduces the use of co-nomination as a method to map research fields by directly accessing their knowledge networks organised around exchange relationships of intellectual influence. Co-nomination is a reputation-based approach combining snowball sampling and social network analysis. It compliments established bibliometric mapping methods by addressing some of their typical shortcomin
Method for protein structure alignment
This invention provides a method for protein structure alignment. More particularly, the present invention provides a method for identification, classification and prediction of protein structures. The present invention involves two key ingredients. First, an energy or cost function formulation of the problem simultaneously in terms of binary (Potts) assignment variables and real-valued atomic coo
“Tell me who you are” Latent semantic analysis for analyzing spontaneous self-presentations in different situations
The aim of the study was to analyze freely generated self-presentations through the natural language processing technique of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Four hundred fifty-one participants (F = 360; M = 143) recruited from LinkedIn (a professional social network) were randomly assigned to generate 10 words to describe themselves to either an employer (recruitment-condition) or a friend (friend
A Long-Term Coastal Evolution Model with Longshore and Cross-Shore Transport
This study encompasses the development of a long-term coastal evolution model with enhanced capabilities to simulate simultaneously the cross-shore and longshore evolution of the coast. The paper starts by reviewing the theory related to cross-shore and longshore sediment transport, which are the major components integrated in the model. Major advances were made by introducing modules to better ac
Recension av doktorsavhandling, Marie Bennedahl: Fall in Line. Genus, kropp och minnena av det amerikanska inbördeskriget i skandinavisk reenactment (Växjö 2020)
The Effects of Chain Length on the Structural Properties of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Concentrated Solutions
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) are proteins that sample a heterogeneous ensemble of conformers in solution. An estimated 25-30% of all eukaryotic proteins belong to this class. In vivo, IDPs function under conditions that are highly crowded by other biological macromolecules. Previous research has highlighted that the presence of crowding agents can influence the conformational ensemble s
Sincere Cooperation, Mutual Trust, and Mutual Recognition in Social Security Coordination
This article looks into the meaning of the concepts of sincere cooperation,mutual trust, and mutual recognition in EU social security coordination. Itanalyses the legislative choice of coordination as the main regulatory mechanism in the field, and examines the role of administrative cooperation. Furthermore, the article highlights the challenges that arise in situations where mutual recognition i
Ido Leden - banbrytande kemist : -
Surgery to relieve nasal obstruction : outcome for 366 patients operated on by one senior surgeon
Background: Studies of patient-rated outcome in septoplasty and turbinoplasty most frequently involve several surgeons with varying surgical skills, techniques and experience. The aim of the present study was to evaluate outcome based on one experienced surgeon. Methods: Three hundred and sixty-six consecutive patients referred for nasal obstruction were included. All the patients were examined wi
Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically. Part III: Higher invariants
Special Issue on Countering Influence Operations
The challenge of conflicting rationalities about urban development – Experiences from Mistra Urban Futures’ transdisciplinary urban research
This paper reflects on ten years of transdisciplinary urban research by Mistra Urban Futures, a global centre focusing on the co-production of knowledge for more just and sustainable cities across the Global South and Global North. The paper focuses on one of the key challenges that Mistra Urban Futures has faced in its work: in addition to the competing interests and agendas of participants in co