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Your search for "*" yielded 530139 hits

The role of the university in fire science

Historically , the fire safety code systems now in force had to be written without actually stating their objective level of safety and, still far less , without any analytical measurement of the objectives involved. For this reason, there is an urgent need for future attempts to evaluate the levels of safety inherent in present local and national fire protection regulations. Lack of knowledge wit

Counting function for a sphere of anisotropic quartz

We calculate the leading Weyl term of the counting function for a monocrystalline quartz sphere. In contrast to other studies of counting functions, the anisotropy of quartz is a crucial element in our investigation. Hence we do not obtain a simple analytical form, but we carry out a numerical evaluation. To this end we employ the Radon transform representation of the Green's function. We compare

Lifetimes along perturbed Rydberg series in neutral thallium

Radiative lifetimes of 15 Tl I levels belonging to the 6s(2)ns(2)S(1/2) (n = 7-14) and 6s(2)nd(2)D(3/2) Rydberg series (n = 6-12) have been measured using a time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique. All the measured levels have been excited from the ground state 6s(2)6p(2)P(1/2)(0) (odd parity) with a single-step excitation process. The general perturbation of the ns series by the 6s6p(2

Den riskfyllda gemenskapen : att hantera säkerhet på ett passagerarfartyg

The purpose of this study was to examine how cultural processes and organisa-tional conditions influence safety management in complex sociotechnical contexts. The object of investigation was a passenger ship where interviews and observations had been conducted for one year. The ambition was to understand definitions of risk and safety that arise on board the ship. The study focuses on situations t

Determination of accurate stellar radial-velocity measures

Wavelength measurements in stellar spectra cannot readily be interpretedas true stellar motion on the sub-km s-1 accuracy level dueto the presence of many other effects, such as gravitational redshiftand stellar convection, which also produce line shifts. Following arecommendation by the IAU, the result of an accurate spectroscopicradial-velocity observation should therefore be given as the``baryc

Effect of solids retention time and wastewater characteristics on biological phosphorus removal

The paper deals with the effect of wastewater, plant design and operation in relation to biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal and the possibilities to model the processes. Two Bio-P pilot plants were operated for 2.5 years in parallel receiving identical wastewater. The plants had SRT of 4 and 21 days, the latter had nitrification and denitrification. The plant with 4 days SRT had much more

Silvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture Molecular imaging using hyperpolarized C-13

MRI provides unsurpassed soft tissue contrast, but the inherent low sensitivity of this modality has limited the clinical use to imaging of water protons. With hyperpolarization techniques, the signal from a given number of nuclear spins can be raised more than 100 000 times. The strong signal enhancement enables imaging of nuclei other than protons, e.g. C-13 and N-15, and their molecular distrib

Comparison of three cytotoxicity tests in the evaluation of the cytotoxicity of a spermine analogue on human breast cancer cell lines

Using three cytotoxicity assays, we have investigated the effect of the spermine analogue N1,N11-diethylnorspermine (DENSPM)on four human breast cancer cell lines with different known genetic lesions. Cells were seeded in 96 well plates and DENSPM was added 24 h later to give final concentrations from 0.1 to 100 microM. At 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment, the protein content was determined with a mod

Polymorphism in the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor gene and hypertension

BACKGROUND: The Arg389 variant of the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor gene mediates a higher isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity than the Gly389 variant in vitro. We investigated whether the Arg389Gly or the Ser49Gly polymorphism is associated with hypertension in Scandinavians. Methods and Results-- A total of 292 unrelated, nondiabetic, hypertensive patients and 265 unrelated healthy

No title

The authors describe a patient who presented from birth on a severe involvement of connective tissues with pathological fractures, lack of auricular cartilage, hyperlaxity of fingers and cutis laxa with deep folds, all suggestive of derangements of collagen and elastin. Hypothermia at 24 hours of age should have already indicated the possibility of Menkes' syndrome. From the 3rd month on, the pati

A mandibular advancement device reduces sleep disordered breathing in patients with congestive heart failure

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) including obstructive and central sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea as well as periodic breathing (PB) is common and is believed to increase risk for mortality in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Mandibular advancement device (MAD) has widely been recommended for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea but the method has never been investigated for treatment of SD

Externalism and the Content of Moral Motivation

In his fetishist argument, Michael Smith raises an important question: What is the content of the motivational states that constitute moral motivation? Although the argument has been widely discussed, this question has not received the attention it deserves. In the present paper, I use Smith's argument as a point of departure for a discussion of how advocates of externalism as regards moral judgem

Zebris versus myrin: A comparative study between a three-dimensional ultrasound movement analysis and an inclinometer/compass method - Intradevice reliability, concurrent validity, intertester comparison, intratester reliability, and intraindividual variability

Study Design. Experimental study. Objectives. To compare two devices for measuring cervical range of motion, a three-dimensional ultrasound motion device (Zebris) and a gravity-reference goniometer (Myrin). Summary of Background Data. Assessment of cervical range of motion is used to evaluate the effect of different treatments, determine impairment, and ascertain the relationship between neck diso

Evidence in action: a Thompsonian perspective on evidence-based decision-making in social work

Evidence-based practice presupposes evidence-based decision-making. In the debate it is argued that a social work fashioned after evidence should be more rational, less authoritarian and built on scientific knowledge, respect and ethics. Yet the empirical evidence that this idea works is weak. In fact the difficulties met during efforts to implement evidence could be a sound reaction. Indeed diffi

Teologi på andra sidan Hippos stadsmur

This article addresses two main questions both of which are raised by Risto Nurmela’s comparison between Judaism and Christianity, the first being the statement that Christology ”of course” is the dividing line between the two religions. This assertion must be refined in order to be applicable since (1) it gives vent to only one of two perspectives (i.e. it articulates only the Christian position)

Smoking during pregnancy: comparison of self-reports and cotinine levels in 496 women

Objective. To validate self-reported smoking habits in smoking pregnant women and estimate the prevalence of substantial exposure to passive smoking in non-smoking pregnant women. Design. Retrospective, quantitative study, consecutively collected samples. Setting. One antenatal clinic in Blekinge County, Sweden. Subjects. 509 pregnant women. Method. Information about smoking habits were taken from

From localised to delocalised electronic states in free Ar, Kr and Xe clusters

We present new results for the inner valence levels of clusters of the three inert gases Ar, Kr and Xe based on photoelectron spectroscopy studies. The inner valence levels are compared to the localised core levels and to the delocalised outer valence levels. This comparison shows a gradual change from a relatively localised behaviour for Ar inner valence 3s, over the intermediate case of Kr inner