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Frictional interactions on Women, Peace and Security in Mali
More than 20 years after the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, the international community is concerned with taking stock of its implementation in countries undergoing transitions from war to peace. This article contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics involved in implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through a focus on the frict
Småländska : orden och grammatiken
Alternative Turbulent Trace Gas Flux Measurement Methods
The eddy-covariance (EC) method is the most direct micrometeorological approach to measure the surface–atmosphere trace gases under turbulent conditions. The measurement of trace gas fluxes by eddy covariance requires fast-response instruments (higher than 1 Hz) to measure the turbulent fluctuations of vertical wind velocity and trace gas mixing ratio. For many trace gas species, such fast respons
Rätt ljus på rätt plats
Bländning och synergonomisk riskbedömning VERAM
Second messengers
To reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament or not? – put into panther perspective
Cancer incidence in a Swedish cohort with high exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water
Background: The use of firefighting foams at a military airport resulted in high levels of perfluorinated substances (PFAS) in the drinking water distributed to one-third of households in the Swedish municipality of Ronneby between the mid-1980s and the end of 2013. Method: The Ronneby Register Cohort, a large cohort comprising all individuals (N = 60,507) who ever lived in the Ronneby municipalit
Pulmonary perfusion and NYHA classification improve after cardiac resynchronization therapy
Background: Evaluation of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) often includes New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, and echocardiography. However, these measures have limitations. Perfusion gradients from ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (V/P SPECT) are related to left-heart filling pressures and have been validated against invasive right-heart cathet
Drug use disorder and risk of incident and fatal prostate cancer among Swedish men : a nationwide epidemiological study
Purpose: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and a leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Men with drug use disorders (DUD) may potentially be at high risk for prostate cancer mortality because of delayed diagnosis and/or undertreatment. In this study, we aimed to investigate prostate cancer incidence, mortality, and stage at time of diagnosis among men with DUD compared
Clinical and biological impact of SAMHD1 expression in mantle cell lymphoma
SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) that restricts viral replication in infected cells and limits the sensitivity to cytarabine by hydrolysing its active metabolite, as recently shown in acute myeloid leukemia. Cytarabine is an essential component in the Nordic mantle cell lymphoma protocols (MCL2 and MCL3) for induction and high-dose chemotherapy treatment befor
Music, sound, and architecture in Islam : edited by Michael Frishkopf and Federico Spinetti
Resounding Love for the Household of the Prophet : Sound and Mediation among Shi’i Muslims in Turkey
This thesis is a study of Twelver Shi’a Islam in the context of Azeri-Turkish Muslims living in the Anatolia-Caucasus borderlands of Northeastern Turkey. Taking the sonic as the central focus and field of enquiry I listen to the ways that sound mediates between bodies, both somatic and social, and the divine in the ritual and quotidian lives of Shi’i practitioners. I argue that sound, voice and li
Operationalizing Project Success Criteria through Control Degree
This study explores the control degree in success criteria operationalization. A literature review reveals that control degree relates to two patterns operationalizing success criteria: one directed to measurement and measure selection; the other directed to operationalization through the conceptualization of a relationship between a specific factor and project success. While in both patterns tighThis study explores the control degree in success criteria operationalization. A literature review reveals that control degree relates to two patterns operationalizing success criteria: one directed to measurement and measure selection; the other directed to operationalization through the conceptualization of a relationship between a specific factor and project success. While in both patterns tigh
Characterization and outcomes of 414 patients with primary SS who developed hematological malignancies
OBJECTIVE: To characterize 414 patients with primary SS who developed hematological malignancies and to analyze how the main SS- and lymphoma-related features can modify the presentation patterns and outcomes.METHODS: By January 2021, the Big Data Sjögren Project Consortium database included 11 966 patients fulfilling the 2002/2016 classification criteria. Hematological malignancies diagnosed acco
Referential choices. A study on quantification and discourse salience in sentence production in Swedish
This paper is concerned with the salience of discourse referents from both a hearer and a speaker perspective in the context of negative quantifying expressions (e.g. not all, few) in Swedish. In three sentence completion studies we investigated what discourse referent is most salient from each of these perspectives and how salience is affected by the syntactic form/semantic type (entity vs. propo
Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
This letter presents a combination of searches for Higgs boson pair production using up to 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy s=13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The combination is performed using six analyses searching for Higgs boson pairs decaying into the bb¯bb¯, bb¯W+W−, bb¯τ+τ−, W+W−W+W−, bb¯γγ and W+W−γγ final states. Results are presented
Anisotropic Pauli Spin-Blockade Effect and Spin-Orbit Interaction Field in an InAs Nanowire Double Quantum Dot
We report on experimental detection of the spin-orbit interaction field in an InAs nanowire double quantum dot device. In the spin blockade regime, leakage current through the double quantum dot is measured and is used to extract the effects of spin-orbit interaction and hyperfine interaction on spin state mixing. At finite magnetic fields, the leakage current arising from the hyperfine interactio