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Your search for "*" yielded 531806 hits

Latency Prediction in 5G Networks by using Machine Learning

This thesis presents a report of predicting latency in a 5G network by using deep learning techniques. The training set contained data of network parameters along with the actual latency, collected in a 5G lab environment during four different test scenarios. We trained four different machine learning models, including Forward Neural Network (FNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neu

Overburdened and Underrated: Understanding the Effects of Financial Repression

Financial Repression is increasingly recognized as a viable approach to address high and unsustainable debt levels. Despite its history dating back to the early-mid 1900s, the economic implications of Financial Repression have yet to be fully explored. This paper investigates the effects of Financial Repression, specifically the relationship between two key economic indicators: the exchange rate a

Politikers beslut om åtgärder under coronapandemin. En analys av restriktioner, finanspolitik samt penningpolitik under coronapandemin.

The corona pandemic has mainly affected health conditions and mortality, but has also contributed to economic costs. In this paper, I analyzed the consequences of restrictions on excess mortality and macroeconomics as well as the impact of economic policy measures on the economy. Based on data from European OECD countries in 2010-2022, I found evidence that restrictions do not reduce excess mortal

Regional Inequality and Spatial Dependence in Sweden

Regional inequality is a growing concern in developed countries, as country-level convergence may obscure increasing disparities within countries. This thesis aims to address this concern by examining the dynamics of regional convergence in Sweden from 1980-2022. The study employs spatial data analysis and econometric methods to examine the spatial dynamics of income and spillover effects between

Is a combination of language and vocational training an effective labour market policy for immigrants? - a quantitative study of Swedish municipalities

In recent years, Swedish municipalities have introduced programs that combine Swedish language education with vocational training. However, due to the novelty and lack of an established framework, data and research on their effectiveness in improving immigrant labour market performance is limited. This essay addresses this gap by estimating the causal effect of vocational training combined with Sw

”Ibland blir jag bara så jävla trött på folk, ser de inte att jag är ledig?” - En kvalitativ studie om emotionellt arbete och gränsdragning mellan yrkesrollen och privatlivet hos frilansande kulturarbetare.

Emotionellt arbete är ett begrepp som innebär den känsloreglering en individ gör för att leva upp till olika situationers förväntade beteenden och uttryck. Sker detta inom en yrkesroll så är det ett emotionellt lönearbete. Forskning har visat att denna känsloreglering, som innebär både att förstärka vissa känslor och förtrycka andra, kan vara skadligt för en individ som utövar detta under en längr

Petrography, geochemistry, and origin of deep magmatic cumulates in the Canary Islands – the xenolith record

This study investigates xenoliths present in various dykes on Tenerife, the Canary Islands. These xenoliths were studied by means of fieldwork, petrographic analysis, scanning electron microscopy, laser fluorination, and LA-ICP-MS. In conjunction these analyses enable the understanding of the magmatic structures beneath the Anaga massif, with a conceptualisation of the formation of this volcanic s

Urban sharing in Seoul

“Urban Sharing in Seoul” explores the landscape of the sharing economy in the city context and is a result of a Mobile Research Lab conducted by five researchers from Lund University in 2022. The focus is on three sectors: space sharing, mobility sharing, and sharing of household goods. For each sector, drivers and barriers to the sharing economy are explored, associated sustainability impacts and

Changes experienced in primary education by teachers, autistic students and students' parents after a professional development intervention

We aimed to explore the experiences of teachers, autistic students and students' parents, before and after professional development intervention for teachers in primary school. The main participants were five autistic students aged 7–11 years in three primary schools (intervention schools), their parents and teachers. Five school contexts were studied, with three interventions and two comparisons.

Teachers’ collaborative professional development for inclusive education

This is a systematic literature review aiming to systematically synthesize research of teachers’ collaborative professional development (CPD) for inclusive education. In total, 21 articles out of 55 from three data-based met the inclusion criteria. Cohen’s kappa was used to measure the agreement, found that the agreement between the raters was 0.72; substantial agreement. The results show that the

POINT OF VIEW Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articles

Authors rely on a range of devices and techniques to attract and maintain the interest of readers, and to convince them of the merits of the author’s point of view. However, when writing a scientific article, authors must use these ‘persuasive communication devices’ carefully. In particular, they must be explicit about the limitations of their work, avoid obfuscation, and resist the temptation to

High Noon in the Himalayas

This master’s thesis examines the escalation of the Sino-Indian border conflict in the summer of 2020. Using a modified version of Graham Allison’s multi-lens model, variants of realism, institutionalism and constructivism are applied to the case in order to find explanatory factors. The different theoretical schools also serve to clearly delineate what assumptions the identified aspects are based

A diversified idea paradigm? Mapping the evolution of economic environmental and climate ideas in the WTO Secretariat

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to highlighting how economic environmental and climate ideas are expressed in the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization and to compare this with how they are expressed in other international organisations. In the article The evolution of ideas in global climate policy, Jonas Meckling and Bentley B. Allan map the evolution of economic environmental and

På statligt uppdrag? En studie av de idéburna organisationernas roll i den offentligt finansierade välfärden

This research sets out to study how the civil society organisations are portrayed in the governmental policy “idéburen välfärd”. The policy aims to facilitate and increase the participation of non-profit and non-governmental organizations in the publicly funded welfare production. Taking a discursive governmentality perspective, the policy is scrutinized through the framework of WPR “what´s the pr

The Influence of Policies and Programs on Identity

In this qualitative study, interpretive research will be conducted in order to examine subjective experiences of Middle Eastern immigrants in Sweden as well as their perception of how six selected policies and programs affect their sense of belonging and identity. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain data for this study. Specifically, in this study, the following policies and pr

Girls’ Education in Policy Discourse: The Case of Chad in Representation of the Problem in International Organizations’ Strategic Development Plans, its Silences, and Effects

Education, particularly girls' education, is essential for personal and national development, addressing issues such as poverty, and political instability. However, gender disparity in education remains a significant problem, leading to increased interest from governments and international organizations in addressing the issue through policy implementation. This study, therefore, investigates

Time Signatures in Modern Music

In the beginning of the 20th Century with the emergence of a new musical language as the Second Viennese School (Alban Berg, Arnold Schoenberg, and Anton Webern) took over, suddenly music pushed forward and away from traditional harmony, rhythm and even notation. Music started to lose its traditional feel of patterns, cadences and regularity and instead embraced new complexity, as composers starte

Teacher researchers creating communities of research practice by the use of a professional development approach

The aim of this article is to elucidate how teacher researchers use a theoretical framework as mediated tool to create boundaries in communities of research practices (CoRPs) and how this effects student learning. If, and in what way, knowledge developed in one practice can be used to inform the next is also examined. Two teacher researchers implemented two CoRPs each, one as internal participant