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Effects of a reduction in hours of work on labor productivity and labor costs in South Korea: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design

This investigation aimed at estimating the effects of a reduction in hours worked on labor productivity and labor costs in South Korea. The treatment effect was measured by using the fuzzy RD design with micro data. The data were taken from the Workplace Panel Survey 2007 conducted by the Korea Labor Institute. The main finding of this study was that the fuzzy RD estimates of the effect of a reduc

An Essay on Optimal Inflation

The main goal of this thesis is to quantify optimal inflation rates for fourteen regions in Europe and North America, as well as to address recent proposals for higher inflation targets. This is done using a partially linear regression of the functional form of inflation and relative price variability, and using the definition of optimal inflation as the inflation rate that minimizes RPV. Our resu

Sustainable Urban Mobility Could smartphone apps master the challenge…?

If Europe is to meet its Kyoto commitments and avert further environ- ental damage and climate change, urban car traffic has to decline drastically. Yet, no efforts to master the challenge have succeeded. Planners need new demand side tools to help facilitate more sustaina-ble travel patterns and increase use of public transport. This thesis is a literary contribution to the EU SUNSET and Swedish

Skolans hjärta? : En undersökning av skolpersonalens syn på skolbiblioteket som plats

The starting point of our master’s thesis was the recent debate regarding the school library arising from the implementation of the new version of the Swedish Education Act (Skollagen SFS 2010:800). Many have criticized the new Education Act, claiming that it puts a too large focus on the library as place. Some even claim that the school library as place is out-dated and not relevant in today’s so

Education-occupation mismatch and its effect on unemployment in Sweden

Educational investments are made with the expectation that the acquired skills and knowledge will be applied on the labour market. Matching education and occupations lead to lower unemployment and vacancy rates and higher productivity and wages, but several imperfections of the labour market hinder the matching process. Education-occupation mismatch has been found to be positively linked with the

"Taking Culture to Court" - Considering the Use of the Concept of Culture in a Cultural Defence

This thesis is a result of an initial interest in multiculturalism – how states to deal with cultural plurality and the role of the concept of culture in this process – which led to a particular interest in the use of “culture” as a defence plea in courts; what is referred to as a “cultural defence”. With reference to two empirical cases it explores the legal, political and anthropological discuss

När kulturer möts: en kvalitativ studie om interkulturell kommunikation på Skatteverkets servicekontor

Globaliseringen har bidragit till att effektiv interkulturell kommunikation fått allt större betydelse för företag och organisationer. För en effektiv interkulturell kommunikation krävs kompetens hos individen. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är därför att analysera de förutsättningar som finns för interkulturell kommunikationskompetens hos personalen på Skatteverkets servicekontor. Detta gör jag gen

The music blew me away - Om byte av kognitiv domän vid översättning av konceptuella metaforer

Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att försöka ta reda på ifall det är svårare för översättare att översätta konceptuella metaforer när de väljer att inte behålla de kognitiva domänerna i metaforerna. Tio studenter fick översätta tretton meningar, samtidigt som de fick de berätta om, verbalisera, sin egen översättningsprocess. Verbaliseringarna spelades in och transkriberades till så kallade think-al

Träs tryckfasthet vinkelrätt fiberriktningen

At present there are no concrete guidelines how to calculate the pressure resistance capacity of the timber at the load perpendicular to grain. The test options ASTM, CEN and ICO gives three different results in testing of an equal body. With this knowledge the value for the characteristic compressive strength capacity of the pressure perpendicular to the grain will be reduced to 2.7 MPa. The reduc

Arkitektur och konstruktion i vertikal stad

En teoretisk vertikal stad konstrueras i ett samarbete mellan en student från Arkitektprogrammet och en student från Väg och vattenprogrammet. Den vertikala stadens vision är att skona naturen från horisontellt växande städer genom att bygga uppe i luften och endast ha ett litet fotavtryck på marken som påverkar naturen minimalt. Den vertikala staden vill genom att bygga en kompakt stad där samhäl

Narkomanen - en studie av hur narkotikamissbruk konstrueras i missbruksutredningen

The description of the drug user and drug abuse varies and has changed over time. The aim of this study is to put a social constructionist approach to examine the social construction of drug abuse and drug users within selected parts of a specific Swedish public inquiry (SOU 2011:35). I have analyzed my material by dividing it into categories using a qualitative method for analyzing the content of

Estimates of Evolutionary Rate, Date and Migration of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes A and D

Abstract To estimate the timescale of hepatitis B virus (HBV) evolutionary history and analyzing its phylogeographic patterns, publically available HBV sequences were collected from GenBank. Among those, 412 sequences were from genotype A and 566 sequences were from genotype D. These sequences comprised the entire genome and represented samples obtained between 1982 and 2009 from different parts

Förändringar inom fältet - En kvalitativ analys av diskussionen kring evidens inom socialt arbete

The debate about evidence based practice has been going on for over twenty years in Sweden without any real conclusion. The purpose of this study was with Bourdieu’s theory about culture production and a discourse analytic approach, highlight the arguments in the debate and the beliefs and assumptions about the evidence based practices on which they are based. The aim was also to investigate the r

Effects of UV-A and Predation Threat on Mantle Pigmentation of Freshwater Snails (Radix balthica)

Abstract We studied the effects of UV-A radiation and predatory fish on mantle pigmentation of freshwater snails Radix balthica. The results showed that UV radiation and fish chemical cue induce larger ratios of pigmented area on mantle, respectively and when combined. UV radiation and predatory fish chemical cue seem to affect mantle pigmentation independently. The ratios (0~100%) of pigmented ma

Genetic variation in the interleukin 4 promoter in relation to nematode infection in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)

Parasitter og cytokiner i en naturlig populasjon I naturen finner vi utallige eksempler på arter som har spesialisert seg på å utnytte andre arter for næring, trygghet og overlevelse. Denne spesialiseringen kalles parasitisme, og har ofte en kostnad for verten i form av redusert helse og livskvalitet. Hos däggdjur, er en stor parasittgruppe innvollsparasitter. nematoder som lever i tarmene og sugAbstract In nature, the coexistence of parasites and hosts has been an important factor in evolution of the immune system, which can be found in all plants and animals. As parasitic infections are by definition affect overall fitness of the host, it is important for the host to be able to counteract the detrimental effects of infections. To ensure this, signaling molecules, known as cytokines, e

Gemensam bostad ur ett företagsperspektiv

De flesta makar och sambor bor tillsammans i en fastighet eller i en lägenhet som de vanligtvis betraktar som deras gemensamma bostad. Inte ovanligt är att fastigheten utgör en lantbruksfastighet eller att någon av parterna bedriver näringsverksamhet i bostaden. För makar och sambor finns i äktenskapsbalken respektive sambolagen ett par skydds¬regler som kan bli tillämpliga vid en separation mellaThe majority of married couples and co-habitants live together in rented or owned accommodation which they usually consider to be their joint property. It is not unusual that the property is an agricultural property or that one half of the couple use the property for business purposes. There are protective provisions in The Marriage Code and also in The Cohabitees Act which are relevant in case of

Föräldrarnas tillfredsställelse med vården efter att deras barn diagnostiserats med diabetes typ 1

I Sverige är diabetes typ 1 en av de vanligaste kroniska sjukdomarna hos barn. Den största incidensökning finns bland barn yngre än fem år. Övergripande mål för diabetesbehandling är en god metabol kontroll med egenvårdskunskaper som föräldrarna och barnen får i samband med insjuknandet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrarnas tillfredställelse med vården 6 månader efter att deras barn d