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The TECH@HOME study, a technological intervention to reduce caregiver burden for informal caregivers of people with dementia : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: It is estimated that global dementia rates will more than triple by 2050 and result in a staggering economic burden on families and societies. Dementia carries significant physical, psychological and social challenges for individuals and caregivers. Informal caregiving is common and increasing as more people with dementia are being cared for at home instead of in nursing homes. Caregiv

Modelling of coal-biomass blends gasification and power plant revamp alternatives in Egypt's natural gas sector

Recently, there has been a growing research interest in the co-gasification of biomass with coal to produce syngas and electricity in a sustainable manner. Co-gasification technology do not only decrease potentially the exploitation of a significant amount of conventional coal resources, and thus lower greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, but also boost the overall gasification process efficiency. In

The dual rod system of amphibians supports colour discrimination at the absolute visual threshold

The presence of two spectrally different kinds of rod photoreceptors in amphibians has been hypothesized to enable purely rod-based colour vision at very low light levels. The hypothesis has never been properly tested, so we performed three behavioural experiments at different light intensities with toads (Bufo) and frogs (Rana) to determine the thresholds for colour discrimination. The thresholds

Migration and integration on the Baltic island of Öland in the Iron Age

This study explores a bi-isotopic approach to migration, adding δ18O values to samples with 87Sr/86Sr values for 109 individuals from the Iron Age (500 BCE–1050 CE) on the island of Öland, Sweden. Determining a local baseline for 87Sr/86Sr was complicated due to the wide range of variation in faunal samples so we divided the human values into three groups: local, non-local and undetermined. The ad

An introduction to the special issue : Ontological securities in world politics

The research community of ontological security scholars is vibrant and wide-ranging, defined by a conceptual core and by the themes through which scholars register their disagreements. In this special issue we have collected some of the work that has been produced or inspired by discussions and meetings during the last few years. The goal is to showcase some of the breadth of insights and possibil

Labour force building in a rapidly expanding sector

Between 1991 and 2010, jobs in the knowledge-intensive IT services sector in Sweden increased from 30,000 to 104,000. Departing from recent theoretical insights suggesting that the skill composition of worker inflows is an indicator of knowledge relevant to employers, we investigate labour inflows into the sector. Who were the people getting jobs in this expanding sector? And, how were their skill

Dynamic speed optimization in supply chains with stochastic demand

In this paper, we analyze how to continuously adjust the speed in a supply chain with stochastic demand. For each unit (e.g., truckload, shipping container) in the chain, one must decide at which speed it should be moved downstream, given the state of the system, to minimize total supply chain costs. We decompose the problem into a set of one-dimensional subproblems that can be easily solved and c

Potential Levels of Soot, NOx, HC and CO for Methanol Combustion

Methanol is today considered a viable green fuel for combustion engines because of its low soot emissions and the possibility of it being produced in a CO2-neutral manner. Methanol as a fuel for combustion engines have attracted interest throughout history and much research was conducted during the oil crisis in the seventies. In the beginning of the eighties the oil prices began to decrease and i

The BALDER Beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) includes well-established methods to study the local structure around the absorbing element - extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), and the effective oxidation number or to quantitatively determine the speciation of an element in a complex matrix - X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES). The increased brilliance and intensities available at the

Laminar burning velocity of diacetyl + air flames. Further assessment of combustion chemistry of ketene

Ketene is important intermediate in high-temperature chemistry of several oxygenates, such as acetone, acetic acid, and diacetyl. Ketene reactions appear in the sensitivity spectra of calculated burning velocities of the first two species. To provide independent experimental data for validation of the ketene sub-mechanism, the laminar burning velocities of diacetyl + air flames at 1 atm and initia

Evolution of the Z-scheme of photosynthesis : a perspective

The concept of the Z-scheme of oxygenic photosynthesis is in all the textbooks. However, its evolution is not. We focus here mainly on some of the history of its biophysical aspects. We have arbitrarily divided here the 1941–2016 period into three sub-periods: (a) Origin of the concept of two light reactions: first hinted at, in 1941, by James Franck and Karl Herzfeld; described and explained, in

Strategies of inquiry : The ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ revisited

This paper examines critically the reconstruction of the ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ proposed jointly by M.B. Hintikka (1939–1987) and J. Hintikka (1929–2016) in the 1980s, and its successor, the interrogative model of inquiry (imi) developed by J. Hintikka and his collaborators in the 1990s. The Hintikkas’ model explicitly used game theory in order to formalize a naturalistic approach to

Inhibition of Snake Venom Metalloproteinase by β-Lactoglobulin Peptide from Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Colostrum

Bioactive peptide research has experienced considerable therapeutic interest owing to varied physiological functions, efficacy in excretion, and tolerability of peptides. Colostrum is a rich natural source of bioactive peptides with many properties elucidated such as anti-thrombotic, anti-hypertensive, opioid, immunomodulatory, etc. In this study, a variant peptide derived from β-lactoglobulin fro

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Denna artikel återger och diskuterar resultaten från en undersökning av språkförståelsen hos svenska och danska gymnasieungdomar i Öresundsregionen. Problematiseringen av begreppet grannspråk versus främmande språk ur ett pragmatiskt perspektiv fick stor uppmärksamhet i båda länderna och gav upphov till en konferens med samma titel, anordnad på Lunds universitet av Center for Scandinavian Studies Hvor godt forstår den unge generation af danskere og svenskere hinanden?Ikke særlig godt, ifølge en undersøgelse foretaget i Malmø og København i efteråret 2012 og foråret 2013. De unge synes heller ikke at være synderligt optaget af, hvad der foregår lige ovre på den anden side af Sundet, hvilket er tankevækkende i en tid, hvor mulighederne for at bevæge sig mellem nabolandene aldrig har været be