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Based chiefly on textual sources, the article treats of the nine planetary deities of Hinduism, their origin and historical development, major mythology, iconography, rituals, and their relation both to the greater Hindu pantheon and to astrological concepts.

Hierarchical stochastic motion blur rasterization

We present a hierarchical traversal algorithm for stochastic rasterization of motion blur, which efficiently reduces the number of inside tests needed to resolve spatio-temporal visibility. Our method is based on novel tile against moving primitive tests that also provide temporal bounds for the overlap. The algorithm works entirely in homogeneous coordinates, supports MSAA, facilitates efficient

Skaramissalets text i relation till andra liturgiska källor.

The text of the Skara Missal Compared to Other Liturgical Sources. A large number of printed sources have been consulted and compared with Skara Missal on a quntitative as well as qualitative basis; individual characteristics as well as the evident concordance with many identical readings have been noted and compiled. On the basis of comparisons of various paryers and prefaces it may first of all

REX: A Computer Program for PIXE Spectrum Resolution of Aerosols

REX is a Fortran program for analysis of spectra obtained in PIXE analysis. The underlying model is still under development; however, one year of experience has demonstrated REX’s capability to be a fast reliable tool. The modeling of the different components and effects of the physical model is briefly discussed. Evidence is shown that secondary effects mostly due to Compton-scattering in and aro

Stability and change in the development of knowledge

This contribution is about an entirely new approach to the study of knowledge. As an introductory remark, the classical research operations in the field of cognition are reviewed. Against this background, an application of David Hestenes theory of rotational dynamics is demonstrated with particular reference to text processing. Based on the mechanism of joints and links of the AaO machine, angular

Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics

The Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics surveys the broad range of environmental and sustainability challenges in the emerging Anthropocene and scrutinizes available concepts, methodological tools, theories and approaches, as well as overlaps with adjunct fields of study. This comprehensive reference work, written by some of the most eminent academics in the field, contain

Catrines intressanta blekhet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Men älskar du honom? Så frågar en ung flicka på 1820-talet sin syster Henrietta som just skall gifta sig. Nej det gör Henrietta inte men hon böjer sig för den krassa verkligheten, behovet att bli försörjd. Den stillsamma frågan anger något som kan tolkas som en tyst revolution: övergången från en äldre syn på äktenskapet som ett ekonomiskt kontrakt till en uppfattning aThe main theme of this dissertation is the question of how young women in the early middle class handled the new demands for marriage based on love instead of on judgements of moral, economy and status. Another theme is the education of these middle class girls around 1800 and the question how this new education interacted with the new demands for love marriage. The German social historian Ulrike