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Your search for "*" yielded 531660 hits

A Utilitarian Dilemma on Diachronic Preferences

When preferences from the past or future disagrees with present preferences about what to do now, it seems counterintuitive for preference utilitarianism to take these past and future diachronic preferences into account. In this thesis I discuss two different solutions to this problem. First, preference utilitarianism could solve the problem by becoming more sophisticated - by suggesting that we s

Perceived Severity of Visually Accessible Fires

Investigations of past fires suggest that building occupants faced with a fire have problems defining the severity of it, especially in the early stages of the fire. An experiment was therefore carried out to study people’s ability to estimate fire growth, and their perceived ability to extinguish a fire using a portable fire extinguisher. A total of 535 persons, namely 304 men and 231 women, were

Förstudie av tillkommande risker för offshore-anläggningar på grund av externa installationer

Demands on cost-efficiency and production-efficiency combined with decreasing storage space availability on oil platforms located on the Norwegian continental shelf force new methods for equipment placing on oil platforms. This report investigates how risk is affected when introducing an external installation on an oil platform. Results indicate that an external installation can reduce the platfor

Verkan av passivitet vid avtals ingående

Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda vilka möjligheter det finns att ingå ett avtal trots parts passivitet. Begreppet passivitet används i betydelsen underlåtenhet att agera när part, under en process till synes syftande till att avtal ska ingås, normalt kan förväntas agera genom en positiv viljeförklaring, ett nekande eller ett förtydligande. Innan passivitetsfrågan behandlas närmare presenteras den The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibilities of entering into a binding agreement despite the passivity of one of the parties. The term passivity is used to denote the lack of action when a party, during a process with the apparent aim of entering into an agreement, typically can be expected to act through a declaration of intent, a refusal or a clarification. Before a closer en

Reciprocity, Nepotism or Costly Signaling – Evidence from Mobile Phone Money Transfers in Nairobi

The purpose of this thesis is to test whether the theories of reciprocal altruism, nepotism due to kin selection and costly signaling can explain patterns of human altruism. A new way of investigating this has surfaced since the introduction of mobile phone money transfers in areas where social sharing is frequently exercised. Data was collected from 167 respondents in Nairobi, Kenya on their late

Steam injector comparison

Fouling of direct steam injectors and holding cells is a serious problem in the heat treatment of products in the dairy industry. The fouling limits the run time of a plant and increases the time for cleaning. Both these factors will increase the processing cost. Four different direct steam injectors are tested and evaluated using the criteria fouling of the injector, the stability of the injector

When the Personal becomes Global: A Study of Global Care Chains in a European Context

This thesis provides insight into Global Care Chains located between Italy and Ukraine. The countries under analysis represent different ends of the Global Care Chain, Italy being a country of immense immigration and Ukraine being on the other side as a country of large emigration. The women who migrate are mostly mothers and/or wives and their most common employment is in the reproductive sector

Design of an Electronic Brake Pedal

The final purpose of this project is to create a platform that leads to the improvement of the braking feeling by the users of heavy vehicles. The complexity of the problem lays on the different constraints: geometrical and functional, and as well on the interaction with a human operator. The task is to design a new electronic brake pedal, with the possibility to change the relationship between fo

Best Available Techniques - Guideline proposal for Det Norske Veritas

This master thesis was commissioned by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and was conducted at the department of Energy Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a structured and uniform methodology for Best Available Techniques (BAT) assessments of oil-­‐ and gas installations. BAT is defined in the EU directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and

Välfärdsläkare, Mjukvaruleverantör eller Godhjärtad Entreprenör? En studie av fyra sociala ideella organisationer som verkar på integrationsområdet i Lunds Kommun

Social ideell sektor utgör en allt mer betydelsefull garant av välfärd för utsatta grupper. Forskning om sociala ideella organisationers roll på integrationsområdet saknas, en lucka som vi har tagit avstamp i. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med företrädare från ideell och kommunal sektor som verkar på integrationsområdet i Lunds kommun har fyra ideella organisationers roll samt relation till kommune

Den nationella identiteten kontra EU-identiteten

How does the identity discourse appear when a country is negotiating for an EU membership? Is it positive or negative towards taking part of the European identity? This essay is a critical discourse analysis inspired by Fairclough, where I analyze the Croatian identity discourse during 2005-2010 in three Croatian newspapers. To clarify my analysis and to operationalize my concept, I have selected

Nationell politik med globala målsättningar

Denna uppsats för en diskussion om politiken för global utveckling genom att analysera bakomliggande idéer och antaganden om utveckling och fattigdomsbekämpning. Fokus för studien är Sveriges politik för global utveckling, mer specifikt regeringens skrivelse ”Globala utmaningar – vårt ansvar” (Skrivelse 2007/08:89). Som analysverktyg väljs tre dimensioner (begrepp): ansvar, rättigheter och rättviThis essay aims to discuss the politic on global development by analyzing underlying ideas and assumptions about development and poverty reduction. The focus in this study is the Swedish politic on global development, and more specific the document written by the Swedish government on this politic (”Globala utmaningar – vårt ansvar. Skrivelse 2007/08:89). The main tool for the analysis are the thr

Mätning av vattentäthet i vattendimma

This report describes experiments with a method for measuring water density in the spray from a water mist sprinkler using laser diodes. The decrease in light intensity at a photo cell across the spray from the diode is used to calculate the water density. The same method has previously been used for measuring the soot content of a flame, but the calculations when measuring water density are in so

Strategisk Brandstationsplacering

This report is an aid in making decisions for the location of fire stations. Using multi criteria decision making the report presents a model for choosing the best available location for hosting a fire station. The model gives the decision makers the opportunity to choose from more criteria than the traditional response time. The model can be applied in any fire station locational decision regardl

Styrelsens strategiska roll i företags innovationsprocess

Syftet med vår uppsats är att försöka få en djupare förståelse för vilken roll styrelsen, i olika stora och medelstora företag, kan tänkas ha inom företagets innovationsprocess. Vår teoretiska referensram består av följande teorier: agentteorin, styrelsebeteende, resursberoendeteorin, styrning genom olika typer av ägandeskap samt teori som belyser begreppen innovation och strategi. I denna studie

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Oléo

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oléo, located in Växjö, Sweden. Oléo is a nightclub with a maximum of 900 guests allowed. The evaluation is based on fire modelling and evacuation simulations with manual calculations and computer simulations. A new sprinkler system has recently been installed to increase the safety in the building in case of a fire. The results has been evaluated,

Brandteknisk riskvärdering Stenungstorg, Stenungsund

This report is a fire safety evaluation with focus on evacuation of Stenungstorg, Stenungsund, Sweden. The object is a shopping mall combined with apartments and offices. The personal safety has been evaluated for the built-in street, and compartments connected to it, along the west side of the building. The mall was constructed in stages from 1966 and was finished in the beginning of 1990. Today

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Galleria Flanaden, Värnamo

This report evaluates the personal safety issues in the event of fire in the Swedish shopping mall “Galleria Flanaden” in Värnamo. The building and its businesses’ compliance with Swedish fire safety legislation is verified (most importantly BBR 2008 and SFS 2003:778). Weaknesses in personal safety (means of evacuation) in the event of fire are verified through an exhaustive on-site inspection and