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Trafikmiljön på villagator - arbetsmetodik med praktikexempel
Miljökrav vid drift och underhåll av vägar - utvärdering i driftområde Linderödsåsen, Skåne
Ekonomiska åtgärdsgränser för vägunderhåll : beräknade med HDM-4
Living Labs - att arbeta med användardriven innovation
Living Labs är ett koncept för utveckling av innovativa produkter och tjänster på IKT-basis och utvecklades under senare delen av nittiotalet vid universitetet MIT. Inom Living Labs finns ännu inga klara metoder och riktlinjer för hur arbetsprocessen bör gå till, vår ambition var att belysa områden som vi såg som kritiska för processen. Vi fann det också intressant att studera vilka förväntningar
Med båda fötter i ett främmande land
Title: With both feet in a foreign country.Imagine yourself coming from your country to another. Sometimes because of political reasons. You can both feel welcomed and at the same time feel that you don’t belong in this new country. This study is about human identity and the ability to adjust to a new music, culture and language. This study is based on interviews in which the persons I have interv
European Parliament, EU Budget and CFSP
This master’s thesis examines how the European Parliament (EP) has used its budgetary powers to influence the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) during the legislative period 2004-2009 of the EP. Theoretically it is based on theories of power, most notably that of Keith Dowding’s including the notions of outcome power and social power. Its data consists mainly of
Heritage and Government Participation: A Study on the Disproportionate Palestinian-Jordanian Representation Within the Jordanian State Apparatus
Jordan is the only Arabic country that has granted full citizenship to all its Palestinian residents, who now constitute half the population and dominate the private sector. Although a reasonable expectation would be that Palestinian-Jordanians hold half of all governmental positions, a 1997 survey reported much lower representation. This thesis attempts to investigate current (early 2009) Palesti
Globaliseringens påverkan på nationalstaten; En studie om den moderna demokratins möjligheter i en kosmopolitisk världsordning
The aim of this study is to understand whether globalization has any effects on modern democracy and if so to see whether it can be replaced by something else – something larger than democracy within the nation-state. The aim was also to find out whether a cosmopolitan democracy is possible among nation-states with the help of cosmopolitan theory. In order to receive this information the author ha
EP – a Parliament without demos Exploring the role of the European Parliament and representation in EU
In this thesis the role of the European Parliament has been explored and analysed. Four scenarios for European Integration: Europe of States, United States of Europe, Europe of Regions and Europe of Networks developed by Jönsson et al, have been employed as a framework for the analysis. To examine the principle role of the EP in each scenario, in addition to the varying possibilities and challenge
Conceptualizing Disability: A critical discourse analysis of legislation concerning people wtih disabilities in Vietnam
Based on an ontology that combines structuralism and constructivism, this paper aims to investigate the construction of disability in Vietnam. More specifically, it analyzes the conceptualization of disability in Vietnamese legal documents through the perspective of disability theory. The analysis is carried out by using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as developed by Norman Fairclough and exami
Timing Reconciliation, Case Study Sudan
This study analyses the importance of timing reconciliation in a conflict/peace process in order to reach a sustainable peace. There is a main divide in how the different scholars in the conflict resolution field define reconciliation in being a goal or a process, or both. Mostly reconciliation initiatives are worked with during the post-settlement period but in the protracted conflicts of today t
Toxic Omissions and Cancerous Growths: Addressing the Unexamined Assumption of Sustainable Consumption in Technologically Innovative Societies
This study challenges existing dogma of economists and environmentalists with a finding that sustainable consumption in industrial societies is impossible within standard models of growth because the approaches that are being taken to investments (in new technologies) are linked with and dependent on increased consumption as a requirement of innovation and as part of ideology in societies. Though
Social Innovations in Creative Communities for Sustainable Consumption: is it promising?
In the current discourse on sustainable consumption, there have been major interventions by the businesses and governments, focusing on changing consumer behavior through greening products and services. However, the problem of consumption is not limited to greening products and environmental impacts, but it is also a social issue. Together with the increasing consumption around the world and mater
Medling på TV. Konstruktioner av medling, gärningspersoner och brottsoffer
Authors: Malin Andréasson and Elin Ohlsson Title: Mediation on TV. Constructions of mediation, offenders and victims. Supervisor: Katarina Jacobsson Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos This study investigates the social constructions of victims and offenders in the Swedish documentary TV-series “Face to face” [“Öga mot öga”]. The representation of mediation as a crime preventing practice is also considered
Ledarskapsutbildning E.ON: En empirisk undersökning av utbildningsplanering och utveckling
Att ringa in kompetenser, att individanpassa en utbildning som ska nå en stor grupp samt att ”matcha” kunskap med en lämplig pedagogik är några av de utmaningar som en ledarskapsutbildning står inför. Denna uppsats belyser pedagogiska infallsvinklar och provar dessa i nya sammanhang. Passar det traditionella sättet det moderna arbetet? Syftet är att kartlägga och analysera E.ON:s nuvarande pedag
Unlocking The Secret History: A New Perspective in College Fiction
Briony Through Her Own Eyes; a Discussion of the Three Brionys in Ian McEwan’s Atonement
Förlängd hållbarhet på dryckesmjölk ur ett klimatperspektiv – speciellt med avseende på distribution och spill
Detta projekt syftar till att undersöka om det är möjligt att motivera användandet av teknik för förlängd hållbarhet, ESL, på konsumtionsmjölk genom en minskad miljöpåverkan, speciellt gällande distribution och spill. Trenden pekar idag mot ökande transporter för mejeriernas volymprodukter och dessa transporter jämförs för mjölk behandlad med ESL-teknik och vanlig pastöriserad mjölk. Utöver detta