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Beyond Discounting Climate Change

The question of which discount rate to choose when it comes to calculating costs and benefits regarding climate change has been discussed among economists since at least the beginning of the 1990’s. However, the issue of which discount rate to choose is not just an academic question, it also has major implications for climate change policy. In this paper I will show that there exists large disagre

Creative Destruction and the Music Industry: an investigation concerning new music technologies such as peer-to-peer file sharing and cloud computing and how these affect the informal and formal norms towards copyright protection and music consumption.

This thesis deals with how creative destruction of the music industry caused by digital technologies can change formal and informal norms concerning the protection of copyrighted material. In the process of creative destruction new innovations can be so great that they change people’s beliefs: in the case of the music industry the technological shift from analogue to digital technologies, in parti

Konstruktionen av GärningsMannen - En diskursanalys av hovrättsdomar och gällande rätt

Inom ett demokratiskt samhälle är likhet inför lagen en av de viktigaste principerna. Men är den möjligt att uppfylla i praktiken? Går det överhuvudtaget att behandla människor lika trots att vi ständigt delar in varandra i olika kategorier? I Sverige idag tilldelas alla barn ett juridiskt kön redan vid födseln. Beroende på om barnet anses vara en flicka eller en pojke följer sedan helt olika förvEquality before the law is one of the most important principles within a democratic society. But can it be put into practice? Is it at all possible to treat people equally in a society where we constantly divide each other into different categories? Today in Sweden, all children are assigned a legal sex at birth. We have different expectations on what qualities a child is supposed to have dependin

The Securitization of Infectious Disease A Comparative Study of the 2009 Swine Influenza Pandemic in Germany and Sweden

It is the purpose of this paper to compare the securitization processes of the A(H1N1) virus, more commonly known as the swine flu, in Sweden and Germany. Based on the recognition that these countries, for all intents and purposes, are very similar it is the aim of this essay to understand how the results of their respective securitization processes could be so widely different. This study is cond

Self-Determination, Secession, and State Recognition: A Comparative Study of Kosovo, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia

Principen om självbestämmande har färdats långt från sitt ursprung som ett verktyg för politisk retorik till sin nuvarande ställning som en folkrättslig princip gällande erga omnes. Såväl innehållet som tillämpligheten av självbestämmanderätten förblir dock oklar. Detta gäller särskilt nationella minoriteter, som traditionellt inte har tillerkänts denna rättighet. Denna avhandling undersöker därföThe principle of self-determination has come a long way from its origins as a tool for political rhetoric to its current status as a right of international law valid erga omnes. However, the contents of the right to self-determination, as well as its applicability, remain unclear. This holds true especially concerning national minorities, which have not traditionally been considered recipients of

Creation of Digital Persona :Visual Identity on Facebook through the Screen

The establishment of the Internet and progression in computer science is connecting people at an alarming rate. Through these online connections an image-sharing culture has emerged. A prominent contributor to this social phenomenon is Facebook. Since Facebook launched its social networks in 2004, the popularity and growth of the platform has been phenomenal. It has become today’s dominant source

Anknytning i limbo: En pilotstudie från en neonatal intensivvårdsavdelning

At the NICU at Lund University Hospital a pilot study was performed, where the participants were parents of either premature babies with brain hemorrhaging or babies born with asphyxia. Both diagnoses are associated with insecurity regarding outcome in terms of future conditions such as cerebral palsy. The participants were interviewed at two occasions, with six months in between. Standardized que

Sverige I Afghanistan: Idealistiska drömmar i realpolitisk uniform

Sverige har en lång historia av deltagande i fredsbevarande operationer, där Afghanistan utgör den senaste i en lång rad insatser. Kriget i Afghanistan har i sig varit kontroversiellt eftersom det i många avseenden funnits anledning att ifrågasätta dess legitimitet. Denna uppsats problematiserar idealistiska och realpolitiska sätt att legitimera konflikter och sätter detta i perspektiv till konfli

Getting out of Poverty: An Analysis of Gendered Norms and Practices within Poverty and Their Impact on the Self-Perceptions and Agency of Women in Self-Help Groups in Mumbai

This study aims to add new knowledge to our understanding of poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon and focuses on the links between poverty and gender norms and practices. The overall research question that this study is concerned with is about the effect of self-help group participation on women’s self-perceptions of options, their access to social, economic and cultural capital, and subsequ

Banking with Labour Rights: Exploring the Challenges of Mainstreaming Extra-Financial Information into Financing Relationships

The thesis presents the challenges involved in attempting to mainstream international labour rights standards into commercial financing relationships. In order to do so, it draws upon the financing relationships provided by the three most prolific banks in the coal-mining industry: BNP Paribas (France and England), Citi (United States of America) and Royal Bank of Scotland (Scotland). It underta

Discussing a federal Europe : The development of the European Commission's federalist discourse between 2001 and 2007

The presence of federalism in the EC’s discourse has changed between 2001 and 2007. The discourse analysis of three documents that the EC published in respectively 2001, 2005 and 2007 points out that federalism in the discourse has been very present in the EC’s discourse in 2001 and 2007, but has faded to the background in 2005. The application of historical institutionalism leads to the conclusio

Att synliggöra det osynliga rummet - Bildterapeuter och klientrelationen

Author: Karolina Taflin Title: To enlighten the invisible room – Art therapists and their relations to the client. [Translated title] Supervisor: Tabitha Wright Nielsen Assessor: Anna Angelin In art therapy the picture is a way to communicate. This is different from ordinary therapy where the language is the main way of communicating. From a social constructivism viewpoint the reality is always

Is high flow oxygen treatment beneficial or detrimental for normoxic patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for first time ST-elevation myocardial infarction; an interim analysis of the SOCCER-study.

Background: Routine oxygen therapy has for a long time been used as part of the standard treatment for myocardial infarction (MI), despite a lack of randomized controlled trials (RCT) to support the use. A recent Cochrane review on oxygen treatment for normoxic MI patients found no evidence supporting the use, rather the trend pointed towards possible harm for oxygen. The SOCCER-study (Supplementa