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Retrofocusing of Acoustic Wave Fields by Iterated Time Reversal

In the present paper an iterative time-reversal algorithm, that retrofocuses an acoustic wave field to its controllable part is established. For a fixed temporal support, i.e., transducer excitation time, the algorithm generates an optimal retrofocusing in the least-squares sense. Thus the iterative time-reversal algorithm reduces the temporal support of the excitation from the requirement of neglig

The Limits of Thought & the Mind-Body Problem

This paper gives an account of Colin McGinn's essay: "Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?". McGinn's answer to his own essay title is that the problem is forever beyond us due to the particular nature of our cognitive abilities. The present author offers a number of criticisms of the arguments which support this conclusion

Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in PPC and Diesel Engines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots ny fordonsteknik så har koldioxidutsläppen ökat med nästan 40% i Europa sedan 1990-talet. Detta beror främst på en tilltagande transport på våra vägar. Drivmedel som används inom transportsektorn är nästan uteslutande diesel och bensin, vilka härstammar från fossila bränslen. För att hantera konsekvenserna av transportfordons miljöpåverkan så blir lagstiftningen pThis thesis deals with large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion processes in direct injection internal combustion (IC) engines. Modeling of direct injection IC engine combustion involves modeling of turbulent spray/gas two-phase flow, modeling of chemical reactions of large hydrocarbon fuels and coupling of chemistry with turbulent flows. LES is chosen in this thesis for it capability

European Convention on Human Rights in Latvia: Impact on legal doctrine and application of legal norms

Latvia offers an excellent point of departure for evaluating the influence of international human rights law through the European Convention on Human Rights on a sovereign state that has established itself as a democratic political system in the decline of the 20th century. This book explores the impact of the Convention on the domestic implementation of human rights provisions by studying the cas

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Non-Swirling Turbulent Stratified and Premixed Methane/Air Flames

This paper reports proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analyses for the velocity fields measured in a test burner. The Cambridge/Sandia Stratified Swirl Burner has been used in various studies as a benchmark for high resolution scalar and velocity measurements, for comparison with numerical model prediction. Flow field data was collected for a series of bluff-body stabilized premixed and stratif

Exploring and improving NOAA AVHRR NDVI image quality for African Drylands

The accuracy of NOAA AVHRR NDVI maximum value composites can be poor due to interference from several sources, including cloud cover. The objectives of this paper are; 1. to accurately quantify noise in this imagery over Africa using geostatistics, and 2. to test four compositing techniques that may be able to reduce this noise. The nugget of the variogram model is used to compute standardized noi

In the tension field between politics, practice and science - supervision of degree papers in the School of Teacher Education at Halmstad University, Sweden

In the teacher education programme at Halmstad University, Sweden, the supervision and examination of the students’ degree papers recently changed. Groups of students are now supervised by supervisor pairs, who in turn are part of a team that is coached by a colleague. The examination of the degree papers has also changed, in that the examination is conducted by someone outside the supervising tea

Photodynamic therapy and laser-based diagnostic studies of malignant tumours

Popular Abstract in Swedish Två icke-termiska modaliteter utnyttjande ljusets växelverkan med biologisk vävnad beskrivs i den aktuella avhandlingen. De två modaliteterna är fotodynamisk tumörterapi (PDT) och laser-inducerad fluorescens (LIF) för vävnadsdiagnostik. Fotodynamisk tumörterapi är en behandlingsform där ett tillfört fotosensibiliserande ämne reagerar med icke-joniserande strålning och Two non-thermal regimens of light interaction with biological tissue, that are in a natural way connected, are discussed in the present thesis. These are photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of malignant tumours and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for tissue characterization. In PDT, a photochemical reaction is induced by non-ionizing electromagnetic irradiation in tissue where photosens