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Brandskydd i Trosa trähusbebyggelse

In the city of Trosa there is an old district of beautiful buildings of timber houses. The community of Trosa is very kind of protecting and preserve the culture heritage that the buildings reprehensive and the unique surroundings. The Community has the overarching responsibility for the safety of fire for the citizens and the buildings in the area. For each specific private house the owner has hi

European Spallation Source ur ett riskperspektiv

The aim of this report is to evaluate the safety impact on the public from the construction of a neutron spallation source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. ESS is to use the highly flammable hydrogen gas for ion source and cooling agent and mercury for neutron production. The report accounts for the major risks the facility will cause and discusses what actions can be taken to reduce the impact these phenom

Reliability of automatic sprinkler systems - An analysis of available statistics

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of this report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according t

King of Cord. En fallstudie av komplexitetsledarskapsteori i Doro AB

Uppsatsen genomför en empirisk studie av komplexitetsledarskapsteorin med fokus på att identifiera administrativt ledarskap samt möjliggörande ledarskap för att på detta sätt pröva ovan komplexitetsledarskapsteorin. Detta görs genom en fallstudie på Doro AB. Uppsatsen kan bekräfta komplexitetsteorins syn på att ett administrativt ledarskap tenderar att göra en organisation stel utifrån ett innovat

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av AF-borgen i Lund

This report, written as an educational feature in a mandatory course at the Fire engineering program, Lund University, is a fire safety evaluation of “AF-borgen” in Lund, Sweden. The report focuses on human safety regarding evacuation and analysis of possible fire hazards with the designed fire. Studies have also been made, where different parameters has been changed such as faster growth rate and

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden

The purpose of this document is to evaluate the safety of persons in case of fire at Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, south of Stockholm. The project has been carried out as a part of the education of Fire Safety Engineers at Lund Institute of Technology. The focus of the report is to evaluate the possibilities of a safe egress from the building in case of fire and to estimate the potential hazards that

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Väsby centrum

This report is an evaluation of the fire safety at Väsby Centrum. The report is based on representative fire scenarios, interviews and observations. The fire scenarios have been simulated using CFAST with supporting data from Detact T2. The results from these programs and hand calculations have been compared to evacuation simulations done in Simulex. These comparisons together with the interviews

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Tekniska nämndhuset, Huddinge

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Tekniska nämndhuset in Huddinge. The focus of the report is on the safety of people during evacuation in case of fire. Property and environmental damage has not been taken into consideration. Tekniska nämndhuset is an office building accommodating several administrations within Huddinge municipality, there is no co-operation regarding fi

A Panel Cointegration Analysis of the Euro area money demand

Using panel cointegration structure for eleven European monetary union (EMU) countries we check Driscoll money demand model (where three different types of variables are used) that the variables of this model has a long run relationship or not. These variables are Real M3, Real GDP and opportunity cost. As opportunity cost we use long term interest rate, deposit interest rate and spread between lo

Att Leva som vi lär

Lunds universitet har länge arbetat aktivt för att få en miljövänlig verksamhet. Detta arbete har inte fallit ut till belåtenhet vid flera utvärderingar, och målen som ställs upp har inte kunnat uppfyllas. I praktiken sker en stor del av miljöarbetet på institutionsnivå, där prefekterna har huvudansvaret. I denna uppsats har intervjuer med ett urval av institutionsprefekterna utförts. Dessa har le

Är Sverige ditt andra hem? -En kvalitativ studie om den kulturella anpassningsprocessen

Författare Darina Nilsson Titel Är Sverige ditt andra hem? En kvalitativ studie om kommunikationens roll och identitetsförändring under den kulturella anpassningsprocessen. Institution Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Handledare Marja Åkerström Examinator Helena Sandberg Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att med utgångspunk i Kims teori om kulturell anpassningsprocess,

Vårdanläggningar - Från djupstudie till vägledning, för att höja eller bibehålla säkerheten rörande brand och utrymning

The importance of fire and evacuation safety in institutional cares is the main focus of this report. It is written around seven work areas that should be considered to create a high or satisfactory safety level. The report shows that the safety of the patient is directly linked to the nursing staff, since the patient is likely to need assistance both in a situation of fire and in an evacuation si

Räddningsmanskapets säkerhet under insats - kriterier för analytisk dimensionering

In order to simplify the consideration of fire fighter safety for contractors, engineers and others when planning buildings, this report has generated criteria that define a reasonable safe environment to fire fighters. If these criteria are to be used on a national basis, a more equal level of safety for the fire fighters will be achieved no matter where a building is erected. In this report diff

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Söraskolan

This report is a fire safety evaluation for Söraskolan situated in Åkersberga, Sweden. The school has been evaluated regarding both egress time and time to untenable conditions. Egress safety was simulated with SIMULEX and time to untenable conditions was simulated with FDS 4. The assessment in this report is that Söraskolan has several problems and the present fire safety level is not acceptable.

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg. This report has been carried out as a part of the students´ education and does not concern protection of property or environment, but focuses on the safety of people during egress. Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg is a commercial four-storey building, which consists of a conserthall, theatre, restaurant, mus