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Your search for "*" yielded 531638 hits

ENN-SA : A novel neuro-annealing model for multi-station drought prediction

This paper presents a new hybrid model, called ENN-SA, for spatiotemporal drought prediction. In ENN-SA, an Elman neural network (ENN) is conjugated with simulated annealing (SA) optimization and support vector machine (SVM) classification algorithms for the standardized precipitation index (SPI) modeling at multiple stations. The proposed model could be applied to predict SPI at different time sc

U-Rania : A neutron detector based on μ-rwell technology

In the framework of the ATTRACT-uRANIA project, funded by the European Community, we are developing an innovative neutron imaging detector based on micro-Resistive WELL (μ-RWELL) technology. The μ-RWELL, based on the resistive detector concept, ensuring an efficient spark quenching mechanism, is a highly reliable device. It is composed by two main elements: A readout-PCB and a cathode. The amplifi

CRISPR-terapi visar potential – möjligheter och utmaningar

CRISPR är en revolutionerande teknik som möjliggör effektiv redigering av DNA.Kliniska studier med CRISPR-baserade terapier för blodsjukdomar och cancer pågår redan.Framtida tillämpningar av CRISPR kan förväntas bli breda men förutsätter etiska, juridiska och hälsoekonomiska överväganden.

A note on performance indicators for agricultural economic journals

We investigate various performance indicators of ten leading journals in the field of Agricultural Economics and Policy over the period from 2000 to 2020. More specifically, we combine various data sources to derive a coherent record of indicators including acceptance rates, times between submission and first response and impact factors. We show that, for the discipline at large, the turn-around t

The fine-grained complexity of computing the tutte polynomial of a linear matroid

We show that computing the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension k on kO(1) points over a field of kO(1) elements requires kΩ(k) time unless the #ETH-a counting extension of the Exponential Time Hypothesis of Impagliazzo and Paturi [CCC 1999] due to Dell et al. [ACM TALG 2014]-is false. This holds also for linear matroids that admit a representation where every point is associated to a

Receptors for hematopoietic regulatory cytokines : overview of structure and function

The production of blood cells is regulated by the action of external factors, cytokines, that can be released by many cell types. In the first place, a population of multipotent stem cells, mostly in the resting Go phase of the cell cycle, but with self-renewal capacity, gives rise to progenitor cells that are predetermined for differentiation into all kinds of blood cells. Expression of genes for

Fixation classification: how to merge and select fixation candidates

Eye trackers are applied in many research fields (e.g., cognitive science, medicine, marketing research). To give meaning to the eye-tracking data, researchers have a broad choice of classification methods to extract various behaviors (e.g., saccade, blink, fixation) from the gaze signal. There is extensive literature about the different classification algorithms. Surprisingly, not much is known a

Limited Distal Repair Results in Low Rates of Distal Events Following Surgery for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection

To investigate mortality and reoperation rates following limited distal repair after acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) at a single medium volume institution. We analyzed all patients that underwent limited distal repair (ascending aortic or hemiarch replacement) following ATAAD between January 1998 and April 2020 at our institution. During the study period, 489 patients underwent ATAAD surger

Temperature-Dependent Crystallization Mechanisms of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite From Different Solvents

Hybrid perovskites are a novel type of semiconductors that show great potential for solution-processed optoelectronic devices. For all applications, the device performance is determined by the quality of the solution-processed perovskite thin films. During solution processing, the interaction of solvent with precursor molecules often leads to the formation of solvate intermediate phases that may d

Racemic Ketamine as an Alternative to Electroconvulsive Therapy for Unipolar Depression: : A Randomized, Open-Label, Non-Inferiority Trial (KetECT)

BackgroundKetamine has emerged as a fast-acting and powerful antidepressant, but no head to head trial has been performed, Here, ketamine is compared with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), the most effective therapy for depression.MethodsHospitalized patients with unipolar depression were randomized (1:1) to thrice-weekly racemic ketamine (0.5 mg/kg) infusions or ECT in a parallel, open-label, non-

New remains of scandiavis Mikkelseni inform avian phylogenetic relationships and brain evolution

Although an increasing number of studies are combining skeletal and neural morphology data in a phylogenetic context, most studies do not include extinct taxa due to the rarity of preserved endocasts. The early Eocene avifauna of the Fur Formation of Denmark presents an excellent opportunity for further study of extinct osteological and endocranial morphology as fossils are often exceptionally pre

Grand unified origin of gauge interactions and families replication in the standard model

The tremendous phenomenological success of the Standard Model (SM) suggests that its flavor structure and gauge interactions may not be arbitrary but should have a fundamental first-principle explanation. In this work, we explore how the basic distinctive properties of the SM dynamically emerge from a unified New Physics framework tying together both flavor physics and Grand Unified Theory (GUT) c

Att vara filosof i en tvärvetenskaplig miljö

Inom den moderna universitetsvärlden är filosofi inte en brett utforskande intellektuell verksamhet utan ett “ämne”, en “disciplin”, med interna normer och traditioner för vad man gör, hur man gör det och vad som är ett filosofiskt problem. Hur filosofi som akademisk disciplin förhåller sig till andra discipliner är en stor fråga, men delvis kan den illustreras av hur det är att som filosof verka

A day in the life of people with severe mental illness living in supported housing

Background: People with severe mental illness (SMI) living in supported housing (SH) struggle in everyday life and we currently lack a comprehensive body of knowledge concerning how the residents experience their day. This paper aimed to gain knowledge about how people with SMI describe a day in SH in Sweden, in particular the activities they most frequently engage in and how they experience what