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Referral hiring in a recruitment situation: The importance of favoritism, fairness and gender.

Which factors will influence who you choose to recommend in referral hiring? Questions regarding nepotism and referral hiring were examined in the study. Special focus was laid on in group favoritism, perceived fairness and gender. With an experiment participants were faced with a scenario where they were asked to select a replacer for a job spot. In the experiment the participants were faced with

Convergence in Income Per Capita in the EMU Regions: An empirical investigation of sigma and beta convergence

There are large differences in income level and growth across the members of the European and Monetary Union, and the differences are even larger at a regional level. As integration intensifies an important question is whether the disparities in terms of per capita incomes will diminish. The purpose of the paper is to empirically test the hypothesis of per capita income convergence among 144 NUTS-

Glada medarbetare bland miljontals kunder - Arbetsglädjearbete hos Gekås Ullared

Arbetet med medarbetares arbetsglädje speglas i den framtagna modellen kring arbetsglädje där förutom den psykiska arbetsmiljön fokus även råder kring en motiverande miljö, delaktiga ledare samt kommunikation och feedback. Medarbetare på Gekås Ullared anser att arbetsglädje är samt uppstår i gemenskapen med kollegor, den dagliga kontakten med kunder och beroende på ledarnas delaktighet i det dagli

Vem styr, Ledningen eller Kulturen? - Hur organisationskultur påverkar vid förändring

SYFTE Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur organisationer beaktar sin kultur och även om det går att använda kulturen som en konkurrensfördel. METOD & TEORI Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av ett förändringsprojekt på en högtek- nologisk industri i Sverige. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ studie med en tolkande ansats. Det teoretiska ramverket baseras på teori kring organisationskultur, föränd

Gender, migration and domestic work: the Italian case and Europe’s dilemma

It is common for Italian women hire domestic workers, often migrants, informally without contracts or contracts which reflects some hours and not the reality. As the country gives a high statistical number of Italian female unemployment the interest in the subject was born. The aim of the research is to get knowledge if the “living law” reflects the “juristic law” among six Italian women with dome

Hur motiveras oegennyttiga handlingar?

Syftet med min uppsats är att ta reda på hur unga människor motiveras till att arbeta ideellt och hur de resonerar kring det. För att göra det ska jag utgå ifrån mina informanters berättelser. Dessa motiveringar kan skilja sig mycket ifrån varandra. Dock är det intressant att se om det finns några mönster som kan öka förståelsen för valet till engagemang. Jag vill också ta reda på om motiveringar

Konstnärens Överlevnad - En studie i livet som yrkesverksam konstnär

The purpose of the present study has been to explore artists and their life-choices in and works of today, how to lead a life and how to make a profession count. The allembracing research question is: “What does an artist’s life look like in today’s society?”. The study looks at the reason that they have chosen their profession and the possibilities in promoting themselves and how they survive bot

The Japanese Motion Verb Kuru - Deixis in Dialects

The focus of this paper is the dialectal usage and divergence of the Japanese verb kuru ‘to come’ found in Kyushu, Okinawa, Toyama, Ishikawa, northern Gifu and Shimane. In said areas kuru is used in the same way as the verb iku ‘to go’ in standard Japanese. A survey concerning this aspect of the different dialects has been carried out. The results are examined to find possible differences between

Package Design: The use of informative and visual elements in package design

Today, package has more obligations than just protecting the product. Consumers see the product and package as an integrated part and requires luxurious and prestigious package in order to attract them. This has forced companies to improve their package design to be able to sell their products. Both companies and consumers use it for different reasons but the visibility on the shelf remains the sa

GIS-based time series study of soil erosion risk using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model in a micro-catchment on Mount Elgon, Uganda

Land degradation has already been treated as one of the most serious problem all around the world. This study is a GIS-based time series study which devotes to calculate annual soil loss value, seek for soil erosion trends linked with precipitation and land use in Manafwa micro-catchment, Mount Elgon region, Uganda. Two different versions of Revised Universal Soil loss Equation (RUSLE) are impleme

Inclusion of Waste Collectors in Brazil: A posteriori study of cooperative interventions

In developing countries the informal waste collectors provide important social, environmental, and economic services to society, but are often not recognized nor compensated for the work. This research paper addresses the importance of the integration of informal waste collectors in waste management systems. This phenomenon is especially relevant in Brazil with a comprehensive urban solid waste la

The Impact of the New Reforms as Introduced within the ECHR Framework – with Focus on the Extended Application of the Principle Of Subsidiarity

his paper analyses the structural principles used to apply the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [hereafter the ECHR or Convention] 1950. It reviews some of principles and tools of application utilised by the Strasbourg court when adjudicating to discern the rationale behind the instrument. The main issue that the thesis tackles relates to looking at the principle of sub

Non-invasive genetic monitoring of large carnivores in the Iranian Caucasus: a pilot study

Popular science summary: Non-invasive genetic monitoring of large carnivores Proper conservation planning of endangered wildlife populations is closely tied to availability of scientifically-sound abundance and distribution data. However, inquiring high quality data for rare or elusive carnivore species inhabiting remote habitats is extremely challenging. Non-invasive collection of DNA sources (

A probabilistic description of neutron scattering in a polycrystalline material

The aim of this thesis is to give a statistical description of a neu- tron traversing a neutron detector system consisting of a polycrys- talline support material. The material used as support material in this project is aluminium although the results are applicable to any polycrystalline material. A mathematical description of the possible interactions in the detector system will be given, from w

Private Imports of Infringing Goods – How does the Manufacturing Fiction Apply?

Den 8 november 2011 gav den danska Sjö- och Handelsrätten en dom i Rolex III som resulterade i en del osäkerhet angående det rättsliga klimatet kring intellektuella rättigheter, i synnerhet angående privata importer av varor som gör intrång i sådana rättigheter. Avgörandet i Rolex III är kontroversiellt eftersom det förlitar sig på användandet av en legal fiction på ett sådant sätt att avgörandetsOn November 8th 2011 the Danish Maritime and Commercial Court pronounced a ruling on the Rolex III case which caused uncertainty regarding the legal climate of intellectual property law, specifically the importation of infringing goods for private use. As the Rolex III case is quite a controversial ruling, relying on the use of legal fiction in such a way that its legal validity is questionable, i

Regional Integration

Jag har i denna uppsats förklarat varför den regionala integrationen ser olika ut inom EU och NAFTA. Genom att analysera olika faktorer som t ex regional maktbalans och utformning av institutionerna har jag förklarat hur teorierna realism och neofunktionalism ser på regional integration och vilka faktorer som påverkar den regionala integrationen. Realismen fokuserar då på hur maktbalansen ser ut i

"Agents of positive change"

Kvinnor diskrimineras idag politiskt, ekonomiskt och socialt i Bosnien-Herzegovina på grund av rådande strukturer. Staten har ingen tydlig handlingsplan för att arbeta mot diskrimineringen och därför har det de senaste åren startats kvinnoorganisationer i landet, som arbetar med att stärka kvinnors rättigheter. Denna uppsats är en flerfallsstudie och utgår från en feministisk ståndpunktsepistemolo

Företag och demokratisering

Det internationella politiska systemet, med FN i spetsen, klargör med tydlighet att multinationella företag har att förhålla sig till suveräna staters nationella lagstiftning och sedvänja. Detta system skapar ett juridiskt och moraliskt vakuum för multinationella företag som verkar i länder där rättsstaten är svag, arbetsrätten dåligt utvecklad och grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter inte understö