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Why Bayesian Agents Polarize
Luminescence and vacuum ultraviolet excitation spectroscopy of cerium doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 single crystalline scintillators under synchrotron radiation excitations
Cerium doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 (GGAG) single crystals as well as GGAG:Ce single crystals co-doped by divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+), trivalent (Sc3+) or tetravalent (Zr4+, Ti4+) ions have been studied by means of the excitation luminescence spectroscopy in vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. Synchrotron radiation from the undulator beam was utilized for the luminescence excitation in the energy range from 4.5 to
Interaction between cyclists and right turning motor vehicles at signalised intersections : Field observations and interviews with cyclists
The aim of the study presented in this report was to investigate what cues cyclists use to interpret the intention of motor vehicles (MVs) they interact with. This was done with help of on-site observations of cyclists’ interactions with motor vehicles (MV) at signalised intersections with different bicycle infrastructure facilities: A) no dedicated cycle facility, B) cycle lane and C) cycle path.The aim of the study presented in this report was to investigate what cues cyclists use to interpret the intention of motor vehicles (MVs) they interact with. This was done with help of on-site observations of cyclists’ interactions with motor vehicles (MV) at signalised intersections with different bicycle infrastructure facilities: A) no dedicated cycle facility, B) cycle lane and C) cycle path.
Using a Hierarchical Weibull model to Predict Failure Strength of Different Glass Edge Profiles
The edge strength of glass is analyzed using a Weibull statistical framework based on 78 data samples from a range of experiments recorded in literature. Based on the analysis, a 45 MPa strength value (computed as the lower bound in a one-sided confidence interval at the 75% level for the 5-percentile in the distribution) could be conservatively used with arrised, ground and polished edges when re
Simulation of the Effect of Inhomogeneities in TEM Transmission Cells using the FDTD-Method
The finite difference time domain (FDTD)-method is applied to model transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission cells in three dimensions. The perturbation of the TEM-mode and the standard field distribution in the TEM-cell, due to inhomogeneous materials placed inside the cell cavity, is evaluated. Particularly, the dependence of the disturbance of the TEM-mode on the dimensions of the material
Vad vet vi egentligen om spanska sjukans ekonomiska konsekvenser?
Att öppna dörren till forskartillvaron
Data Narrator : Digital Chronotopes in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction
In this brief comparison of three examples from contemporary Chinese SF, we see the impossible topology of the digital realm envisioned as a lightscape, a seascape, and as a cityscape under surveillance. The digital chronotopes explored include the computer-generated alternative reality in Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem, the ocean of data in Tang Fei's “Call Girl,” and language as World Wide W
Higher risk of major adverse cardiac events after acute myocardial infarction in patients with schizophrenia
BACKGROUND: Patients with schizophrenia are a high-risk population due to higher prevalences of cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities that contribute to shorter life expectancy.PURPOSE: To investigate patients with and without schizophrenia experiencing an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in relation to guideline recommended in-hospital management, discharge medications and 5-year major a
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Klumme om litterær materialisme og nye bogobjekter
Marknadsföring och varumärken i kollektivtrafiken : Rapport från en kvalitativ studie
Kollektivtrafiken är en viktig del i omställningen till ett mer miljömässigt hållbart resande. De alltmer marknads- och kundorienterade regionala kollektivtrafikmyndigheterna marknadsför sig idag med en mängd budskap i en växande flora av kanaler som direktutskick, hemsidor och appar. Denna kommunikation och marknadsföring är en del av den påverkan som resenären har att förhålla sig till i ett all
Interaction between Cyclists and Motor Vehicles : the role of infrastructure design and vehicle characteristics
The aim of the project was to examine interactions between motor vehicle drivers and cyclists at intersections and the impact of infrastructure design and motor vehicle characteristics on interactive behaviour. The project activities included literature reviews on cycling infrastructure at intersections, vehicle driver behaviour and cyclist behaviour; questionnaires among motor vehicle drivers andThe aim of the project was to examine interactions between motor vehicle drivers and cyclists at intersections and the impact of infrastructure design and motor vehicle characteristics on interactive behaviour. The project activities included literature reviews on cycling infrastructure at intersections, vehicle driver behaviour and cyclist behaviour; questionnaires among motor vehicle drivers and
Strategic communication at the organizational frontline : Towards a better understanding of employees as communicators
The idea of employees as important (strategic) communicators has emerged in both strategic communication theory and practice during the 21st century. Researchers increasingly urge managers to consider employees as important communicators, and employees’ communication role is increasingly formalized as organizations explicate the importance of all employees taking responsibility for communication i
Closing Remarks
A Light Signalling Approach to Node Grouping for Massive MIMO IoT Networks
Massive MIMO is a promising technology to connect very large numbers of energy constrained nodes, as it offers both extensive spatial multiplexing and large array gain. A challenge resides in partitioning the many nodes in groups that can communicate simultaneously such that the mutual interference is minimized. We here propose node partitioning strategies that do not require full channel state in
Valuable snapshots of deep time
Religion, livssyn och moral : Antologi för gymnasiet
En antologi för gymnasiets religionskunskap med ett urval av texter - faktatexter, debattexter, berättande texter, dikter och sångtexter. Till samtliga finns inledande presentationer och diskussionsfrågor.
Evaluation of penicillin G susceptibility testing methods for Staphylococcus lugdunensis
BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus lugdunensis belongs to the CoNS group, but is regarded to be more virulent than most other CoNS. It is also remarkably susceptible to antibiotics, including penicillin G. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate different methods for penicillin susceptibility testing, to assess penicillin susceptibility rates among S. lugdunensis and to describe the clinical presentation including antibi
Karriär och profession. : Om positioner, statushierarki och mobilitet inom socionomyrket.
Samhällsreformer och utvecklingen inom den svenska offentliga sektorn har omformat förutsättningarna för socionomyrket och andra professioner samt förändrat socionomernas arbetsområde. Jag har använt begreppet karriär för att undersöka förändringar inom socionomprofessionen, eftersom det ger ett perspektiv för att belysa stabilitet och förändring samt kan fånga både externa och interna krafter i pSocietal reforms and development within the Swedish public sector have reframed the prerequisites for social workers, and other professions, and changed the area of work practice. I have used the career concept in order to investigate professional change because it provides a conceptual lens to illuminate stability and change and it captures both external and internal professional processes. To ma