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Your search for "*" yielded 531662 hits

Surface rheology and morphology of beer protein and iso-humulone at air-liquid surface

Foam is one of the unique properties of beer, but how the amphiphilic components stabilize the foam is still not fully understood. This study concerns the main surface active components. For this purpose, protein from barley and iso-humulone from hop, were extracted from raw materials separately to be able to consider their effect separately and in the controlled mixture. The layers were formed in

Long term transcriptional and behavioral effects in mice developmentally exposed to a mixture of endocrine disruptors associated with delayed human neurodevelopment

Accumulating evidence suggests that gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may interfere with normal brain development and predispose for later dysfunctions. The current study focuses on the exposure impact of mixtures of EDCs that better mimics the real-life situation. We herein describe a mixture of phthalates, pesticides and bisphenol A (mixture N1) detected in pregnant w

An In Vitro Partial Lesion Model of Differentiated Human Mesencephalic Neurons : Effect of Pericyte Secretome on Phenotypic Markers

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterised by the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Post-mortem data suggests that the loss of DA markers may long precede the cell death, leaving a window to rescue the DA phenotype. Screening for potential neuroprotective or restorative therapies, however, requires that partial lesions of DA neurons can be

Association of the bleeding time test with aspects of traumatic brain injury in patients with alcohol use disorder

Background—aim: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) can occur concomitantly and be associated with coagulopathy that influences TBI outcome. The use of bleeding time tests in TBI management is controversial. We hypothesized that in TBI patients with AUD, a prolonged bleeding time is associated with more severe injury and poor outcome. Material and methods: Moderate and seve

Refining predictions of metacommunity dynamics by modeling species non-independence

Predicting the dynamics of biotic communities is difficult because species’ environmental responses are not independent, but covary due to shared or contrasting ecological strategies and the influence of species interactions. We used latent-variable joint species distribution models to analyze paired historical and contemporary inventories of 585 vascular plant species on 471 islands in the southw

Coffeehouses (Re)Appropriated: Counterpublics and Cultural Resistance in Tabriz, Iran

Over the last decade, traditional coffeehouses have attracted increasing interest in the city of Tabriz, Iran, in the contextof consistent state monitoring and restriction of public life—particularly so among non-Persian ethnolinguistic populations.Relying on a combination of ethnographic methods (observations, interviews, and visual documentation), this articleexplores the everyday life of two co

A general model of dissonance reduction: unifying past accounts via an emotion regulation perspective

Cognitive dissonance has been studied for more than 60 years and many insightful findings have come from this research. However, some important theoretical and methodological issues are yet to be resolved, particularly regarding dissonance reduction. In this paper, we place dissonance theory in the larger framework of appraisal theories of emotion, emotion regulation, and coping. The basic premise

Emerging biomarkers in cardiometabolic disease

AbstractThe epidemiological association between diabetes and heart failure is well-established and the two entities areemerging as global threats, both individually and synergistically, to an aging population. The exploration of multipleproteins can shed light on pathophysiological pathways in both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This canpossibly provide novel diagnostic, prognostic and hopef

Pathway analysis of skeletal kinetic mechanisms for small alcohol fuels at engine conditions

Seven skeletal reaction mechanisms are presented to highlight key chemistry for mechanism reduction of small alcohol fuels at engine conditions. The mechanisms predict ignition delay times, laminar burning velocity, and extinction strain rate, within 5% of their corresponding complex mechanisms used as a start point for reduction. The mechanisms were developed for equivalence ratio range of 0.7–1.

Apolipoprotein E triggers complement activation in joint synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients by binding C1q

We identified apolipoprotein E (ApoE) as one of the proteins that are found in complex with complement component C4d in pooled synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Immobilized human ApoE activated both the classical and the alternative complement pathways. In contrast, ApoE in solution demonstrated an isoform-dependent inhibition of hemolysis and complement deposition at the level

The concept of urban hibernation: Scientific note

This scientific note aims to briefly introduce the concept of urban hibernation, published recently (September 2015) in an article with the same name in European Planning Studies (Routledge). By outlining some general characteristics, the purpose of this note is merely to put the reader’s attention to this concept, whom we remit to the original article for a comprehensive walk-through. The reason